1,263 results filtered with: Medicine - Early works to 1800
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Th. Bartholini De peregrinatione medica : ad cl. v. Oligerum Jacobaeum nepotem suum et filios Casparum Bartholinum, Christoph. Bartholinum.
Bartholin, Thomas, 1616-1680.Date: Anno 1674- Books
Nvova selva di cirvgia, divisa in tre parti. Nella prima sono gli auuertimenti del manual, ed artificioso modo di curare molte, e graui infirmità del corpo humano. Nella seconda sono molti medicamenti esquisiti, con le figure de' ferri, ò instrumenti necessarij per essercitar l'arte della cirugia. Nella terza parimente si contengono molti rari medicamenti, per distillationi, con le figure in vltimo de' vasi, e fornelli appartenenti all'arte distillatoria / Del R.P.F. Gabriele Ferrara.
Ferrara, Camillo, active 1596.Date: 1598- Books
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Opera posthuma, in quibus excellentissimi authoris vita continetur, ac pleraque quae ab ipso priùs scripta aut inventa sunt confirmantur, & ab adversariorum objectionibus vindicantur. Quibus praefixa est ejusdem vita a seipso scripta / Supplementa necessaria, et praefationem addidit, innumerisque in locis emendavit Petrus Regis.
Malpighi, Marcello, 1628-1694.Date: 1700- Books
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[The regiment of life.].
Goeurot, JeanDate: [1544]- Books
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A compleat practice of physick : Wherein is plainly described, the nature, causes, differences, and signs, of all diseases in the body of man. VVith the choicest cures for the same. / By John Smith, Doctor in Physick.
Smith, John, doctor in Physic.Date: 1656- Books
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The vertuose boke of the distyllacyon of all maner of waters of the herbes in this present volume expressed : with the fygures of the stillatoryes to that noble worke belongynge / fyrst made and compyled by the thirtye yeres studye and labour of the moste famous and expert master of phisyke, Master Iherom Bruynswyke ... ; and nowe of late newly translated into Englysshe out of Duche by me Laurence Andrew.
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, approximately 1450-approximately 1512Date: M.ccccc.xxvii, the xviii daye of Apryll [18 Apr. 1527]- Books
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The antidotharius : in the whiche thou mayst lerne howe thou shalte make many, and dyuers noble playsters, salues, oynteme[n]t, powders, bawmes, oyles. & wounde drynkes, the whiche be very necessary, and behouefull, vtyle & profytable, for euery surgyan, therin to be expert, and redy at all tymes of nede.
Date: [1535?]]- Books
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The English physitian enlarged : With three hundred sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in an impression until now: The epistle will inform you how to know this impression from any other. : Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: Containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. : Herein is also shewed these seven things: Viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kind of useful compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. / By Nich. Culpeper.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1665- Books
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A plain introduction to the art of physick : containing the fundamentals, and necessary preliminaries to practice ... : to which is added, The materia medica contracted, and alphabetical tables of the vertues of roots, barks, woods, herbs, flowers, seeds, fruits, juices and gums ... : also a collection of choice medicines chymical and Galenical, together with a different way of making the most celebrated compositions in the apothecaries shops / by J. Pechey.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1697- Books
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In libros aliquot pauli Aeginetæ, hypomnemata quædam : seu obseruationes medicamentorum, quæ hac ætate in vsu su[n]t per Georgium Edrychum medicum pro iuuenum studijs ad praxim medicam, collecta.
Etheridge, George, 1519-1588Date: 1588- Books
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Gulielm, Fabricius Hildamus, his experiments in chyrurgerie : concerning combustions or burnings made with gun powder, iron shot, hot-water, lightning, or any other fiery matter whatsoever : in which is excellently described the differences, signs, prognostication and cures, of all accidents and burning themselves : very necessary and useful for all gentlemen, and soldiers as well of the trayned bands, as others, especially upon sudden occasions / translated out of Latine by Iohn Steer, Chyrurgeon.
Fabricius Hildanus, Wilhelm, 1560-1634Date: 1642- Books
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The kegiment [sic] of life / wherunto is added A treatyse of the pestilence, with The booke of children newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayer.
Goeurot, JeanDate: The last daye of June 1546- Books
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A nevv dispensatory of fourty physicall receipts : Most necessary and profitable for all house-keepers in their families. Besides three other pleasant arts fit for young gentlemen. / Published by Salvatore Winter of Naples, an expert operator.
Winter, SalvatorDate: Printed in the year, 1649- Books
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Membrorum principalium apostasia, or, A short view of those many diseases and infirmities which proceed from a defection, or falling away, of the principal members or parts of the body from the performance of their several offices and functions : together with their cures by the matchless tinctura cælestis, a medicine ... prepared and fitted to give relief in such extreams ... / by J. Barrow, M.D.
Barrow, JDate: [1670?]- Pictures
Pierre Dionis lecturing on surgery at the Saint-Côme lecture theatre in Paris. Engraving by Jean-Baptiste Scotin the younger, 1707.
Date: 1707Reference: 25289i- Books
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Medicaments for the poor; or, Physick for the common people : Containing, excellent remedies for most common diseases, incident to mans body; made of such things as are common to be had in almost every country in the world: and are made with little art, and small charge. This book is of admirable use for, 1. Purging medicines, for choler, flegm, melancholly, or watry [sic] humors. ... 20. Or in dissolved unity. Hereunto is added an excellent book, called Health for rich and poor, by diet without physick. / By Nich. Culpeper, student in physick and astrology.
Prevost, Jean, 1585-1631Date: 1662- Books
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The most excelent worckes of chirurgery, made and set forth by maister Iohn Vigon, head chirurgien of oure tyme in Italy, traunslated into Englishe. Wherunto is added an exposition of straunge termes and vnknowen symples, belongynge vnto the arte.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: Anno. D. 1550- Books
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A right profitable booke for all diseases, called, The path-way to health : Wherein are to bee found most excellent and approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted First gathered by Peter Leuens, Master of Art of Oxford, and student in physicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented.
Levens, Peter, active 1587Date: 1632- Pictures
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The anatomist Felix Platter, seated at a table covered with surgical instruments in a room with two other men, below which are the figures of Hippocrates and Galen. Engraving, 1656.
Date: 1656Reference: 24970i- Books
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A discourse in the praise of antimonie : and the vertues thereof. Written and published at the request of a person of quality. By Constantine Rhodocanacis.
Rhodokanakēs, Kōnstantinos, 1635-1689Date: 1664- Books
Medical sketches, in two parts / by John Moore.
Moore, John, 1729-1802.Date: 1786- Books
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The divine physician : prescribing rules for the prevention, and cure of most diseases, as well of the body, as the soul: demonstrating by natural reason, and also divine and humane testimony, that, as vicious and irregular actions and affections prove often occasions of most bodily diseases, and shortness of life; so the contrary do conduce to the preservation of health, and prolongation of life. In two parts. By J.H. M.A.
Harris, John, 1667?-1719Date: 1676- Books
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The works of William Cullen, M.D. containing his physiology, nosology, and first lines of the practice of physic: with numerous extracts from his manuscript papers, and from his Treatise of the materia medica / Edited by John Thomson.
Cullen, William, 1710-1790.Date: 1827- Books
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Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice and safe remedies. The second volume : for the most part simple, and easily prepared: useful in families, and very serviceable to country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is annexed a catalogue of his theological and philosophical books and tracts.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691Date: 1693- Books
Das medizinische Consilium des Paracelsus für Abt Johann Jakob Russinger von Pfäfers 1535 : Neu-Edition und Kommentar / [kommentiert von] Willem F. Daems und Werner Vogler.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541.Date: 1986