375 results filtered with: Mortality
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[Mortality rates in Manchester and Liverpool / William Royston]
Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association.Date: 1862- Books
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De tabulis mortuorum, vivorum, et nascentium, necnon de numero et proportione diversorum morborum : disputatio medica ... / a Gulielmo Harty.
Harty William, 1781-1854.Date: 1830- Books
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Report of the sanitary condition of Merthyr Tydfil : drawn up at the request of the Local Board of Health, and read at the meeting of the Board, on the 15th day of May, 1854 / by William Kay.
Kay, William.Date: 1854- Books
Bombay Plague Visitation of 1896-1897-1898-1899 : diagram showing mortality against temperature, humidity, wind velocity, cloud, and rain.
Date: 1901- Books
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Essai statistique sur la mortalité dans les anciennes troupes de S.M. le roi de Sardaigne en temps de paix : rédigé d'après les observations inédites recueillies par feu M.r le comte de Morozzo / par Jean-Jacques Bonino.
Bonino, Giovanni Giacomo, -1858.Date: 1830- Books
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On some of the causes of the high rate of mortality in Greenock : with an account of their origin, as well as of the measures which have been taken, and are still required, for their abatement or removal / by James Greenock.
Wallace, James.Date: 1860- Books
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On the causes of death in the Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society : from 1st January 1860 to 31st December 1866 / by James Begbie.
Date: 1868- Books
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The supposed death-rates of abstainers and non-abstainers and their lack of scientific value / by Edward Bunnell Phelps.
Phelps, Edward Bunnell, 1863-1915.Date: 1913- Books
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Report on the mortality of Edinburgh and Leith, for the months of June, July, and August 1847 / by James Stark.
Stark, James, 1811-1890.Date: 1847- Books
Gender-specific life expectancy in Europe 1850-2010 / edited by Martin Dinges/Andreas Weigl.
Date: 2016- Books
Casualties and medical statistics / edited by W. Franklin Mellor.
Date: 1972- Books
La mortalidad en el mundo : tendencias y perspectivas / France Meslé y Jacques Vallin.
Meslé, France.Date: [1995]- Books
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Report on the mortality experience of the Clergy Mutual Assurance Society, from 1829 to 1887, by F.B. Wyatt, with ... the medical history of the Society, by W.H. Stone.
Stone, William Henry.Date: 1891- Books
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Sixteenth census of the United States: 1940 : United States life tables and actuarial tables, 1939-1941 / by Thomas N.E. Greville.
United States. Bureau of the Census.Date: 1946- Books
Death stalks the Yakama : epidemiological transitions and mortality on the Yakama Indian Reservation, 1888-1964 / Clifford E. Trafzer.
Trafzer, Clifford E.Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
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A historical account of bills of mortality, and the probability of human life, in Glasgow and other large towns / by James Cleland.
Cleland, James, 1770-1840.Date: 1836- Books
A comparison of the mortality, from different causes, in Australia and in England / by John Beddoe.
Beddoe, John, 1826-1911.Date: 1859- Books
Twenty-five years of health progress : a study of the mortality experience among the industrial policyholders of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 1911 to 1935 / by Louis I. Dublin ... and Alfred J. Lotka ... with the collaboration of the staff of the Statistical Bureau.
Dublin, Louis I. (Louis Israel), 1882-1969.Date: 1937- Books
La mortalite dans les regions rurales de l'Europe = Mortality conditions in rural Europe / par K. Stouman.
Stouman, K. (Knud)Date: [1931?]- Ephemera
De 32ste weeck van tegenwoordige jaer, 1664 : Getal der dooden, die tot Amsterdam deze voorlede week, beginnende met Sondag den 3 Aug. en eyndigende met Saturdagh daer aen volgende, in yder Kerk, en Kerkhof, begraven zijn.
Date: 1664- Books
Mortality and morbidity in the United States / Carl L. Erhardt and Joyce E. Berlin, editors.
Erhardt, Carl L.Date: 1974- Books
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De la mortalité dans l'armée et des moyens d'économiser la vie humaine : extraits des statistiques médico-chirurgicales des campagnes de Crimée en 1854-1856 et d'Italie en 1859 / par J.C. Chenu.
Chenu, Jean Charles, 1808-1879.Date: 1870- Books
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Cause di morte : statistica analitica per l'anno 1889 e notizie sommarie per l' anno 1890 : movimento degli infermi negli ospedali (1887), nei manicomi e negli ospizi di maternita (1889) / Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio.
Italy. Ministero di Agricoltura Industria e Commercio.Date: 1891- Books
The effects of infant and child mortality on fertility / edited by Samuel H. Preston.
Date: [1978], ©1978- Books
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Die Choleraepidemien in Königsberg : Bericht im Auftrage des Vereins für wissenschaftliche Heilkunde / bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. W. Schiefferdecker.
Schiefferdecker, Wilhelm Friedrich, 1818-1889.Date: 1868