377 results filtered with: Medical Heritage Library.
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Address in pathology : on the autonomous life of the specific infections / by Charles Creighton.
Creighton, Charles, 1847-1927.Date: 1883- Books
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Disputatio chemico-medica inauguralis de sanguine aegrorum : quam, annuente summo numine : ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, SS.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti : necnon amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto : pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis / eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Whiting, Anglus.
Whiting, John.Date: 1816- Books
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The exceeding riches of grace, and the care of divine providence : exemplified in the conversion and subsequent history of Benjamin Lawson, an afflicted youth, deprived of his speech by scrofula ... Part 1 / Written by himself.
Lawson, Benjamin.Date: 1826- Books
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Outlines of a course of lectures on natural philosophy / by T. Garnett.
Garnett, Thomas, 1766-1802.Date: 1796- Books
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Elements of medical jurisprudence; or, A succinct and compendious description of such tokens in the human body as are requisite to determine the judgment of a coroner, and courts of law, in cases of divorce, rape, murder, &c. : To which are added, directions for preserving the public health / by Samuel Farr.
Farr, Samuel, 1741-1795.Date: 1814- Books
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On the electrical effects produced by friction between bodies / by J. De Luc.
Luc, J. A. de (Jean André), 1727-1817.Date: 1812- Books
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Cursory observations upon the 'Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons / by W. Lawrence ; 'in a series of letters addressed to that gentleman; with a concluding letter to his pupils, by one of the people called Christians'].
Grinfield, Edward William, 1785-1864.Date: 1819- Books
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Medical testimony and evidence in cases of lunacy; being the Croonian lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians in 1853. With an essay on the conditions of mental soundness.
Mayo, Thomas, 1790-1871.Date: 1854- Books
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Anecdota Sydenhamiana : medical notes and observations of T.S. hitherto unpublished.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1845- Books
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Three reports relating to the Hastings water : with an appendix of letters, &c. / Ordered to be printed by the Hastings Local Board of Health.
Taylor, Alfred Swaine, 1806-1880.Date: 1859- Books
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The vaccine scourge : Part 2 : containing the New Beggar's Opera, alias the Walkerian Farce, alias the London Vaccine Hoax ; in answer to Dr. Walker's jenneric opera : A Rod for the Fool's Back.
Date: 1815- Books
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A new, plain and rational treatise on the true nature and uses of the Bath waters.
Graham, James, 1745-1794.Date: 1789- Books
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A practical and historical treatise on consumptive diseases / by Thomas Young.
Young, Thomas, 1773-1829.Date: 1815- Books
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Thermal comfort, or, popular hints for preservation against colds, coughs and consumption / by Sir George Lefevre.
Lefevre, George, Sir, 1798-1846.Date: 1843- Books
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The board of health & longevity, or hydropathy for the people. Consisting of plain observations on drugs, diet, water, air, exercise, etc / by W. Horsell.
Horsell, William, 1808-1863.Date: 1849- Books
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Thymi in homine ac per seriem animalium descriptionis anatomico-physiologicae : particula posterior, disquisitiones de thymo in avibus, reptilibus et piscibus ... / particula posterior ... quam pro summis in arte medica honoribus rite obtinendis publico eruditorum examini modeste submittit auctor Fridericus Christianus Haugsted.
Haugsted, Frederik Christian.Date: 1832- Books
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A disquisition of the stone and gravel, together with strictures on the gout, when combined with those disorders / by S. Perry.
Perry, S. (Sampson), 1747-1823.Date: 1793- Books
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Dissertatio physiologica inauguralis, de calore animali : quam, annuente summo numine : ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, SS.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti : necnon amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto : pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis / eruditorum examini subjicit Adamus MacDougall, Scotus, Chirurgus.
Macdougall, Adam.Date: 1813- Books
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The life and letters of Sir John Hall / by S. M. Mitra with an introduction by Rear-Admiral Sir R. Massie Blomfield. With portraits and illustrations.
Mitra, Siddha Mohana, 1856-1925.Date: 1911- Books
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Morborum puerilium epitome / auctore Gulielmo Heberden.
Heberden, William, 1767-1845.Date: 1804- Books
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Advice and maxims for young students and practitioners of medicine : with remarks on the pulse / by Daniel Johnson.
Johnson, Daniel.Date: 1820- Books
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De aetiologia generali contagii pluribus morbis ... praesertim pesti orientali ac febri flavae ... proprii / auctore Claudio Balme ...
Balme, Claude.Date: 1809- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de digitale ; ejusque in quibusdam morbis usu : quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, S.S.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti : necnon amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto : pro gradu doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis / eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus Alleyne Hendy, Barbadensis, Societ. Reg. Med. Edin. Socius.
Hendy, James Alleyne.Date: 1802- Books
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Memorie : I, Intorno alla costituzione cosi detta stazionaria; II, Sull' omeopatia e sopra alcuni rimedii prevalenti da qualche tempo. Ossia precipue leggi fobdamentali di medicina speculative, e loro applicazione all' accennato obbietto / di Ceresa.
Ceresa, Carl von.Date: 1835- Books
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Physiognomy; or, the corresponding analogy between the conformation of the features and the ruling passions of the mind / translated from the original work of J. C. Lavater by Samuel Shaw Esq. Editor of the Abridgement of Bruce's Travels.
Lavater, Johann Caspar, 1741-1801.Date: 1792