444 results filtered with: Peru
- Books
Indian skeletal material from the central coast of Peru / by Marshall T. Newman. with a synopsis of the archaeology / by Gordon R. Willey.
Newman, Marshall Thornton, 1911-Date: 1947- Books
- Online
Quinografia portugueza ou collecção de varias memorias sobre vinte e duas especies de quinas, tendentes ao seu descobrimento nos vastos dominios do Brasil, copiada de varios authores modernos : enriquecida com cinco estampas de quinas verdadeiras, quatro de falsas, e cinco de balsameiras ... e colligida de ordem de sua alteza real o Principe do Brasil / Por Fr. José Mariano Velloso.
Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição, 1742-1811.Date: 1799- Books
Tasa de la visita general de Francisco de Toledo / introduction y versión paleográfica de Noble David Cook y los estudios de: Alejandro Málaga Medina, Thérese Bouysse Cassagne.
Date: 1975- Books
Voir, savoir, pouvoir : le chamanisme chez les Yagua du nord-est péruvien / Jean-Pierre Chaumeil.
Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre.Date: [1983], ©1983- Ephemera
- Online
"El Diablo todavía me habla- pero ya no le hago caso" : el Liranol controla la agitación aguda con eficacia, seguridad y minimos efectos secundarios / Wyeth International Limited.
Date: [1958]- Ephemera
- Online
Gripe, resfrios : Cequigripe Roussel / Laboratorios Roussel Perú S.A.
Date: [1958]- Books
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South American archæology : an introduction to the archæology of the South American continent with special reference to the early history of Peru / by Thomas A. Joyce.
Joyce, Thomas Athol, 1878-1942.Date: 1912- Books
Kitchen remnants left by the pre-colombian people who inhabited the Peruvian Coast / by Juan J. Maldonado and Juan de Dios Guevara.
Maldonado, Juan J.Date: [1957]- Books
The royal commentaries of Peru, in two parts. The first part. Treating of the original of their incas or kings of their idolatry: of their laws and government both in peace and war: of the reigns and conquests of the Incas ... The scond [sic] part. Describing the manner by which that new world was conquered by the Spaniards. Also the civil wars between the Piçarrists and the Almagrians ... and other particulars contained in that history. Illustrated with sculptures / Written originally in Spanish, by the Inca Garcilasso de la Vega, and Rendered into English, by Sir Paul Rycaut, kt.
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616.Date: 1688- Books
La escuela medica peruana : por los senderos de Unánue / C.E. Paz Soldan.
Paz-Soldán, Carlos Enrique, 1885-1972.Date: 1932- Books
Note on diphtheria in Peru / by Dr. Archibald Smith.
Smith, Archibald.Date: 1862- Books
Schamanistische Volksmedizin in Peru / Till Below.
Below, Till.Date: 1997- Books
- Online
Peruvian antiquities / by Mariano Edward Rivero and John James von Tschudi ; translated by Francis L. Hawks.
Rivero y Ustáriz, Mariano Eduardo de, 1798-1857.Date: 1854- Ephemera
Postage stamps ephemera. Box 9B.
- Pictures
- Online
Two men facing each other holding phone receivers wearing white masks to imply confidentiality; an advertisement for an AIDS helpline for gay men in Peru. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
Date: [1995?]Reference: 679167i- Books
British medicine at high altitudes : the travels of Archibald Smith M.D. through the Peruvian Andes (1820-1870) / Jorge Lossio.
Lossio, Jorge.Date: 2003- Ephemera
- Online
Hacia la conquista de las manifestaciones alérgicas... : Trimeton, Cloro-Trimeton / Schering Corporation.
Date: [1951]- Books
The Harkness collection in the Library of Congress : calendar of Spanish manuscripts concerning Peru 1531-1651.
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division.Date: 1932- Books
Homenajo tributado al Profesor Doctor Angel Maldonado por la Sociedad Quimica del Peru el 17 de octubre de 1956.
Date: 1956- Ephemera
- Online
Medicación anti-histaminica : Neo-Alergan (metoxibencil dimetil amino piridina) : indicaciones urticaria, dermatosis, alergia gastrointestinal, rinitis, pruritis, asma / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
Date: [1950]- Journals
La Prensa médica.
- Books
- Online
Estado jurídico y social de los Indios / conferencia de D. Manuel Pedregal, pronunciada el día 18 de febrero de 1892.
Pedregal y Cañedo, Manuel, 1832-1896.Date: 1892- Journals
Revista del archivo nacional del Perú.
- Books
Leishmania in phlebotomid sandflies. VII, On the taxonomic status of Leishmania peruviana, causative agent of Peruvian 'uta', as indicated by its development in the sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis / by R. Lainson, P.D. Ready and J.J. Shaw.
Lainson, R.Date: 1979- Books
La ciencia en el Perú en el siglo XIX : selección de artículos publicados / por Luis Carranza.
Carranza, Luis, 1843-1898.Date: [1988-]