2 results filtered with: Hill, Margaret, 1575 or 1576-1615
- Books
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The pathvvay to prayer and pietie : contayning, 1. An exposition of the Lords Prayer, with an apologie for publike, and priuate set prayer. 2. A preparation to the Lords Supper, with M. Zanchius confession, concerning set prayer. 3. A direction to a Christian life, both in our generall and particular callings. 4. An instruction to die well, and I. S. his elegie vpon the death of that worthie matrone, Mistris M. H. With diuers consolations, prayers, and thankes-giuings, fit for this treatise. By Robert Hill, Doctor in Diuinitie.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1617- Books
- Online
The pathvvay to prayer and pietie : contayning, 1. An exposition of the Lords prayer, with an apologie for publike, and priuate set prayer. 2. A preparation to the Lords Supper, with M. Zanchius confession, concerning that sacrament. 3. A direction to a Christian life,. [sic] both in our generall and particular callings. 4. An instruction to dye well, and I.S. his elegie vpon the death, of that worthy matrone, Mistris M.H. With diuers consolations, prayers, and thanks-giuings, fit for this treatise. By Robert Hill, Doctor in Diuinitie.
Hill, Robert, -1623Date: 1615