837 results filtered with: Hydrotherapy
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A treatise on the use and abuse of mineral waters : Also rules necessary to be observed by invalids who visit the chalybeate springs of the Old and New Tunbridge Wells. Together with remarks on the immoderate use of sea water / By Hugh Smith.
Smith, Hugh, 1736?-1789.Date: [1776?]- Books
The therapeutics of mineral springs and climates / by I. Burney Yeo.
Yeo, I. Burney (Isaac Burney), 1835-1914.Date: [1904]- Books
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Essay on a reliable and harmless way to diminish and cure over-fatness / by William T. Cathell.
Cathell, William T., 1864-Date: [1890?]- Pictures
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Mr. Lambkin in bed undergoing hydrotherapy with a follower of V. Priessnitz. Lithograph by G. Cruikshank.
Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878.Reference: 12114i- Books
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Letters from Graefenberg, in the years 1843, 1844, 1845, & 1846 : with the report, and extracts from the correspondence, of the Enniscorthy Hydropathic Society / by John Gibbs.
Gibbs, John.Date: 1847- Books
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A guide to domestic hydro-therapeia : the water cure in acute disease / by James Manby Gully.
Gully, James Manby, 1808-1883.Date: 1869- Books
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An essay on warm, cold and vapour bathing : with practical observations on sea bathing &c. &c. / by Sir Arthur Clarke.
Clarke Arthur, Sir, 1778-1857.Date: 1827- Books
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The Kneipp water cure monthly. Vol.1, no.6, June, 1900 / Benedict Lust, editor.
Date: 1900- Books
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Ems mit seinen natürlich-warmen Heilquellen und Umgebungen.
Döring, Albert Jacob Gustav.Date: 1844- Books
Il contributo di L. Berzieri alla conoscenza delle proprietà terapeutiche delle acque di Tabiano nelle dermopatie / Franco Bazzi.
Bazzi, Franco.Date: 1977- Books
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Remarks on the General Sea-Bathing Infirmary at West Brook, near Margate; its public utility and local treatment / By Christianus.
Christianus.Date: 1820- Books
A short guide for the rational treatment of children, in health and disease, by water / by C.C. Schieferdecker.
Schieferdecker, Chr. Charles (Christian Charles)Date: 1852- Books
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The water cure in America : two hundred and twenty cases of various diseases treated with water by Wesselhoeft, Shew, Bedortha, Shieferdecker, and others : with cases of domestic practice, notices of the water cure establishments, decriptive catalogue of hydropathic publications, etc. : designed for popular as well as professional reading / edited by a water patient.
Phinney, H. F.Date: 1848- Books
Practical hydropathy (not the cold-water system) : including plans of baths and remarks on diet, clothing, and habits of life ... / by John Smedley.
Smedley, John.Date: 1872- Books
Hygiène des baigneurs : comprenant la description de toutes les variétés de bains en général, l'indication de propriétés hygieniques et médicales de chaque sorte de bains en particulier et de leur meilleur mode d'administration en état de santé ou de maladie bains de rivière et de mer, art de nager, bains d'eauyx minérales et thermales, bains russes orientaux, hydrothérapie bains cosmétiques ou de beauté ... / par A. Debay.
Debay, A. (Auguste), 1802-1890.Date: [between 1870 and 1890?]- Books
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The principles and practice of medical hydrology : being the science of treatment by waters and baths / by R. Fortescue Fox.
Fox, R. Fortescue (Robert Fortescue), 1858-1940.Date: 1913- Books
Hydrotherapy : a textbook for students / by Ruth M. Le Quesne and Mary Granville.
Le Quesne, Ruth M., -1944.Date: 1936- Books
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Österreich-Ungarns Bäder, Brunnen und Curorte : ein populär-wissenschftlicher Führer durch den Bäderkranz Oesterreich-Ungarns für Aerzte und Heilbedürftige / herausgegeben und unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Aerzte zusammengestellt von der Administration des "Oesterr. Literar. Centralblattes" in Wien.
Oesterreichischen Literarischen Centralblattes.Date: 1890- Books
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Pleasures of the water cure / by a patient who has been well drench'd and wrench'd and restored to health.
Onwhyn, Thomas, 1811?-1886.Date: [1860]- Books
De l'utilité des bains de mer contre les maladies et les infirmités des organes de la vie sexuelle chez la femme et les filles pubères / par Henri Noppe.
Noppe, Henri.Date: 1852- Books
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The physical use of common water, recommended from France: or, an account of three treatises of water, printed at Paris, with Mr. Smith's and Dr. Hancock's books of water, translated into French by Monsieur Noguez. A physician of Paris.
Date: 1726- Books
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A few pages on hydropathy, or the water cure : written for the benefit of those suffering under severe acute or chronic diseases / by a clergyman.
Date: 1843- Books
Die Hydrotherapie auf physiologischer und klinischer Grundlage : Vorträge für praktische Ärzte und Studierende / von Wilhelm Winternitz.
Winternitz, Wilhelm, 1835-1917.Date: 1877-1880- Books
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Observations on Moffat, and its mineral waters / by T. Garnett ; with notes and additions, by the editor.
Garnett, Thomas, 1766-1802.Date: 1820- Books
Die neue Heilwissenschaft : oder die Lehre von der Einheit aller Krankheiten und deren darauf begründete einheitliche, arzneilose und operationslose Heilung : ein Lehrbuch und Ratgeber für Gesunde und Kranke / von Louis Kuhne.
Kuhne, LouisDate: 1896