1,263 results filtered with: Medicine - Early works to 1800
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At the Blew-Ball in Sir William Pritchards [sic] rents in Haydon-Yard in the Little-Minories near the Tower, London, liveth Mr. Elmy, operator, occulist, and practitioner of that noble art of healing: who.
Elmy, MrDate: [1700]- Books
Il reggimento della peste / dell' ... Leonardo Fiorauanti ... nuovamente ristampato, corretto & ampliato in questa ultima impressione aggiontovi alcuni secreti dati in luce dall'autore avanti la sua morte pertinenti alla materia del libro.
Fioravanti, Leonardo, 1517-Date: 1594- Books
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The expert phisician : learnedly treating of all agues and feavers. Whether simple or compound. Shewing their different nature, causes, signes, and cure, viz. A feaverish heat. The differences of feavers. ... Confused erratick feavers. Malignant pestilent feavers, &c. / Written originally by that famous doctor in phisick, Bricius Bauderon, and translated into English by B.W. licentiate in physick by the University of Oxford. Published for the general good of this nation, and may be put in practice with facility and safety.
Bauderon, Brice, approximately 1540-1623Date: 1657- Books
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Blagraves astrological practice of physick : discovering the true way to cure all kinds of diseases and infirmities ... being performed by such herbs and plants which grow within our own nation ... : also a discovery of some notable phylosophical secrets worthy our knowledge, relating to a discovery of all kinds of evils, whether natural or ... from sorcery or witchcraft, or by being possessed of an evil spirit, directing how to cast forth the said evil spirit out of any one which is possessed, with sundry examples thereof / by Joseph Blagrave of Reading, Gent.
Blagrave, Joseph, 1610-1682Date: 1671- Books
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The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq., epitomiz'd / by Richard Boulton ... ; illustrated with copper plates.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691Date: 1699-1700- Books
De ratione et vsu diervm criticorvm opvs recens natvm, in qvo mens tum ipsius Ptolemaei, tũm aliorum astrologorum hac in parte dilucidatur / Authore Thoma Boderio. Cvi accessit Hermes Trismegistus de decubitu infirmorum, nunquam anteà in lucem editus.
Boderius, Thomas, active 1555.Date: 1555- Books
Los temas polemicos de la medicina renacentista : las Controversias (1556), de Francisco Valles / José Maria Lopez Piñero, Francisco Calero.
López Piñero, José María.Date: 1988- Books
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Culpeper's school of physick, or, The experimental practice of the whole art : wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures, such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health : with other safe wayes for preserving of life ... / by Nich. Culpeper ... ; the narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated, together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs Alice Culpeper, and others.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1659- Books
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Averroeana : being a transcript of several letters from Averroes an Arabian philosopher at Corduba in Spain, to Metrodorus a young Grecian nobleman, student at Athens in the years 1149 and 1150 : also several letters from Pythagoras to the King of India, together with his reception at the Indian court, and an account of his discourse with the King, and his gymnosophists, and his rules and precepts : his account of the power and efficacy of numbers, and magical uses thereof : to which is prefixt, a Latin letter by Monsieur Grinau, one of the Messieurs du Port Royal in France, to the ingenius Monsieur Gramont, merchant at Amsterdam, concerning the subject of these papers, and how they came to his hands : the whole containing matters highly philosophical, physiological, Pythagorical and medicinal, the work having been long conceal'd is now put into English for the benefit of mankind, and the rectification of learned mistakes.
Averroës, 1126-1198Date: 1695- Books
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Aggeiologia, or, A description of the vessells in the body of man : of the three kinds, i.e. of the veins, arteries, and nerves, especially of those in the limbs and habit of the body : whereof there are also given anatomicall figures (the largest and fairest that ever were published with any English book, in three tractates / translated out of the anatomie of Adrianus Spigelius by whom these parts are more largely and accurately described then by other authors, the more ful tractation whereof being a part of anatomie so usefull in order to chirurgicall operations hath been judged very worthy to be annexed unto this present work.
Spiegel, Adriaan van den, 1578-1625Date: 1649- Books
Metamorphosis Doctoris Theophrast; von Hohenheim der zerstörten guten Künsten unnd Artzney Restauratoris gewaltigs unnd nutzlichs schreiben des haupt argumenten diss Buchs erklret das rechstuolgende Blatt / [Paracelsus].
