17 results filtered with: Conjunctiva - abnormalities
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An epidemic of follicular conjunctivitis in a Liverpool school / by K. Grossmann and M. Loewenthal.
Grossmann, Klaus.Date: [1902?]- Books
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Über Gumma der Bindehaut ; inaugural-Dissertation / vorgelegt non Arthur Liebetanz.
Liebetanz, Arthur.Date: 1886- Books
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Sulla lussazione del cristallino sotto la congiuntiva / per il Dott. F. Falchi.
Falchi, F. (Francesco)Date: 1886]- Books
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Note upon a form of acute inflammation of the conjunctiva associated with pus cocci / by Sydney Stephenson.
Stephenson, Sydney, 1862-1923.Date: [1897]- Books
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Hard chancre of the eyelids and conjunctiva / by David DeBeck.
DeBeck, David.Date: 1886- Books
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Contribution a l'étude de la granulation conjonctivale : de sa nature et de sa prophylaxie dans les écoles (granulations réelles et fausses granulations) / par le Dr. Mohamed Eloui Bey.
Bey, Mohamed Eloui.Date: 1902- Books
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The Hunterian Lecture on tuberculosis of the conjunctiva : its etiology, pathology, and diagnosis / by John W. H. Eyre.
Eyre, J. W. H. (John William Henry), 1869-Date: [1912]- Books
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Zur Lehre von der Disseminierten Coniunctivaltuberculose : inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde / öffentlich verteidigen wird Georg Joseph.
Joseph, Georg.Date: 1895- Books
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Diseases of the lymphoid tissue of the conjunctiva / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1910]- Books
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Congenitally malformed cystic eye, causing extensive protrusion of upper eyelid, and complete extrusion of conjunctival sac through the palpebral fissure / by S. Johnson Taylor and E. Treacher Collins.
Taylor, S. Johnson.Date: [1906]- Books
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Case of primary lupus of the ocular conjunctiva / by A. Hill Griffith.
Griffiths, A. Hill.Date: 1885- Books
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The ophthalmoscope and lues / by Ole B. Bull.
Bull, O. B. (Ole Bornemann), 1842-1916.Date: 1884- Books
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Some practical aspects of conjunctival bacteriology / by Freeland Fergus.
Fergus, A. Freeland (Andrew Freeland), 1858-1932.Date: [1905]- Books
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School ophthalmia : a paper read before the association on February 25th, 1897 / by Sydney Stephenson.
Stephenson, Sydney, 1862-1923.Date: 1897- Books
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Plaque muqueuse de la conjunctive limbaire : la syphilis secondaire de la conjunctive / par A. Antonelli.
Antonelli, A.Date: [1910]- Books
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Étude sur le chancre syphilitique de la conjonctive : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine / par André Touchaleaume.
Touchaleaume, André.Date: 1889- Books
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Remarks on the ophthalmy, psorophthalmy, and purulent eye : with methods of cure, considerably different from those commonly used : and cases annexed, in proof of their utility / by James Ware, surgeon.
Ware, James, 1756-1815.Date: MDCCLXXX [1780]