723 results filtered with: Edinburgh medical and surgical journal.
- Books
Case of compound fracture of both legs, successfully treated / by J. Peake.
Peake, J.Date: 1815- Books
Observations on the foetal liver, &c. &c. / by James Bryce.
Bryce, JamesDate: 1815- Books
On the tic douloureux, or trismus dolorificus.
Date: 1807- Books
Experiments tending to prove that gonorrhoea and a smooth superficial ulcer, without induration, arise from one and the same virus / by Simon McCoy.
McCoy, SimonDate: 1815- Books
Case of scirrhous ulceration of the pharynx and oesophagus / by George Kitson.
Kitson, George.Date: 1807- Books
Description of an annular saw : with a plate / by T. Machell.
Machell, T.Date: 1815- Books
Account of an epidemic attack of Indian cholera of spontaneous origin / by James Gibson.
Gibson, James.Date: 1832- Books
History of a case of introsusception, with remarks on the complaint / by Mr George Langstaff, surgeon, London.
Langstaff, George.Date: 1807- Books
Additional observations on the static lung tests / by William Augustus Guy.
Guy, William A. (William Augustus), 1810-1885Date: 1842- Books
On the nervous papillae of Vater : the corpuscula of Pacini / by Dr J. Carl Strahl.
Strahl, J. Carl.Date: 1850- Books
Observations on cholera / in a letter from Harry Leake Gibbs.
Gibbs, Harry Leake.Date: 1831- Books
Observations on the cure of those unnatural articulations which are sometimes the consequence of fractures in the extremities : with cases / by Andrew Inglis.
Inglis, AndrewDate: 1805- Books
Observations on continued fever, as it occurs in the city of Glasgow hospitals / Robert Perry.
Perry, Robert, 1783-1848.Date: 1836- Books
Letter to Dr James Hamilton, Senior Physician to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, on the cure of scarlatina / by Jonathan Binns, physician, Lancaster ; communicated by Dr Hamilton.
Binns, JonathanDate: 1807- Books
[Review of: A demonstration of the nerves of the human body consisting of four parts. Part 1. The cervical and thoracic portions of the sympathetic and nerves of the thoracic viscera / by Joseph Swan. London : Longman, 1830].
Date: 1831- Books
History of a successful case of lithotomy by a modification of the high operation : which occurred in the practice of the late Mr George Bell, F.R.S. ... / communicated by George Bell, M.D.
Bell, George, Jr.Date: 1837- Books
The inquirer. No. XI, On some convulsive diseases common in some parts of Scotland.
Date: 1807- Books
The inquirer. No. X, On the Royal Touch, and on quackery.
Date: 1807- Books
Case of inguinal aneurism cured by tying the external iliac artery / William Goodlad.
Goodlad, William.Date: 1812- Books
Some account of the fever which recently prevailed in the Garrison of St Ann, Barbados / by John Davy ..., Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, &c.
J. D. (John Davy)Date: 1849- Books
[Review of: Pathological researches on inflammation of the veins of the uterus, with additional observations on phlegmasia dolens / by Robert Lee. (From Medico-chirurgical transactions, v. 15) London, 1829].
Date: 1830- Books
Cases illustrating the effects of the hydriodate of potass / by Henry Bullock.
Bullock, HenryDate: 1837- Books
Case of hypertrophy of the spleen and liver, in which death took place from suppuration of the blood / J.H. Bennett.
Bennett, John Hughes, 1812-1875Date: 1845- Books
Observations on the operation of lithotomy / by Allan Burns.
Burns, Allan, 1935-2021Date: 1808- Books
Case of fracture of the neck and trochanter of the thigh-bone, attended with inversion of the limb / by George Gulliver ... ; communicated by Sir James M'Grigor.
Gulliver, George, 1804-1882Date: 1836