55 results filtered with: Infants - Diseases
- Books
Diseases of infancy and childhood / by Wilfrid Sheldon.
Sheldon, Wilfrid, 1901-Date: 1938- Books
Practical infant feeding / by Lewis Webb Hill.
Hill, Lewis Webb, 1889-1968.Date: 1922- Books
- Online
A treatise on the infantile remittent fever / By William Butter.
Butter, William, 1726-1805.Date: 1806- Books
Handbook of diseases of infants and children : for students and practitioners / by F.M.B. Allen.
Allen, F. M. B. (Frederick Martin Brice)Date: 1930- Books
De infantium sive puerorum, morborum, & symptomatum, dignotione, tum curatione liber: ex Graecorum, Latinorum & Arabum placitis, at[que] scitis diligenter erutus, concinnatus, & in publicam utilitatem editus, à Sebastiano Austrio Rubeaquensi, ... Adjecti sunt in frontispicio Hippocratis, Aphorismi, nouiter natorum adfectus enumerantes. In calce uero huius libri, Aphoristici sensus alij, ex autoribus hincinde citati. Eorundem de bona ualetudine tuenda, praescribentes praecepta.
Austrius, Sebastianus, -1550.Date: Anno M. D. XL. mense Augusto. [1540]- Books
- Online
Krankheiten der neugebornen und säuglinge : nach den neuesten klinischen und pathologisch-anatomischen im hospital der findelkinder zu Paris gemachten beobachtungen / Aus dem französischen frei bearb. von dr. Fr. Ludw. Meissner.
Billard, C. (Charles-Michel), 1800-1832.Date: 1829- Books
- Online
Meletemata de incremento, seu priore aetatis humane periodo : dissertatio medica ... praeside Christiano Gotthold Eschenbach ... A.D. VI mens. iul. A.O.R. MDCCCXIII publice defendit / auctor Christianus Augustus Kraft.
Kraft, Christian August.Date: 1813- Journals
- Online
Fetal medicine review
Date: ©1989-1991- Books
- Online
Congenital orbital sarcoma of endothelial origin in an infant : operation and preservation of globe / by Mortimer Frank.
Frank, Mortimer, 1874-1919.Date: [1903?]- Books
Pathology of the fetus and infant / by Edith L. Potter.
Potter, Edith Louise, 1901-1993.Date: [1961]- Books
- Online
On the wasting diseases of infants and children / by Eustace Smith.
Smith, Eustace, 1835-1914.Date: 1868- Books
Handbook of diseases of infants and children : for students and practitioners / by F.M.B. Allen.
Allen, F. M. B. (Frederick Martin Brice)Date: 1939- Books
- Online
Therapeutics of infancy and childhood / by A. Jacobi.
Jacobi, A. (Abraham), 1830-1919.Date: 1898- Books
The welfare of the infant and child / by Victoria E. M. Bennett.
Bennett, Victoria E. M. (Victoria Evelyn May)Date: 1932- Books
Nursing of children / Robert A. Lyon, Elgie M. Wallinger.
Lyon, Robert A. (Robert Aaron), 1900-1977.Date: 1959- Books
Diseases of infancy and childhood / by Wilfrid Sheldon.
Sheldon, Wilfrid, 1901-Date: 1943- Books
Textbook of pediatrics / edited by Waldo E. Nelson ; with the collaboration of eighty-five contributors.
Date: 1964- Books
- Online
On infantile laryngismus : with observations on artificial feeding, as a frequent cause of this complaint, and of other convulsive diseases of infants.
Reid, James, 1803-1854.Date: 1849- Books
- Online
Die Jugend-Blindheit : klinisch-statistiche Studien über die in den ersten 20 Lebensjahren auftretenden Blindheitsformen / von Hugo Magnus.
Magnus, Hugo, 1851-1924.Date: 1886- Books
Textbook of pediatrics / edited by Waldo E. Nelson ; with the collaboration of 70 contributors.
Date: 1954- Books
- Online
Traité pratique des maladies des nouveau-nés : des enfants a la mamelle et de la seconde enfance / par E. Bouchut.
Bouchut, E. (Eugène), 1818-1891.Date: 1878- Books
- Online
On a morbid affection of infancy : arising from circumstances of exhaustion, but resembling hydrencephalus / by Marshall Hall.
Hall, Marshall, 1790-1857.Date: 1829- Books
- Online
Handbuch zur Erkentniss und Heilung der Kinderkrankheiten.
Henke, Adolph (Adolph Christian Heinrich), 1775-1843.Date: 1830- Books
Textbook of pediatrics / edited by Waldo E. Nelson ; associate editors: Victor C. Vaughan, R. James McKay ; with the collaboration of 78 contributors.
Date: 1969- Books
Diseases of infancy and childhood / by Wilfrid Sheldon.
Sheldon, Wilfrid, 1901-Date: 1955