77 results filtered with: Disabled Persons - rehabilitation
- Books
Leibesübungen mit Körperbeschädigten : ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Körperbehinderte und ihre Betreuer / [H. Lorenzen].
Lorenzen, H. (Hans), 1911-Date: 1951-1953- Books
Music for living : enriching the lives of profoundly mentally handicapped people / Miriam Wood ; illustrations, David Baird ; photographs, James D. Gilford.
Wood, MiriamDate: 1982- Books
Handbook for parents with a handicapped child / by Judith Stone & Felicity Taylor.
Stone, Judith.Date: [1972]- Books
Report of the Standing Committee on the Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Disabled Persons.
Great Britain. Standing Committee on the Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Disabled Persons.Date: 1946- Books
Ordinary miracles : true stories about overcoming obstacles & surviving catastrophes / edited by Deborah R. Labovitz.
Date: [2003]- Books
Complementary medicine and disability : alternatives for people with disabling conditions / Andrew Vickers.
Vickers, AndrewDate: 1993- Books
Living with a handicap / Philip Nicols.
Nichols, Philip, active 1562.Date: 1973- Books
Securing employment for the handicapped : a study of placement agencies for this group in New York City / by Mary La Dame.
La Dame, Mary.Date: 1927- Books
Disabilities and how to live with them.
Date: 1952- Books
The physiology of industrial organisation and the re-employment of the disabled / by Jules Amar ; translated by Bernard Miall.
Amar, Jules, 1879-1935.Date: 1918- Books
The Royal Hospital and Home, Putney : an internationally recognised centre for the treatment and rehabilitation of severely disabled people.
Royal Hospital and Home (Putney, England)Date: [1991?]- Books
Le handicapé physique : son orientation / Charles L. Tomas.
Tomas, Charles L.Date: [1973], ©1973- Books
Employment problems of disabled youth in Glasgow / by T. Ferguson, A.N. Macphail, and Margaret I. McVean.
Ferguson, Thomas.Date: 1952- Books
Help for the handicapped : an enquiry into the opportunities of the voluntary services / [director of the enquiry: J.H. Nicholson].
Date: 1958- Books
Principles of rehabilitation / by W. Russell Grant ; foreword by Sir James Paterson Ross.
Grant, William Russell.Date: 1963- Books
Sozialistischer Humanismus und Betreuung Geschädigter / von einem Autorenkollektiv unter Leitung von Wolfgang Presber und Rolf Löther.
Date: 1981- Books
Crippled victory / by Josephine Burton ; with a foreword by E.B. Strauss.
Burton, Josephine.Date: 1956- Books
Principles and practice of rehabilitation / by John Eisele Davis.
Davis, John Eisele.Date: [1943], ©1943- Books
The spastic child : a record of successfully achieved muscle control in Little's disease / by Marguerie K. Fischel.
Fischel, Marguerite K.Date: 1934- Books
Ten million and one : neurological disability as a national problem; Arden House Conference / sponsored by the National Health Council.
Conference on Neurological Disability as a National Problem (1955 : Harriman, N.Y.)Date: [1957], ©1957- Books
Through movement to life : the economic employment of the disabled / John Arthur.
Arthur, John.Date: 1952- Books
Conquest of disability : inspiring accounts of courage, fortitude, and adaptability in conquering grave physical handicaps / edited by Ian Fraser.
Date: 1956- Books
Selective job placement : a plan for promoting personnel proficiency / by Tobias Wagner.
Wagner, Tobias, 1905-Date: [1946], ©1946- Books
Psychological aspects of physical disability / James F. Garrett, editor.
Date: [1952]- Books
Summary of legislation and directory of organisations for the care of the physically handicapped / compiled by the Central Council for the Care of Cripples.
Date: 1951