11 results filtered with: Maluku (Indonesia)
- Books
The Ambonese curiosity cabinet / Georgius Everhardus Rumphius ; translated, edited, annotated, and with an introduction by E.M. Beekman.
Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702.Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
Between east and west : the Moluccas and the traffic in spices up to the arrival of Europeans / R. A. Donkin.
Donkin, R. A.Date: 2003- Books
- Online
The discovery and conquest of the Molucco and Phillipine Islands. Containing their history ... description ... habits, shape, and inclinations of the natives ... / Written in Spanish by Batholomew Lonardo De Agrensola ... Now translated into English [by J. Stevens] : illustrated with a map and several cuts.
Leonardo de Argensola, Bartolomé, 1562-1631.Date: [1708]- Books
Voyages of the Dutch brig of war Dourga, through the southern and little-known parts of the Moluccan Archipelago, and along the previously unknown southern coast of New Guinea, performed during the years 1825 and 1826 / by D.H. Kolff, Jun. Translated from the Dutch by George Windsor Earl.
Kolff, D. H. (Dirk Hendrik), 1800-1843.Date: 1840- Books
The food of Indonesia : authentic recipes from the Spice Islands / recipes by Heinz von Holzen & Lother Arsana ; food photography by Heinz von Holzen ; introduction and editing by Wendy Hutton.
Holzen, Heinz von.Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
- Online
Thesaurus imaginum piscium testaceorum quales sunt cancri, echini, echinometra, stellæ marinæ, &c. ut et cochlearum ... quibus accedunt conchylia, ut nautilus, cornu Ammonis, & conchæ univalviæ et bivalviæ ... denique mineralia ... / Quorum omnium maximam partem Georgius Everhardus Rumphius ... collegit; jam vero naturae amator et curiosus quidam in hunc ordinem digessit, et ... aeri incidi curavit.
Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702.Date: 1739- Books
A voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas from Balambangan : including an account of Magindano, Sooloo, and other islands performed in the Tartar galley, belonging to the Honourable East India Company, during the years 1774, 1775, and 1776 ... To which is added, a vocabulary of the Magindano tongue / By Captain Thomas Forrest.
Forrest, Thomas, 1729?-1802?Date: 1779- Books
A voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas from Balambangan ... during the years 1774, 1775, and 1776 ... / To which is added, a vocabulary of the Magindano tongue.
Forrest, Thomas, 1729?-1802?Date: 1780- Books
Poissons écrevisses et crabes, de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires, que l'on trouve autour des isles Moluques, et sur les côtes des Terres Australes: peints d'après nature durant la régime de messieurs Van Oudshoorn, Van Hoorn, Van Ribeek & Van Zwoll, successivement gouverneurs-généraux des Indes orientales pour la Compagnie de Hollande ... / divisé en deux tomes, dont le premier a été copié sur les originaux de Monsr. Baltazar Coyett ... Le second tome a été formé sur les recueils de Monsr. Adrien vander Stell ... avec une courte description de chaque poisson ... Donné au public par M. Louis Renard ... et augmenté d'une préface par Mr. Arnout Vosmaer.
Date: 1754- Books
Medizin und kultureller Wandel auf den Kei-Inseln / Winfried Effelsberg.
Effelsberg, Winfried.Date: 1985- Books
- Online
D'Amboinsche rariteitkamer, behelzende eene beschryvinge van allerhande zoo weeke als harde schaalvisschen, te weeten raare krabben, kreeften, en diergelyke zeedieren, als mede allerhande hoorntjes en schulpen, die men in d'Amboinsche Zee vindt: daar beneven zommige mineraalen, gesteenten, en soorten van aarde, die in d'Amboinsche, en zommige omleggende eilanden gevonden worden / Verdeelt in drie boeken. Beschreven door Georgius Everhardus Rumphius.
Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627-1702.Date: 1705