41 results filtered with: Algebra
- Videos
Science and Islam. 2. The empire of reason.
Date: 2017- Books
Select parts of Saunderson's Elements of algebra : for the use of students at the universities.
Saunderson, Nicholas, 1682-1739.Date: 1776- Videos
Addicted parents : Last chance to keep my children.
Date: 2017- Books
Nova algebra geoometriae clavis. Cuius beneficio aperitur immensus matheseos thesaurus, et resoluuntur plurima problemata hactenus non soluta in serie multarum quantitatum continuè proportionalium. Simulque traditur methodus universalis, qua quilibet ... invenire poterit innumera alia ejusmodi / Authore P. Iacobo de Billy.
Billy, Jacques de, 1602-1679.Date: 1643- Books
Joh. Christoph. Sturmii ... Mathesis enucleata. Cujus praecipua contenta sub finem praefationis, uno quasi obtutu spectanda, exhibentur / [Johann Christophorus Sturm].
Sturm, Johann Christophorus, 1635-1703.Date: 1689- Books
Teutsche Algebra, oder algebraische Rechenkunst, zusamt ihrem Gebrauch. Bestehend. 1, In erfindung unterschidlicher nuzlicher theorematum / Dem teutschen liebhaber mathematischer künsten nach einem neuen und hiebevor niemalen in trukk gesehenen methodo zugefallen also verfasset durch Johann Heinrich Rahn.
Rahn, Johann Heinrich, 1622-1676.Date: 1659- Videos
The monkey lab.
Date: 2017- Books
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The elements of that mathematical art commonly called algebra, expounded in four books / By John Kersey.
Kersey, John, 1616-1690?Date: 1673- Books
How to write arithmetic and algebra by means of the Joint Type Method / by John R. Emblen ; and approved by The College of Teachers for the Blind.
Emblen, John R.Date: [1932?]- Videos
Being transgender.
Date: 2017- Books
- Online
Arithmetica universalis : sive de compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber / Auctore Is. Newton. [Anon].
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727.Date: 1722- Videos
The human body. Secrets of your life revealed. 2/3.
Date: 2017- Books
Clavis mathematicae denvo limata, sive potius fabricata. Cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus. Quae in sequenti pagina recensentur / [William Oughtred].
Oughtred, William, 1575-1660.Date: 1667- Books
- Online
The elements of that mathematical art commonly called algebra, expounded in two books / By John Kersey ... To which is added lectures read in the School of Geometry in Oxford, concerning the geometrical construction of algebraical equations; and the numerical resolution of the same by the compendium of logarithms. By Dr. Edmund Halley.
Kersey, John, 1616-1690?Date: 1717- Videos
What makes a psychopath?.
Date: 2017- Books
Sharaf Al-Din Al-Tusi : algébre et géométrie au XIIe siècle. T. 1, Oeuvres mathématiques.
Ṭūsī, al-Muẓaffar ibn Muḥammad, active 12th century.Date: 1986- Videos
Out of thin air : Murder in Iceland [2 DVDs].
Date: 2017- Books
De numeris datis / Jordanus de Nemore ; a critical edition and translation by Barnabas Bernard Hughes.
Jordanus, Nemorarius, active 13th century.Date: [1981], ©1981- Books
Ludolphi à Ceulen de circulo et adscriptis liber. In quo plurimorum polygonorum latera per irrationalium numerorum griphos, quorum libet autem per numeros absolutos secundum algebricarum æquationum leges explicantur / quæ insuper accesserunt pagina versa indicabit. Omnia é vernaculo latina fecit, et annotationibus illustravit Willebrordus Snellius.
Ceulen, Ludolf van, 1539-1610.Date: 1619- Books
Algebras in genetics / Angelika Wörz-Busekros.
Wörz-Busekros, Angelika, 1946-Date: 1980- Books
- Online
Mathesis enucleata: or, The elements of the mathematicks. / By J. Christ. Sturmius, Professor of Philosophy and Mathemathicks in the University of Altorf. Made English by J.R. A.M. and R.S.S.
Sturm, Johann Christophorus, 1635-1703.Date: 1700- Books
- Online
Origine, trasporto in Italia, primi progressi in essa dell'algebra. Storia critica di nuove disquisizioni analitiche e metafisiche arricchita / [Pietro Cossali].
Cossali, Pietro, 1748-1815.Date: 1797-1799- Books
Michael Stifel, 1487?-1567 : Leben, Wirken und Bedeutung für die Mathematik seiner Zeit / von Joseph E. Hofmann.
Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried, 1900-1973.Date: 1968- Videos
Science and Islam. 1. The language of science.
Date: 2017- Books
An instance of the excellence of the modern algebra, in the resolution of the problem of finding the foci of optick glasses universally / By E. Halley.
Halley, Edmond, 1656-1742.Date: 1708