253 results filtered with: Convalescence
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A young woman convalescing in her boudoir with a visiting couple, while her maid prepares her medicine. Reproduction of a coloured aquatint.
Spiridon, Ignace.Reference: 17159i- Books
Des ateliers de convalescence pour les blessés du travail / par A. Courtault.
Courtault, Auguste, 1855-Date: [1905?]- Ephemera
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Weak after illness? : He needs Brand's : In colds, chills, measles, influenza, chickenpox- all children's complaints, give Brand's chicken or beef Essence : 2/3, 2/9, 3/-.
Date: [between 1920 and 1929?]- Books
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The Rhine saline baths at Rheinfelden (Switzerland) : proprietor Mr. Henry Struve : from Dr. Weller's Handbook for visitors of watering-places.
Weller, KarlDate: [1867?]- Books
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Observations et recherches sur la folie consécutive aux maladies aiguës / par J. Chéron.
Chéron, Jules.Date: 1866- Books
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Rest and pain : A course of lectures on the influence of mechanical and physiological rest in the treatment of accidents and surgical diseases, and the diagnostic value of pain. Delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the years 1860, 1861, and 1862 / by John Hilton ; edited by W.H.A. Jacobson.
Hilton, John, 1804-1878.Date: 1879- Pictures
Crimean War: recuperating soldiers being nursed. Wood engraving by L. Huard.
Huard, L., -1874.Date: 1800-1899Reference: 21060i- Pictures
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Princess Alexandra taking a carriage ride with a convalescing Prince Albert Edward. Wood engraving by H. Harral, 1872.
Harral, Horace.Date: 2 March 1872Reference: 17189i- Pictures
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Sanatorio Mussolini, Rome; bird's eye view. Process print.
Reference: 22577i- Books
Convalescent treatment / report of a working party.
Great Britain. Working Party on Convalescent Treatment.Date: 1959- Ephemera
Il medico di se stesso pel cholera morbus asiatico : Memoria / dell' Al. Giuseppe Piolanti.
Piolanti, Giuseppe.Date: [1836]- Books
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Cervical and submaxillary adenitis in convalescence from diphtheria / by J.D. Rolleston.
Rolleston, John Davy, 1873-1946.Date: [1908]- Ephemera
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In convalescence Dianabol builds the patient up : the engraver builds his colour picture : Siamese fighting fish.
Date: [1966?]- Books
BUPA HomeCare services : we promise to care / BUPA HomeCare Services.
British United Provident Association.Date: 1989- Pictures
World War Two: men, all with various limbs missing, in a hospital camp playing at cards. Watercolour by L. Rawlings, 1944.
Rawlings, Leo, -1990.Date: 1944Reference: 24133i- Ephemera
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'Bynin' Amara : "a distinct advance on Easton's Syrup." Lancet : August 1915.
Date: 1915- Pictures
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Southport, Lancashire: sheet of sketches showing various sights. Wood engraving, 1872.
Date: 12 October 1872Reference: 22815i- Pictures
The medical practitioner appearing as an angel when he has started to heal sick people. Coloured engraving by Johann Gelle after E. van Panderen.
Panderen, Egbert van, 1581-1637?Reference: 44738i- Books
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Remarques pratiques sur la convalescence et les rechutes : suivies d'une observation curieuse de gangrène sénile : opuscule à l'usage des convalescens / par C.B. Chardon.
Chardon, Claude Benoît.Date: 1824- Ephemera
Drug advertising ephemera. Box 7.
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Drug advertising ephemera. Box 8.
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Serbo-Bulgarian War: a café scene in Nisch where soldiers and the wounded are at leisure. Wood engraving.
Reference: 22115i- Pictures
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Crimean War, Ukraine: patients convalescing on the beach at Castle Hospital, Balaklava. Wood engraving.
Reference: 21281i- Pictures
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A sick man stirring his bitter medicine. Mezzotint by H. Dawe, 1824, after M.W. Sharp.
Sharp, Michael William, -1840.Date: 1 June 1824Reference: 17929i- Books
Tiempo y enfermedad : intuiciones de la antropología médica perenne confrontadas con una larga auto-observación / [Fortunato Escribano de la Torre].
Escribano de la Torre, Fortunato.Date: 1963