186 results filtered with: Cattle Diseases
- Books
Problemy bor'by s leĭkozom krupnogo rogatogo skota / pod redak︠t︡sieĭ I︠A︡.R. Kovalenko [and others].
Date: 1965- Books
- Online
The influence of heredity and contagion on the propagation of tuberculosis : and the prevention of injurious effects from consumption of the flesh and milk of tuberculous animals / by A. Lydtin, G. Fleming, and Van Hertsen.
Lydtin, A. (August), 1834-Date: [1883]- Books
- Online
Investigations into the nature, causation, and prevention of Texas or southern cattle fever : made under the direction of Dr. D.E. Salmon ... / by Theobald Smith and F.L. Kilborne.
Smith, Theobald, 1859-1934.Date: 1893- Books
Third report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the origin and nature, &c. of the cattle plague : with the minutes and evidence and an appendix.
Great Britain. Commissioners Appointed to Inquire Into the Origin and Nature, &c. of the Cattle Plague.Date: 1866- Books
- Online
The influence of heredity and contagion on the propagation of tuberculosis : and the prevention of injurious effects from consumption of the flesh and milk of tuberculous animals / by A. Lydtin, G. Fleming, and M. Van Hertsen.
Date: [1884]- Books
- Online
The four bovine scourges : pleuro-pneumonia, foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague, tubercle (scrofula) : with an appendix on the inspection of live animals and meat / by Thomas Walley.
Walley, Thomas, 1842-1894.Date: 1879- Books
- Online
An essay concerning the mortality, now prevailing among the horned cattle, in several parts of Europe, and chiefly about London. Wherein a plain and successful method is laid down to treat the diseased cattle, and to prevent, in a good measure, the rapid progress of this fatal disorder / By Richard Brocklesby.
Brocklesby, Richard, 1722-1797.Date: 1746- Film
The warble fly with a note on cattle dipping.
Date: 1930- Books
Esterilidad reproductiva e inseminación artificial en el ganado bovino / por Norberto Ras.
Ras, Norberto.Date: 1962- Books
Das Klauenbeschneiden der Rinder : ein wichtiger Zweig der Klauenpflege / von Arthur Fischer.
Fischer, Arthur.Date: 1949- Books
Medicina bovina : le malattie dei bovini con speciale riguardo alla diagnosi, alla prognosi, alla terapia / Igino Martini.
Martini, Igino.Date: 1956- Ephemera
Dovendosi ultimare gl' interessi della infezzione Bovina...
Date: 1786- Books
Die Lungenseuche / von Lothar Hussel.
Hussel, Lothar.Date: 1962- Books
Report of the working party on bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
Date: 1989- Books
Proceedings of the first joint conference of the Association of Veterinary Surgeons Malaysia and the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians / editors, Ahmad Mustaffa Haji Babjee [and others].
Joint Conference on Health & Production of Local & Australian Cattle in Southeast Asia 1977 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)Date: 1977- Books
Bovine mastitis : a symposium / edited by Ralph B. Little, Wayne N. Plastridge.
Date: 1946- Books
- Online
De la contagion sur l'homme, sur les vaches et les boeufs : de ses moyens préservatifs et curatifs, avec des considérations sur les causes des maladies funestes à la suite des armées aperçu de l'avantage dont peuvent être les abattoirs pour l'administration et la sanité des subsistances animales avec un Supplément / Par Alphonse Leroy.
Leroy, Alphonse Vincent Louis Antoine, 1741?-1816.Date: [1815?]- Books
Reproduction normale et pathologique des bovins / C. Craplet.
Craplet, Camille.Date: 1952- Books
Studies of leukosis enzootica bovis : with special regard to diagnosis, epidemiology, and eradication / by Hans Jorgen Bendixen.
Bendixen, Hans Jørgen, 1926-2013.Date: 1965- Books
Comunicaciones sobre tuberculosis.
Date: 1958- Books
The pathogenesis, epidemiology and treatment of vibrio fetus infection in cattle / by Vandeplassche, M. [and others].
Date: [1963]- Books
Diseases of feedlot cattle / Rue Jensen, Donald R. Mackey.
Jensen, Rue.Date: 1965- Books
The mad cow crisis : health and the public good / edited by Scott C. Ratzan.
Date: 1998- Books
Chronische Kochsalzvergiftung als ätiologischer Faktor bei Inanitionskrankheiten des Rindes / von Lars Rambe.
Rambe, Lars, 1889-Date: 1938- Books
- Online
Réflexions sur la maladie qui a commencé depuis quelques années à attaquer le gros bétail, en divers endroits de l'Europe / Par la Société des Médecins de Génève. Avec un recueil de quelques autres pièces sur ce sujet.
Société des médecins de Genève.Date: 1745