8 results filtered with: Hermetism - Early works to 1800
- Books
Pandora magnalium naturalium aurea et benedicta, de benedicto lapidis philosoph. mysterio. Darinnen Apocalypsis des ... aegyptischen Königs ... Hermetis Trismegisti; von ... A.P. Theophrasto Paracelso, &c. verdolmetschet: wie auch Tinctura physicorum Paracelsica, mit einer ... Erklerung des ... philosophi A. von Süchten ... sampt seiner A.V.S. angehengten 3. underschiedlichen Tractetlein ... publiciret / Durch B. Figulum.
Figulus, Benedictus.Date: 1608- Books
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The divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus : in XVII. books. Translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English; by that learned divine Doctor Everard.
Date: 1650 [i.e. 1649]- Books
Candida Phoenix philosophica, oder auffrichtige Beschreibung der Materiae Lapidis und des Mercurri Philosophorum, durch die Gleich und Geheimnuss des Regenwassers. Vorbenebenst zugleich die ver Principia der hermetischen Philosophiae getreulich deut- und klärlich, wie auch die Operationes gedachter Materiae und des Subjecti Artis sattsam angezeigt und vorgetragen werden.
Date: 1680- Books
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Phoenix atropicus de morte redux. Der wiederumb frischbelebte gebenedeyte philosophische Adrop, aus dem Grabe der Vergessenheit hervorgesucht, seinem Wesen, Eigenschafften, und eigentlicher Zubereitung nach ... aus arabisch- chaldaeisch- französisch- und lateinischer in hoch-teutscher Zungen beseelet und vorgestellet.
Figulus, BenedictusDate: 1681- Books
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Spaccio de la bestia trionfante : proposto da Gioue, effettuato dal conseglo, reuelato da Mercurio, recitato da Sophia, Vdito da Saulino, registrato dal Nolano. Diuiso in tre dialogi, subdiuisi in tre parti. Consecrato al molto illustre et eccellente Caualliero Sig. Philippo Sidneo.
Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600Date: M. D. LXXXIIII. [1584]- Books
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Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus his Divine pymander : in seventeen books : together with his second book called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English by Dr. Everard.
Hermes, TrismegistusDate: 1657- Books
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The divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus : in XVII. books. Translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English; by that learned divine Doctor Everard.
Date: 1650 [i.e. 1649]- Books
- Online
[Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, his Divine Pymander : in seventeen books : together with his second book, called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters, with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English, by ... Dr. Everard].
Date: [1657]