115 results filtered with: Hygiene - Early works to 1800
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne the[m] in health is translated out of the Latine tongue into Englishe, by Thomas Paynell, whiche booke is amended, augmented, and diligently imprinted. 1575.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [1575]- Books
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This is the myrour or glasse of helth : necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from the syckenes of the pestylence: and it sheweth howe the planettes raygne, in euery houre of the daye and the nyght: with the natures and exposicions of the .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monthes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes for manye diuers infyrmytes and diseases, that hurteth the body of man.
Moulton, ThomasDate: [not after 1531]]- Books
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The boke for to learne a man to be wyse in buyldyng of his howse for the helth of body [and] to holde quyetnes for the helth of his soule, and body : The boke for a good husbande to lerne.
Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549Date: [1550?]]- Books
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The castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the first author therof, syr Thomas Elyot knight, the yere of our lorde 1541.
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546Date: [1557?]- Books
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Vita sana & longa : the preservation of health and prolongation of life proposed and proved : in the due observance of remarkable præcautions, and daily practicable rules, relating to body and mind, compendiously abstracted from the institutions and law of nature / by E. Maynwaringe.
Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699?Date: 1669- Books
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The castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the first author therof, sir Thomas Elyot knight the yere of our lord 1541.
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546Date: [1560?]]- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated and punctually applied to every age and constitution of body. Much more enlarged than the former impressions / By Tho. Venner Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed by the same authour, a very necessary, and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe. With a censure of the medicinall faculties of the water of St. Vincents-Rocks neer the city of Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco. All which are likewise amplified since the former impressions.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1650- Books
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The English mans doctor. Or, The schoole of Salerne, Or physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing of the bodie of man in continuall health. Whereunto is adioyned precepts for the preseruation of health. Written by Henricus Ronsouius for the priuate vse of his sons. And now published for all those that desire to preserue their bodies in perfect health. Translated by Sir Iohn Harington.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1624- Books
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The castel of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the fyrste authour therof, syr Thomas Elyot knyght, the yere of oure lord 1541.
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546Date: [1541]]- Books
- Online
Hygieina, id est de sanitate tuenda medicinae pars prima / authore Timotheo Brighto Cantabrigiensi, medicinæ doctore.
Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615Date: [An. 1582]- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated and punctually applyed to every age and constitution of body : The fourth impression, amplified with many profitable additions. By Tob. Venner Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed a very necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe; with a censure of the medicinal faculties of the water of St. Vincent's Rocks near the city of Bristol. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco, by the same author.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: Anno 1660- Books
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This is the glasse of helth : A great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, y[t] wyll kepe theyr body from syckenesses, and dyseases: and it sheweth how the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye & the nyght, with the natures & exposicions of the .xii. sygnes, deuyded by the .xii. monethes of the yere. And after foloweth of all the euyll and daungerous dayes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for dyuers infyrmyties and dyseases, that hurteth the body of man.
Moulton, ThomasDate: [1547?]- Books
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The Englishmans doctor. Or, The schoole of Salerne, Or, Physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing of the body of man in continuall health.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1609- Books
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This is the myrrour or glass of healthe : necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that will kepe theyr bodye from the syckenesse of the pestylence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do reygne in euery houre of the day and night, with the natures and exposicions of the xii. sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedyes for dyuers iufyrmyties [sic] and diseases that hurtethe the bodye of man.
Moulton, ThomasDate: [1566]]- Books
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A newe boke of phisicke called ye gouernment of health : wherin be vttred many notable rules for ma[n]s preseruacio[n], with sondry simples [et] other matters, no lesse fruitfull then profitable: collect out of many approued authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of thunlearned. Wherunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence. By VVilliam Bullein.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [1559]- Books
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[The castell of helth].
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546Date: Anno. M.D. XLI. [1541]- Books
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In hoc libro hec [con]tine[n]tur. Salus corporis salus anime. Pius contra veneros yliada Homeri.
Guglielmo, da Saliceto, approximately 1210-1276 or 1277Date: [Millesimo quingetesuno nono. Mentis vero Decembris die.xij. [1509]]- Books
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The castle of health, corrected, and in some places augmented by the first authour thereof, Sir Thomas Elyot knight.
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546Date: 1610- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A plain philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preservation of health : with divers necessary dieteticall observations; as also of the true use and effects of sleep, exercise, excretions, and perturbations, with just applications to every age, constitution of body, and time of yeere. By To. Venner, Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed by the same author, a necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe, with a censure of the medicinable faculties of the water of Saint Vincent's rocks neere the city of Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1637- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health : Containing, most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the preservation, guide, and government of mans life. Dedicated, unto the late high and mighty King of England, from that university, and published (by consent of learned physicians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a commentary, for the more plain and easie understanding thereof. / By P.H. Dr. in Physicke, deceased. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in use among us, with their effects appertaining to the health of man. As also, now, and never before, is added certain precious and approved experiments for health, by a right honorable, and noble personage.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1649 [i.e. 1650]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This boke teachinge all people to gouerne them in helthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynel.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [Anno. M.D.XLI. [1541]]- Books
- Online
A compendious or short treatise, gathered out of the chyefe and principall authors of phisycke : conteynyuge certeyne preceptes necessary to the preseruacion of healthe, and longe continuaunce of the same: verye pleasaunte and profitable to reade.
Wingfield, HenryDate: [1551?]]- Books
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This is the myrrour or glasse of helth : necessary & nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, & it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the .xii. sygnes deuyded by the .xii. monethes of the yere, and shewed the remedies for many diuers infyrmyties and diseases that hurteth the bodye of manne.
Moulton, Thomas, active 1540?Date: [1546]- Books
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This is the myrour or glasse of helthe : necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body frome ye syckeuesse [sic] of the pestilence, and it showeth how the planetes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyght, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the. xii. synes. deuyded by ye. xii. monthes of the yere, and sheweth the remedyes for many dyuers infirmytes and dyseases that hurteth the body of man.
Moulton, ThomasDate: [1548?]]- Books
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Enquiries into human nature : in VI. anatomic prælections in the new theatre of the Royal Colledge of Physicians in London / by Walter Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1680