1,263 results filtered with: Medicine - Early works to 1800
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A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased : Wherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue beene long hidden, and not come to light before this time. First set forth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of abilitie to goe to the physicions. By G.W.
A. T., practitioner in physickeDate: 1630- Books
Zacuti Lusitani medici, & philosophi praestantissimi, De praxi medica admiranda. : Libri tres. In quibus, exempla monstrosa, rara, nova, mirabilia, circa abditas morborum causas, signa, eventus, atque curationes exhibita, diligentissimè proponuntur. Opus, varia, & utili doctrina refertum, non solùm medicis, & chirurgis, sed recondita medicinae arcana affectantibus necessarium. Cum indice observationum locupletissimo.
Zacutus Lusitanus, 1575-1642.Date: Anno M. DC. XXXIV. [1634]- Pictures
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A man standing, anterior view with brain and contents of thorax and abdomen exposed. Engraving by Giulio de' Musi, by 1552, first published in 1714.
Date: 1714Reference: 26006i- Books
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Culpeper's last legacy : left and bequeathed to his dearest wife for the publick good. Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publish'd till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chirurgery, and physick: viz. compounding of medicines ... With two particular treatises; the one of fevers, the other of pestilence: as also other rare and choyce aphorisms and receipts ... With an addition of two hundred choyce receipts, lately found, never publish'd before in any of his other works; and a compleat table. / by Nicholas Culpeper.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1676- Books
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Pharmaceutice rationalis: or, The operations of medicines in humane bodies : The second part. With copper plates describing the several parts treated of in this volume. By Tho. Willis, M.D. and Sedley Professor in the University of Oxford.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675Date: 1679- Books
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Rich storehouse, or, Treasurie for the diseased : wherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue bin long hidden, and not come to light before this time / first set foorth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people that are not of abilllitie [sic] to go to the phisitions, by A.T.
A. T., Practitioner in phisicke and chirurgerieDate: 1607- Books
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The bathes of Bathes ayde : wonderfull and most excellent, agaynst very many sicknesses, approued by authoritie, confirmed by reason, and dayly tryed by experience: vvith the antiquitie, commoditie, propertie, knovvledge, vse, aphorismes, diet, medicine, and other thinges therto be considered and obserued. / Compendiously compiled by Iohn Iones phisition. Anno salutis. 1572. At Asple Hall besydes Nottingham.
Jones, John (Physician)Date: 13. Maij. [1572]- Books
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A physical dictionary : in which all the terms relating either to anatomy, chirurgery, pharmacy, or chymistry are very accurately explain'd / by Stephen Blancard.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: M.DC.LXXXIV [1684]- Books
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Disputatio medica inauguralis De febre intermittente : publicè habita in alma lugd. bat. academiâ pro gradu doctoratûs & summis in medicina honoribus & privilegiis ritè consequendis, Maii 19, 1664 / a Francisco Cross ... ; cui subiungitur ad novam hanc de febribus nova insuper occurrunt de hysterica passione, alia verò obiter dicuntur de ouiomanteias imposturâ.
Cross, Francis, -1675Date: 1668- Books
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Praxis medicorum antiqua & nova : the ancient and modern practice of physick examined, stated, and compared, the preparation and custody of medicines as it was the primitive custom with the princes and great patrons of physick asserted and proved to be the proper charge and grand duty and every physician successively, the new mode of prescribing and filing recipe's with apothecaries manifested an imprudent invention and pernicious innovation, demonstrated from the treble damage and disadvantages that arise thence to physician, patient and the medical science : with enforcing arguments for a return and general conformity to the primitive practice ... / by E. Maynwaring.
Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699?Date: 1671- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory : furhter adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these 3. The virtues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The virtues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the Old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the New Latin one, are printed in this impression in English with their virtues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates, their method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin mane of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1695- Books
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The London practice of physick, or, The whole practical part of Physick contained in the works of Dr. Willis : faithfully made English, and printed together for the publick good.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675Date: 1685- Books
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An advertisement from the Society of Chymical Physitians, touching medicines by them prepared, in pursuance of his Majesties command, for the prevention, and for the cure of the plague.
Date: [1665]- Books
Medicinisches Vademecum für lustige Aerzte und lustige Kranken : enthaltend eine Sammlung medicinischer Scherze, komischer Einfälle und sonderbarer medicinischer Geschichten und Gewohnheiten aus den besten Schriftstellern zusammengetragen.
