79 results filtered with: Alchemy - Early works to 1800
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The works of Geber, the most famous Arabian prince and philosopher / faithfully Englished by Richard Russel.
Jābir ibn ḤayyānDate: 1678- Books
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Paracelsus, his Archidoxis, or, chief teachings; comprised in ten books, disclosing the genuine way of making quintessences, arcanums, magisteries, elixirs, &c. Together with his books of renovation & restauration. Of the tincture of the philosophers. Of the manual of the philosophical medicinal stone. Of the virtues of the members. Of the three principles. And finally his seven books, of the degrees and compositions of receipts, and natural things. Englished, by J.H. Oxon.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541Date: 1663- Books
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Polygraphice, or, The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying, and perfuming : in seven books : exemplified in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countreys and figures of various forms, the way of engraving, etching, and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments, the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities, the paintings of the antients ... : never published till now, together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting, and a discourse of perspective, chiromancy and alchymy,: to which is added, I, the one hundred and twelve chymical arcanums of Petrus Johannes Faber, a most learned and eminent physician, translated out of Latin into English, II, an abstract of choice chymical preparations, fitted for vulgar use, for curing most diseases incident to humane bodies / by William Salmon.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713Date: 1685- Books
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[Magnalia naturæ:] or, The truth of the philosophers-stone asserted : having been lately expos'd to publick sight and sale. Being a true and exact account of the manner how Wenceslaus Seilerus the late famous projection-maker, at the Emperours Court, at Vienna came by, and made away with a very great quantity of pouder of projection, by projecting with it before the Emperor, and a thousand vvitnesses, selling it, &c. for some years past. Published at the request, and for the satisfaction of several curious and ingenious, especially of Mr. Boyl, &c. By one who was not only a ey-witness in the affair, but also concern'd as a commissioner by the Emperor for the examen of it.
Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682Date: 1686- Books
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Aphorismi Urbigerani, or, Certain rules, clearly demonstrating the three infallible ways of preparing the grand elixir, or circulatum majus of the philosophers : discovering the secret of secrets, and detecting the errors of vulgar chymists in their operations : contain'd in one hundred and one aphorisms, to which are added The three ways of preparing the vegetable elixir, or, Circulatum minus / all deduc'd from never-erring experience by Baro Urbigerus.
Urbigerus, BaroDate: 1690- Books
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The search of causes : Containing a theophysicall inuestigation of the possiblitie of transmutatorie alchemie. By Timothie Willis, apprentise in phisicke.
Willis, TimothyDate: 1616- Books
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Arcana arcanissima hoc est Hieroglyphica Ægyptio-Græca : vulgo necdum cognita, ad demonstrandam falsorum apud antiquos deorum, dearum, heroum, animantium & institutorum pro sacris receptorum, originem, ex vno Ægyptiorum artificio, quod aureu[m] animi & corporis medicamentum peregit, deductam, vnde tot poëtarum allegoriæ, scriptorum narrationes fabulosæ & pertotam encyclopædiam errores sparsi clarissima veritatis luce manifestantur, suæq[ue] tribui singula restituuntur, sex libris exposita authore Michaele Maiero Comite Palatii Cæsarei, equite exemto, Phil: & Med: Doct: &c: Cæsar: Mai: quondam aulico.
Maier, Michael, 1568?-1622Date: [1613]- Books
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Lapis chymicus philosophorum examini subjectus : ubi et ejus ugienētikē vis ac confectionis modus breviter discutiuntur / authore Bassetto Jhones.
Jones, BassettDate: 1648- Books
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Basilius Valentinus, monk, of the Order of St. Bennet: his last will and testament : Which being alone, he hid under a table of marble, behinde the high-altar of the Cathedral Church, in the Imperial City of Erford: leaving it there to be found by him, whom Gods providence should make worthy of it. Wherein, he sufficiently, declares the wayes he wrought to obtain the philosophers stone: which he taught unto his fellow collegians, so that they all attained the said philosophers stone, whereby not onely the leprous bodies of the impure, and inferior metals are reduced unto the pure and perfect body of gold and silver, but also all manner of diseases whatsoever are cured in the bodies of unhealthfull men, and kept thereby in perfect health unto the prolonging of their lives. A work long expected.
Basilius ValentinusDate: 1658- Books
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The mirror of alchimy, composed by the thrice-famous and learned fryer, Roger Bachon, sometimes fellow of Martin Colledge: and afterwards of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxenforde. Also a most excellent and learned discourse of the admirable force and efficacie of art and nature, written by the same author. With certaine other treatises of the like argument.
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294Date: 1597- Books
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Propositiones tentationum: sive propædeumata de vitis et fæcunditate compositorum naturalium : quæ sunt elementa chymea. Animæ rationali sane sapienti, genio lectoris dicta dicata. Authore Timotheo Willisio Anglo, Londinæte, medico.
Willis, TimothyDate: 1615- Books
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The works of Geber, the most famous Arabian prince and philosopher of the investigation and perfection of the philosophers-stone.
