867 results filtered with: Astronomy
- Books
Hieronymi Cardani, In Cl. Ptolemaei De astrorum iudiciis, aut (ut uulgò appellant) Quadripartitae constructionis lib. IIII. commentaria : ab auctore postremùm castigata, et locupletata. His accesserunt, eiusdem Cardani, De septem erraticarum stellarum qualitatibus atq[ue] uiribus liber posthumus antè non uisus. Geniturarum item XII. ad hanc scientiam rectè exercendam obseruatu utilium, exempla. Item, Cunradi Dasypodii, mathematici Argent. scholia et resolutiones seu tabulae in lib. IIII. Apotelesmaticos Cl. Ptolemaei: unà cum aphorismis eorundem librorum. Deniq[ue] breuis explicatio astronomici horologii Argentoratensis, ad ueri & exacti temporis inuestigationem extructi.
Cardano, Girolamo, 1501-1576.Date: Anno nostrae salutis recuperatae, M.D. LXXIIX. mense Septembri. [1578]- Books
Mr. Blundevil His exercises, contayning eight treatises ... which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen that have not been excercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / To the furtherance of which art of navigation, the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrote the said treatises.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561.Date: 1636- Books
Corporate plan 1997 / Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (Great Britain)Date: [1998?]- Archives and manuscripts
MS Japanese 95
Date: 18th century- Pictures
- Online
Astronomy: comets in a night sky. Engraving.
Reference: 46180i- Pictures
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Astronomy: eclipses (top), and the Moon's passage around the Earth. Coloured engraving by J. Emslie, 1851, after himself.
Emslie, John, 1813-1875.Date: 1851Reference: 46557i- Pictures
Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including war, and shipwreck. Coloured lithograph, [c.1832?].
Reference: 46278i- Books
Theoricae novae planetarvm / Georgii Pvrbachii ... Quibus accesserunt: Ioannis de Monteregio Disputationes, super deliramenta Theoricarum Gerardi Cremonensis. Item, Ioannis Essler Maguntini, Tractatus vtilis ante LX annos conscriptus, cui titulum fecit Specvlvm astrologorvm ... Qvaestiones verò in Theoricas planetarum Purbachij, avthore Christiano Vrstisio.
Peurbach, Georg von, 1423-1461.Date: 1596- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0006116: Star cluster 47 toucanae, from Fisher: Exploring the Heavens (1938)
Date: 27 February 1939Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/51/15Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
- Online
Navigation: an astrolabe, a cross-staff, and a back-staff or Davis's sextant. Drawing after Edmund Gunter, 1624.
Gunter, Edmund, 1581-1626.Reference: 46655i- Books
- Online
Tables astronomiques du soleil, de la lune, des planètes, des étoiles fixes, et des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne; avec l'explication & l'usage de ces mêmes tables / Par Mr. Cassini.
Cassini, Jacques, 1677-1756.Date: 1740- Pictures
- Online
Astronomy: a comet in the night sky. Wood engraving, ca. 1860.
Date: 1860Reference: 46240i- Books
- Online
The young gentleman's astronomy, chronology, and dialling, : containing such elements of the said arts or sciences, as are most useful and easy to be known. / by Edward Wells.
Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.Date: 1718- Pictures
- Online
Astronomy: a diagram of a suggested explanation of the Aurora Borealis. Lithograph after Sir J. Ross.
Ross, John, Sir, 1777-1856.Reference: 46625i- Books
Commentationes astronomicae : mechanicae et astronomicae ad physicam cosmica, pertinentes / Leonhardi Euleri ; editit Eric J. Aiton, appendicem addidit Andreas Kleinert.
Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783.Date: [1996], ©1996- Pictures
- Online
Astrology: various constellations. Coloured engraving by S. Hall.
Reference: 46463i- Pictures
- Online
A group of musicians; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving by A. Bosse, c. 1650.
Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676.Date: 1600-1699Reference: 26943i- Books
- Online
De revolutionibus orbium cœlestium : libri VI / Copernicus.
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 1473-1543.Date: 1943- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
Wellcome Apocalypse
Date: c.1420Reference: MS.49- Archives and manuscripts
Astronomy: 18th cent.
Date: c. 1740-c. 1770Reference: MS.1004- Books
Eclipse : the celestial phenomenon which has changed the course of history / Duncan Steel.
Steel, Duncan, 1955-Date: 1999- Books
- Online
Exposition de système du monde / par P.S. Laplace.
Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827.Date: An VII [1799]- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0006125: Messier 31, from Hubble: The Realm of the Nebulae (1936)
Date: 27 February 1939Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/51/24Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Time's telescope, universal and perpetual, fitted for all countries and capacities. Containing perpetual tables fitted to the old and new stile; shewing the movable and fixed feasts, the rising and setting of the sun and moon; and how to find the moon's place at any time proposed: also the changes and eclipses calculated for thirty years; with rules to find them for ever, according to the middle motion of the sun and moon. Also the magnitudes and distances of the planets; and a brief discourse of all kinds of meteors, or appearances in the heavens; natural prognosticks of the weather: with a general view of the four parts of the world. To the whole is added, a short description of time, and how it ought to be redeem'd / By Duncan Campbell.
Campbell, Duncan.Date: 1734- Pictures
- Online
Astronomy: a scholar in his study, plotting points on a globe. Engraving by L. Garreau after J. Vermeer.
Vermeer, Johannes, 1632-1675.Date: 1700-1799Reference: 46323i