24 results filtered with: Biotechnology - history
- Books
Private science : biotechnology and the rise of the molecular sciences / edited by Arnold Thackray.
Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Werkstatt des lebens : wesen, werden, wirken der Biotechnologie / Konrad Soyez ; illustrationen von Gerhard Raschpichler.
Soyez, Konrad.Date: [1990], ©1990- Books
Gene jockeys : life science and the making of the first biotech drugs / Nicolas Rasmussen.
Rasmussen, Nicolas, 1962-Date: 2014- Books
The recombinant university : genetic engineering and the emergence of Stanford biotechnology / Doogab Yi.
Yi, Doogab, 1974-Date: 2015- Books
Biotechnology : a multi-volume comprehensive treatise / edited by H.-J. Rehm and G. Reed in cooperation with A. Puhler and P. Stadler.
Date: 1995- Books
The Cuban cure : reason and resistance in global science / S.M. Reid-Henry.
Reid-Henry, Simon.Date: [2010], ©2010- Books
Leben nach Mass- zwischen Machbarkeit und Unantastbarkeit : Biotechnologie im Licht des Denkens von Albert Schweitzer / Hrsg. Gottfried Schüz ; bearb. von Manfred Ecker.
Date: 2005- Journals
- Online
LSF magazine : telling the story of biotechnology.
Date: 2012-- Books
Making PCR : a story of biotechnology / Paul Rabinow.
Rabinow, Paul.Date: 1996- Books
The Lennox legacy : the history of the CSIRO laboratory at 343 Royal Parade, Parkville / Donald E. Rivett [and others].
Date: 1996- Books
A documentary history of biochemistry, 1770-1940 / Mikuláš Teich with Dorothy M. Needham.
Teich, Mikuláš.Date: 1992- Books
History of modern biotechnology / volume editor : A. Fiechter.
Date: 2000- Books
Atti della XXXIV tornata dello Studio Firmano per la storia dell'arte medica e della scienza / per cura di Alfredo Serrani.
Tornata dello Studio Firmano per la Storia dell'Arte Medica e della Scienza 2000)Date: 2000- Books
Biotechnology : the chemistry of nature.
Date: [199?]- Videos
Emergence of biotechnology : DNA to Genentech : reflections and assessment.
Date: 1997- Books
La rivoluzione della medicina : dall'arte alla scienza / Giovanni Felice Azzone.
Azzone, G. F.Date: 2000- Books
From physico-theology to bio-technology : essays in the social and cultural history of biosciences a Festschrift for Mikuláš Teich / edited by Kurt Bayertz and Roy Porter.
Date: 1998- Books
Paths to innovation : discovering recombinant DNA, oncogenes, and prions in one medical school, over one decade / Henry R. Bourne.
Bourne, Henry R.Date: 2011- Books
Biotechnology and culture / Erik Baark, Andrew Jamison.
Baark, Erik.Date: 1990- Books
Ingenieure des Lebendigen und des Abstrakten : die Entwicklung der Biotechnologie und der Informatik an der Technischen Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig / Jörg Munzel.
Munzel, Jörg.Date: 1998- Books
The uses of life : a history of biotechnology / Robert Bud.
Bud, Robert.Date: 1993- Books
Science lessons : what the business of biotech taught me about management / Gordon Binder, Philip Bashe.
Binder, Gordon M., 1935-Date: [2008], ©2008- Books
DNA : how the biotech revolution is changing the way we fight disease / Frank H. Stephenson ; foreword by Herbert Boyer.
Stephenson, Frank H.Date: [2007], ©2007- Books
From alchemy to IPO : the business of biotechnology / Cynthia Robbins-Roth.
Robbins-Roth, Cynthia.Date: [2000], ©2000