Date: 1975- Books
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Dr. Sydenham's compleat method of curing almost all diseases, and description of their symptoms : to which are now added five discourses of the same author concerning the pleurisy, gout, hysterical passion, dropsy, and rheumatism / abridg'd and faithfully translated out of the original Latin ; with short and useful notes on the former part, written by a late learned physician, and never before printed.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1695- Books
Manual Buchlein von allerhandt Gifft, Wunden, unnd Feldt Kranckheyten eyn kurtzer Bericht / Durch Q. Apollinarem [pseud].
Ryff, Walther Hermann, -1548.Date: [1538]- Books
The practice of physick. In seventeen several books. Wherein is plainly set forth, the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs; together with the cure of all diseases in the body / By Nicholas Culpeper ... Abdiah Cole ... and William Rowland ... Being chiefly a translation of the works of that learned and renowned doctor, Lazarus Riverius ... To which are added, Four books containing five hundred and thirteen observations of famous cures. By the same author. And a fifth book of Select medicinal counsels. By John Fernelius. With a table of the principal matters treated of therein. As also a physical dictionary, explaining the hard words used in these books.
Rivière, Lazare, 1589-1655.Date: 1672- Books
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Pharmacopœia Londinensis : in qua medicamenta antiqua et noua vsitatissima, sedulò collecta, accuratissime examinata, quotidianâ experientia confirmata describuntur. Diligenter reuisa, denuo recusa, emendatior, auctior. Opera Medicorum Collegij Londinensis. Ex serenissimi Regis mandato cum R.M. priuilegio.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: 1632- Books
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The path-vvay to health : wherein are to be found most excellent and approved medicins of great vertue, as also notable potions and drinks, with the art of distilling divers precious waters, for making of oyles, and other comfortable receipts, for the health of the body, never before printed. First gathered by Peter Levens, Mr. of Arts in Oxford, and student in Physick and Chirurgery, and now newly corrected and augmented. Published according to order.
Levens, Peter, active 1587Date: MDCLXIV. [1654]- Books
Leonardi Botalli astensis, philosophiæ & medicinæ doctoris Christianissimi regis Caroli IX. Serenissima reginæ, & invictissimi ducis brabantiæ, andium &c. Comitis Flandriæ, &c. Consiliarii & medici : opera omnia medica & chirurgica. Hac postrema editione à mendis repurgata, methodicè disposita, paragraphis distincta, notis marginalibus, & authorum testimoniis aucta, hinc inde annotationibus illustrata, prodeunt è musaeo Joannis van Horne, med. doct. anat. & chir. prof. ordinarii. in Acad. Lugduno-Batava.
Botallo, Leonardo, 1530-approximately 1587.Date: 1660- Pictures
An anatomical dissection with six onlookers and the dissector who is retracting the skin to reveal the intestines. Engraving, 1705.
Date: 1705Reference: 25331i- Books
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Mineralogia, or, An account of the preparation, manifold vertues and uses of a mineral salt, both in physick and chyrurgery : which is so safe, pleasant and effectual in its operation, that it may be taken by those of all ages and constitutions with great benefit ... to which is added a short discourse of the nature and uses of the sulphurs of minerals and metals ... / by Chr. Packe.
Packe, Christopher, active 1670-1711Date: 1693- Books
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Theses medicæ de secretione animali, quas favente Deo opt: max : Ex auctoritate D.D. Georgii Hamilton principalis coll. S. Leonardi in academia Andræa-politana, et ejusdem academiæ rectoris magnifici, nec non amplissimi senatus academici decreto, pro gradu doctoratus in medicina consequendo, publico examini subjicit Joannes Arbuthnot auct. & resp: in scolis Marianis ad diem 11 Septembris hora 10 A.M.
Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735Date: Anno Domini M.DC.XCVI. [1696]- Books
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice remedies : chiefly simple, and easily prepared: useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle Esq; late Fellow of the Royal Society. The third and last volume. Published from the author's original manuscripts. Whereunto is added, several other useful notes explicatory of the same.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691.Date: 1694- Books
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The practice of physick in seventeen several books : wherein is plainly set forth the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs : together with the cure of all diseases in the body of man / by Nicholas Culpeper ... Abdiah Cole ... and William Rowland ; being chiefly a translation of the works of that learned and renowned doctor, Lazarus Riverius.
Rivière, Lazare, 1589-1655Date: 1655