12 results filtered with: Selected papers on the history of aphasia
- Books
The sources of Hughlings Jackson's view on aphasia / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977- Books
The principle of diaschisis / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976Date: 1977- Books
Discussions about cerebral localization in the learned societies of the 19th century / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976Date: 1977- Books
Baudelaire's aphasia : prefatory note / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977- Books
Von Monakow's concept of diaschisis : prefatory note / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977- Books
Dynamics in brain legions / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976Date: 1977- Books
Hughlings Jackson : prefatory note / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977- Books
Baudelaire as a victim of aphasia / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976Date: 1977- Books
Auto-observation of aphasia / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977- Books
The Lordat case / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977- Books
Principles of aphasiology in historical perspective : the early history of aphasia / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976Date: 1977- Books
Hughlings Jackson's doctrine of aphasia / Walther Riese.
Riese, Walther, 1890-1976.Date: 1977