82 results filtered with: Cholera - therapy
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Specification of William Jenkins : medicated belts or bands.
Jenkins, William.Date: 1861- Books
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Cura scambievole del cholera asiatico mezzo facile per preservarsene e di curare il cholera sporadico, la cholerina e le conseguenze di queste malattie / del dottor conte S. des Guidi.
Des Guidi, Sébastien, comte, 1769-1863.Date: 1835- Books
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Hygiène et traitement du choléra-morbus, coup-d'oeil historique sur l'épidémie de Paris de 1832; / par E. Moulin.
Moulin, É. (Étienne)Date: 1832- Books
Grundzüge einer speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der orientalischen Cholera als Leitfaden für praktische Aerzte zu einer den Verschiedenheiten des Ganges, Grades und übrigen Verhaltens der Krankheit angemessenen Behandlung / Von Dr. Ernst Daniel August Bartels.
Bartels, Ernst Daniel August, 1778-1838.Date: 1832- Books
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History and medical treatment of cholera, as it appeared in Sunderland in 1831. Illustrated by numerous cases and dissections / By W. Haslewood and W. Mordey.
Haslewood, W. (William), 1802?-1866.Date: 1832- Books
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Observations on cholera asiatica; its symptoms, mode of treatment, and prevention. With an appendix / Selected and arranged by Richard Phillips Jones.
Jones, Richard Phillips.Date: 1849- Books
Ein nicht genugsam zu ehrender liebreicher Hirt seiner Heerde, gibt mit nachstehenden Worten das selbsterfundene Mittel, die Cholera unfehlbar zu heilen, an.
Morvai, Johann.Date: 1831- Books
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Instruction officielle et populaire du Comité de Paris sur les principaux moyens à employer pour se garantir du choléra-morbus : et sur la conduite a tenir après l'invasion de cette maladie.
Date: Avril 1832- Books
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The antidotal treatment of the epidemic cholera / by John Parkin.
Parkin, John, 1801-1886.Date: [1866?]- Books
Des indications à suivre dans le traitement préventif et curatif du choléra asiatique : résumé théorique et pratique / par Dr. Duboué (de Pau).
Duboué de Pau, Paul Henri.Date: 1889- Books
The results of the hypertonic and permanganate treatment in 1000 cases of cholera : with remarks on the value of alkalies in the prevention of uraemia and the role of atropine / by Sir Leonard Rogers.
Rogers, Leonard, 1868-1962.Date: [1915]- Books
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Epidemic cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery : pointing out an effectual and expeditious method of cure : with cases submitted to the Medical Council of the Board of Health, during the epidemic of 1854 / by Henry Jeanneret.
Jeanneret, Henry.Date: 1857- Books
Zuruf eines Böhmen an seine Landsleute zur Zeit der drohenden Gefahr der morgenländischen Brechruhr.
Date: [1830?]- Books
Researches into the pathology and treatment of the asiatic or algide cholera / by E.A. Parkes.
Parkes, Edmund A. (Edmund Alexander), 1819-1876.Date: 1847- Books
Der Chirurg Karl Thiersch als Choleraforscher / Volker Klimpel.
Klimpel, Volker, 1941-Date: 1992- Ephemera
Cholera : The following admirable letter from an eminent physician of great experience appears in the York Herald of Saturday last, and is re-printed in this form as likely to be of essential service in allaying the unfounded alarm which at present prevails to so great an extent : Sunderland, November 15th, 1831 ... / Wm. Rocliffe.
Rocliffe, William Lodge, -1839.Date: 1831- Books
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The steam doctor's defence : exhibiting the superiority of the Thomsonian system of medicine, in relieving and curing disease : consisting of facts and extracts, from the writings of the most respectable authors on the system : to which is added, some account of the cholera, and its treatment on the Thomsonian plan : with an engraved frontispiece / by Benjamin Thompson.
Liddell, Sophia.Date: 1833- Books
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Ueber Entstehung und Heilung der asiatischen und europäischen Cholera / von August Pauli.
Pauli, August.Date: 1854- Books
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Instructions de l'intendance sanitaire du département du Nord, à MM. les Maires des communes, aux habitans des villes, à ceux des campagnes.
Nord (France : Department). Intendance Sanitaire.Date: [1831]- Books
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Tobacco v. cholera / M.D.
M. D.Date: Between 1890 and 1899?]- Books
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Cholera : lecture delivered at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania / by Ad. Lippe ; December 8th, 1865.
Lippe, Adolph von, 1812-1888.Date: 1866- Books
Zur rationellen Therapie der Cholera asiatica / von R. Emmerich.
Emmerich, R.Date: 1912- Ephemera
Electrotherapy & vibrators ephemera. Box 1.
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Opúsculo que tiene por objeto dar á conocer á los señores facultativos y al público los medios mas oportunos de cuantos ha hecho uso para la curación del cólera-morbo en sus diversos períodos / Marcial Dupierris.
Dupierris, Martial.Date: 1852- Books
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De natuurkundige methode en de verspreiding der cholera / door G.J. Mulder.
Mulder, G. J. (Gerrit Jan), 1802-1880.Date: 1866