9 results filtered with: Jews - Social life and customs
- Books
A guide to the Orthodox Jewish way of life for healthcare professionals / by Joseph Spitzer.
Spitzer, JosephDate: 1998- E-books
- Online
Framing Jewish culture : boundaries and representations / edited by Simon J. Bronner.
Date: 2014- Books
Die Lebensalter in der jüdischen Literatur : von physiologischem, rechts-, sitten- u. religionsgeschichtlichem Standpunkte betrachtet / von Leopold Löw.
Löw, Leopold, 1811-1875.Date: 1875- Books
- Online
Moses and Aaron. Civil and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient Hebrewes; observed, and at large opened, for the clearing of many obscure texts thorowout the whole Scripture : which texts are now added in the end of the booke ... Herein likewise is shewed what customes the Hebrewes borrowed from heathen people / By Thomas Godwyn.
Goodwin, Thomas, 1586 or 1587-1642.Date: 1631- Books
- Online
Oriental customs: or an illustration of the sacred Scriptures, by an explanatory application of the customs and manners of the Eastern nations, and especially the Jews. Therein alluded to, together with observations on many difficult and obscure texts, collected from the most celebrated travellers, and the most eminent critics / by Samuel Burder.
Burder, Samuel, 1773-1837.Date: 1802- Books
Families and family relations : as represented in early Judaism and early Christianity: texts and fictions ; papers read at a NOSTER Colloqium in Amsterdam, June 9-11, 1998 / edited by Jan Willem van Henten & Athalya Brenner.
Date: 2000- Books
Jewish life in the middle ages / by Israel Abrahams, M.A.
Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925.Date: 1896- E-books
- Online
Tradition and crisis : Jewish society at the end of the Middle Ages / Jacob Katz ; translated and with an afterword and bibliography by Bernard Dov Cooperman.
Katz, Jacob, 1904-1998.Date: 2000- Books
Die Sitten, Gebräuche und Krankheiten der alten Hebräer : nach der heiligen Schrift / historisch und kritisch dargestellt von J.P. Trusen.
Trusen, J. P. (Johann Peter), 1797-1857.Date: 1853