Paracelsus, 1493-1541.Date: [1572]- Books
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A book of knowledge : In three parts. : The first containing a brief introduction to astrology, shewing the nature, quality and effects of the twelve signs, and seven planets, their dominion over bodies, with the fortunes of those calculated, who are born under them, also a delightful wheel of fortune. : The second, a treatise of physick, the anatomy of mans body, the diseases incident to the body of man:, rules and receipts for the curing of them; : also rules for sweating, bathing, conserving, and preserving, and the way to make cordial-waters. : Also the principal rules of arithmetick, very plain and easie. : The third, the countrey-mans guide to good husbandry : rules for setting and planting of orchards, gardens, and woods : also rare receipts for curing diseases in horses, sheep, cows, and oxen; : also an almanack for ever and other variety of inventions, very profitable and advantageous. / Composed by Samuel Strangehopes.
Strangehopes, SamuelDate: 1679- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or, The new London dispensatory : in VI books, translated into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing : illustrated with the preparations, virtues, and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal, and mineral : of all the compounds both internal and external, and of all the chymical preparations now in use : together with some choice medicines added by the author : as also the praxis of chymistry, as it's now exercised fitted to the meanest capacity / by William Salmon.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: 1691- Books
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Laudanum helmontii : it is good to ease all manner of pains in what part of the body forever it is.
Date: [1666?]- Books
Opera omnia / Thomae Willis.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675.Date: 1680- Books
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Iatrica, seu, Praxis medendi. Volume one : the practice of curing, being a medicinal history of many famous observations in the cure of diseases performed by the author : whereunto is added by way of scholia, a complete theory, or method of precepts ... together with several of the choisest observations of other famous men ... / performed by William Salmon.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713Date: 1684- Books
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Michaelis Ettmulleri, Phil. et Med. D. ... Opera omnia, nempe, Institutiones medicinæ, cum notis. Tomus I : collegium practicum generale & speciale de morbis virorum, mulierum & infantium : collegium chirurgium : notæ in Morelli methodum de formulis medicamentorum præscribendis, in Ludovici dissertationes pharmaceuticas, & in Schroederi pharmacopœam : chymia rationalis, cum collegio casuali, & variis curiosisque dissertationibus aliis : opus posthumum, post varias editiones mancas, nunc hinc inde suppletum, & indice copiosissimo instructum / curâ D. Georgii Franci.
Ettmüller, Michael, 1644-1683Date: 1688- Books
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A chymical physician : Who cures all diseases curable incident to mankind, easeth all afflicted spirits; and in fine, performs all that may be in astrology and physick with that infallibility, that never yet any has done.
Case, John, DrDate: [between 1690 and 1700]- Books
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Tabulæ universam chirurgiam miro ordine complectentes : ex eruditioribus medicis collectae. / Per Horatium Morum medicum Florentinum.
Morus, Horatius, active 1569Date: 1584- Books
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A theoretical and chiefly practical treatise of fevors : wherein it's made evident that the modern practice of curing continual fevors is dangerous and very unsuccessful : hereunto are added several important observations and cures of malignant fevors not inserted in the former impression / written in Latin by Gideon Harvey ... ; now rendered into English by J.T. and surveyed by the author.
Harvey, Gideon, 1640?-1700?Date: 1674- Books
Maister Constantini Buch : der Entwurf des Ulmer Stadarztes Heinrich Steinhöwel zu einem Arzneibuch eine Handschrift der Stadtbibliothek Ulm / herausgegeben und kommentiert von Anneliese Seiz-Hauser.
Date: [1989]- Books
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A relation of the miraculous cure of Susannah Arch : of a leprosy and ptysick, wherewith for some years past she had been sorely afflicted.
Arch, SusannahDate: MDCXCV. [1695]- Books
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George Jones of London, student in the art of physick and chyrurgery for about thirty years, is now resident at his house in Hatton-Garden, where he hath lived for above seven years.
Jones, George, of Hatton GardenDate: [1675?]- Books
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Observationum et curationum medicinalium. Libri xxvitus & xxviimus, De penis, virgae, scroti, & testiculorum affectibus ac vitiis, deque ramicum diversis speciebus ... / Petro Foresto.
Foreest, Pieter van, 1522-1597.Date: 1597- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Londinensis Collegarum : hodie viventium studiis ac symbolis ornatior.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: MDCLV [1655]