15 results filtered with: Medical Dictionaries
- Books
Nouveau dictionnaire de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques : illustre de figures intercalees dans le texte / redige par Bernutz, Boeckel, Buignet [and others] ; directeur de la redaction : le docteur Jaccoud.
Date: 1864-86- Books
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Medical translator. Second part: dictionary of medical terms, English, French, German / with the collaboration of M.D. Gustave Bresin, medical man; M.D. E.H. Shepard, Instructor College of Medicine, Syracuse University, N.Y., U.S.A.; Robert Lewin, reader of the German language for foreign physicians; by Paul Blaschke.
Blaschke, Paul, 1850-1933.Date: 1907- Books
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The cyclopedia of practical surgery : including an etymological and critical terminology; detailed descriptions of instruments and apparatus; a copious bibliography; and an historical view of the progress of the science to the present day: the whole presenting a complete digest alphabetically distributed, of the doctrines and practice of surgery / Conducted by William B. Costello ; assisted by numerous distinguished writers, in the various departments of medical and surgical science. Illustrated with numerous engravings and wood-cuts.
Costello, William Birmingham.Date: 1841- Books
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Dictionnaire des termes de medecine, chirurgie, anatomie, art veterinaire, pharmacie, histoire naturelle, physique, chimie, etc., augmente d'un supplement dans lequel sont compris les nouveaux termes introduits dans le langage des sciences medicales... / par Bégin et al.
Bégin, L. J. (Louis Jacques), 1793-1859.Date: 1830- Books
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A dictionary of medical diagnosis : a treatise on the signs and symptoms observed in diseased conditions / by Henry Lawrence McKisack.
McKisack, Henry Lawrence.Date: 1907- Books
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A medical glossary, in which the words in the various branches of medicine are deduced from their original languages, properly accented and explained.
Turton, William, 1762-1835.Date: 1802- Books
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Dictionnaire annuel des progrès des sciences et institutions médicales : suite et complément de tous les dictionnaires / par M.P. Garnier ; précédé d'une introduction par M. le docteur Amédée Latour.
Garnier, Pierre, 1899-Date: 1865-88- Books
- Online
Terminologie médico-pharmaceutique et anthropologique française-persane : avec traductions anglaise et allemande des termes français : Indications des lieux de provenance des principaus produits animaux et végétaux, détails nouveaux sur le gisement de plusiers minerais importants, sur les principales eaux minérales, sur la thérapeutique indigene et sur les maladies endémiques et particulieres les plus intéressantes des habitants de la Perse / par Joh. L. Schlimmer.
Schlimmer, Johann L.Date: 1874- Books
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Baḥr al-jawāhir / Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf al-Ṭabīb al-Harawī.
Muhammad Ibn Yusuf, al Harawi.Date: 1871- Books
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Encyclopaedia of the medical sciences ... forming a portion of the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.
Date: 1847- Books
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The new Sydenham society's lexicon of medicine and the allied sciences : (based on Mayne's lexicon) / by Henry Power and Leonard W. Sedgwick.
Power, H. (Henry), 1829-1911.Date: 1881-99- Books
- Online
A new medical dictionary; or general repository of physic : containing an explanation of the terms, and a description of the various particulars relating to anatomy, physiology, physic, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, &c. &c. &c. Each article, according to its importance, being considered in every relation to which its usefulness extends in the healing art / by G. Motherby.
Motherby, G. (George), 1732-1793.Date: 1785- Books
- Online
The compleat family physician, or, universal medical repository. Containing the Causes, Symptoms, Preventions, And Cures, Of all the various Maladies to which Human Nature is subject, from the Birth to the Grave. Including The Diseases peculiar to Seamen, as well as those of particular Climates; such as the East and West Indies, Coast of Guinea, Greenland, Newfoundland, &c. with the proper Methods of treating Lunaticks, and Persons who are subject to Fits of any Kind. - And the best and most approved Preservatives against Epidemick and Contagious Diseases; such as the Plague, Putrid Fevers, Gaol Distemper, and other Infections. Together with An Account of all the celebrated Spas-Not only of this Country, but such others also, as are of great Repute in other Parts of the World, and the Waters of which are usually imported into these Kingdoms; with some Observations on the Virtues and Efficacy of Sea Water and Bathing. Likewise, Strictures on Quackery in general; and a candid Examination of the respective Merits of James's Powder, Norton's Drops, Ormskirk Powder, Ward's Drops, And Other Popular Medicines. With a full Account of the various Kinds of Poisons, both Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral; and the best Methods of counteracting their respective Effects. - Also, the Means to be made use of for restoring Drowned or Strangled Persons, as published by the Humane Society; and the Plan of Dr. Hawes, Secretary to that benevolent Institution, for preventing Persons being buried Alive. To which is added, The family surgery. Containing Directions for treating Green and Old Wounds; proper Stypticks for immediately stopping the Blood in all Cases; and infallible Applications for the Cure of the Bite of Mad Animals, as well as the Bite or Sting of venomous Animals and Insects. With some approved Receipts for the Cure of Ringworms, Warts, Corns, Bruises, Carbuncles, &c. and Directions for managing the Eyes, Ears, Teeth, Nails, &c. so as to prevent Blindness, Deasness, and Lameness in the Feet. Also, The proper Methods of making and using Salves, Ointments, Pills, Cataplasms, Poultices, Fomentations, Embrocations, &c. &c. Together with The compleat British herbal. And A List of all such Drugs, Chymicals, &c. as are directed to be used in the different Preparations, with their Prices at Apothecaries Hall, London. The Whole Forming A Compleat Body Of AtDomestick Medicine, Calculated As well to assist Gentlemen of the Faculty, as for the Use of private Families; and in which the utmost Care is taken to recommend such Remedies as are most plain and simple, and of Course the least expensive, and readiest to be procured. By Hugh Smythson, M.D. Late Student at the University of Leyden. When, on the Bed of loath'd Disease, With streaming Eyes, Affection sees A Child, a Husband, Wife, or Friend, And fears the much-lov'd Victim's End; How sighs the sympathetick Heart, For Knowledge in the Healing Art! How fears, lest Want of Skill prevent The kind Assistance fondly meant! No more, by anxious Dread possess'd, Shall Terror fill the friendly Breast; Whilst in our Labours are combin'd The healing Arts of all Mankind.
Smythson, Hugh.Date: 1781- Books
- Online
Lexicon medicum in quo artis medicae termini anatomiae, chirurgicae, pharmaciae, chemiae, rei botanicae, etc. proprii dilucide breviterque exponuntur / Stephani Blancardi.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1832- Books
- Online
A new medical dictionary, or, General repository of physic : containing an explanation of the terms and a description of the various particulars relating to anatomy, physiology, physic, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, &c. &c. &c. : each article, according to its importance, being considered in every relation to which its usefulness extends in the healing art / by George Wallis.
Motherby, G. (George), 1732-1793.Date: 1795