16 results filtered with: Almanacs, Scottish
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Goldsmith, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1680 : being leap-year. And from the creation 5629 ... Observations, rules & tables both necessary and useful. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs in England and Wales, the like not extant in any other. / Collected by John Goldsmith. ; To which is added divers tables, and other useful things, not formerly published.
Goldsmith, John, active 17th centuryDate: [1680]- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1698 : being bessextile or leap year, and from the creation of the world 5647. Containing the moveable feasts ...with several other things worthy of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole-artick is elevated 56 deg. 6 min. / By a well-wisher in astrology. W.S.
W. SDate: 1698- Books
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Prognostication for this yeare of our redemption 1626, the second after leape-yeare : serving most fitly for the vvhole kingdome of Scotland, but most especially, and ac[cordin]g vnto Raban's bound duetie, ... latitude and meridian of the [ho]nourable citie of Aberdene : also a summarie discourse, of the proceedinges against the Pope and Spaine, as well concerning our English navie, as the Hollanders, by land and sea.
Date: 1626- Books
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A new prognostication, for this year of man's redemption, 1686 : being the second after bessextile [sic], or, leap year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses: the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With several other things worthie of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55. deg. 55. min. / By a painful astronomer, and well-wisher of his country.
Date: 1686- Books
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A new prognostication for this year of man's redemption, 1684 : Being bessextile [sic], or, leap year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses: the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With several other things worthie of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55. deg. 55. min. / Set out at Aberden [sic]. By a painful astronomer, and well-wisher of his country.
Date: 1684- Books
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A new prognostication, for this year of man's Rredemption, 1692 : Being bessextile [sic], or, leap year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses: the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With several other things worthie of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55. deg. 55. min. / By H.S. philomat.
Date: For the Year 1692- Books
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A New almanack, or prognostication, for the year of Christ 1671 : Being the third after bissextile, or leap year. Wherein are contained the moveable feasts, the eclipses, a description of the four quarters of the year, the changes of the moon, her full and quarters, with the dayly disposition of the weather. : Together with notes of husbandry & gardening, and physical observations: the dismal dayes, with the whole fairs of Scotland. : Calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / Set forth in Aberdene by M.D.L. professor of mathematicks.
Rauquil-LieutaudDate: [1671]- Books
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A new prognostication for the year 1672 : being bissextile, or leap-year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses, the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, the full and quarters, the dayly disposition of the weather. : With observations for letting of blood. The dismal dayes. And the whole fairs of Scotland. Also Dr. Merry-mans physick. : Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / At Aberdene, by an expert mathematician P.A. for the behove and profit of Robert Sanders.
P. ADate: 1672- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our blessed Lord 1681 : Being the first after leap-year. Containing the moveable feasts, the eclipses, the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. The dismal dayes. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With other observations. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / At Aberdene, by an expert mathematician.
Date: 1681- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1697 : being the first after bessextile or leap year, and from the creation of the world 5646. Containing the moveable feasts ...with several other things worthy of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole-artick is elevated 56 deg. 6 min. / By a well-wisher in astrology. W.S.
W. SDate: 1697- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1696 : being bessextile or leap year, and from the creation of the world 5645. Containing the moveable feasts ...with several other things worthy of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the Kingdom of Scotland, more especially for our City of Glasgow, where the pole-artick is elevated 56 deg. 6 min. / by a well-wisher in astrology. W.S.
W. SDate: 1696- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our blessed Lord 1683 : Being the third after bessextile [sic], or, leap year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses: the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. The dismal dayes. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With several other things worthie of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55. deg. 55. min. / Set forth, at Aberdene: by a painful astronomer; and well-wisher of this kingdom.
Date: 1683- Books
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A new Prognostication for this year of man's redemption, 1685 : being the first after bessextile [sic], or, leap year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses: the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With several other things worthie of the noticing. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55. deg. 55. min. / By a painful astronomer, and well-wisher of his country.
Date: 1685- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1679 : being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5628 : wherein is contained the exact day, hour, and minute of the new moon, her full and quarters, with a description of the eclipses, the daily disposition of the weather and moveable feasts : with the whole known fairs in Scotland, as also two tables for the tides at Leith, and moons age, throughout the year / exactly calculated according to art, for the meridian of the most famous city of Edinburgh ... by James Corss.
Corss, James.Date: 1679- Books
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A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1694 : Being the second after bessextile, or, leap year. And from the creation of the world 5643. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole-artick is elevated 56 deg. 6 min. / By a well-wisher in astrology.
W. SDate: 1694- Books
- Online
Prognostication for the year of our lord God, 1676 : Being bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the vvorld, 5625. : Wherein is contained the exact day, hour and minut [sic] of the new moon, her full and quarters: with an accurate description of the eclipses, visible and invisible: the daily disposition of the weather and moveable feasts, with the whole known fairs in Scotland: also, a table of the moons age throughout the year, and tyde-table. / By P.S. a lover of the mathematicks.
P. SDate: Printed for the Year, 1676