Jābir ibn ḤayyānDate: MDCLXXXVI [1686]- Books
Pandora magnalium naturalium aurea et benedicta, de benedicto lapidis philosoph. mysterio. Darinnen Apocalypsis des ... aegyptischen Königs ... Hermetis Trismegisti; von ... A.P. Theophrasto Paracelso, &c. verdolmetschet: wie auch Tinctura physicorum Paracelsica, mit einer ... Erklerung des ... philosophi A. von Süchten ... sampt seiner A.V.S. angehengten 3. underschiedlichen Tractetlein ... publiciret / Durch B. Figulum.
Figulus, Benedictus.Date: 1608- Books
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Annus Sophiæ jubilæus, The sophick constitution, or, The evil customs of the world reform'd : a dialogue between a philadept and a citizen concerning the possibility of the sophick transmutation, the probability that there are adepts in the world ... : to which is added, A summary of some conferences with an artist, &c.
Date: 1700- Books
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Ripley reviv'd.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1678- Books
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Basil Valentine his Triumphant chariot of antimony : with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius, M.D. : with the true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek abbot, taken out of the Emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone.
Basilius ValentinusDate: 1678- Books
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Basilius Valentinus friar of the Order of St. Benedict his last will and testament : Which he himself, being alone, hid under a table of marble behinde the high-altar of the cathedral church, in the imperial city of Erford: leaving it there to be found of him, whom Gods providence should make worthy of it. Wherein he sufficiently declareth the wayes he wrought to obtain the philosophers stone, and taught them also to his fellow collegians, all of them attained also to the having of the philosophers stone: whereby not onely the leprous bodies of the impure, and inferior metals are reduced unto the pure and perfect body of gold and silver, but also all manner of diseases whatsoever are cured in the bodies of unhealthful men, and kept thereby in perfect health unto the prolonging of their lives.
Basilius ValentinusDate: printed anno Domini, MDCLVII. [1657]- Books
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Chymical, medicinal, and chyrurgical addresses : made to Samuel Hartlib, Esquire. Viz. 1. Whether the vrim & thummim were given in the mount, or perfected by art. ... 9. The new postilions, pretended prophetical prognostication, of what shall happen to physitians, chyrurgeons, apothecaries, alchymists, and miners.
Hartlib, Samuel, -1662Date: 1655- Books
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Opus tripartitum de philosophorum arcanis : Videlicet, I. Enarratio methodica trium gebri medicinarum. II. Experimenta de praeparatione Mercurij Sophici. III. Vade mecum philosophicum, sive breve manuductorium ad campum sophiae. / Autore, anonymo sub nomine Aeyrenaei Philalethes, natu Angli, habitatione cosmopolitae.
Date: MDCLXXVIII. [1678]- Books
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Prologue to the reviv'd alchemist.
Date: [1660]- Books
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Arcana arcanissima, hoc est, Hieroglyphica Ægyptio-Græca : vulgo needum cognita, ad demonstrandam falsorum apud antiquos deorum, dearum, heroum, animantium, & institutorum pro sacris receptorum, originem, ex vno Ægyptiorum artificio, quad aureum animi & Corporis medicamentum peregit, deductam : vnde tot poëtarum allegoriæ, scriptorum narrationes fabulosæ & per totam encyclopædiam errores sparsi clarissima veritatis luce manifestantur, suaque tribui singula restituuntur, sex libris exposita / authore Michaele Maiero.
Maier, Michael, 1568?-1622Date: cI], I]. CXIIII [1614]- Books
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Sanguis naturæ, or, A manifest declaration of the sanguine and solar congealed liquor of nature / by Anonimus.
Brummet, ChristophDate: 1696- Books
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Johannis Segeri Weidenfeld De secretis adeptorum, sive, De usu spiritus vini Lulliani libri IV : opus practicum per concordantias philosophorum inter se discrepantium, tam ex antiquis, quàm modernis philosophiæ adeptæ patribus mutuò conciliatis summo studio collectum, & novissimâ concinne methodo ita digestum ut vel tyrones possint discernere, vegetabilium, animalium, mineralium præparationes supposititias sophisti︠︡casve a veris, sive pro re medica, sive metallicâ, atque sic cavere sive a vagabundis deceptoribus, imaginariis processibus & suarum pecuniarum dilapidatione.
Weidenfeld, Johann SegerDate: 1684- Books
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Otto Tachenius his Hippocrates chymicus discovering the ancient foundation of the late viperine salt : with his Clavis thereunto annexed translated by J.W.
Tachenius, Otto, -approximately 1670Date: 1690- Books
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The way to health, long life, and happiness, or A discourse of temperance and particular nature of all things requisite for the life of man : as, all sorts of meats, drinks, air, exercises &c., with special directions how to use each of them to the best advantage of the body and mind : shewing from the true ground of nature, whence most diseases proceed, and how to prevent them : to which is added, a treatise of most sorts of English herbs, with several other remarkable and most useful observations, very necessary for all families : the whole treatise displaying the most hidden secrets of philosophy, and made easie and familiar to the meanest capacities, by various examples and demonstrances / communicated to the world for a general good by Thomas Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1697