3 results filtered with: Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases, therapy
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A new and easy method of curing the fistula lacrymalis : to which is added, a dissertation on the epiphora vera, or, true watery eye, and the zeropthalmia, or dry eye / by Jonathan Wathen ; also, an appendix, on the treatment of patients after the operation for the cataract, in which are shewn, the evils attendant on long confinement and continued bandages, and an opposite practice recommended, illustrated with cases, by Jonathan Wathen Phipps.
Wathen, Jonathan, 1729-1808.Date: 1792- Books
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Quaenam, in curanda fistula lacrymali, praestantior methodus? : thesis, quam, Deo favente, in saluberrimâ Facultate Medicâ Parisiensi, praesentibus competitionis judicibus, publicis competitorum disputationibus subjiciet et propugnare conabitur, die Mercurii 18 Kalendas februarii anno 1824 / P.A. Dubois.
Dubois, Paul Augustin.Date: 1824- Books
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Essai sur l'emploi du nitrate d'argent dans la fistule lacrymale : dissertation présentée à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, et publiquement soutenue le 3 mai 1837 / par Laurent-Joseph-Adolphe Rolland.
Rolland, Laurent Joseph Adolphe.Date: 1837