377 results filtered with: Medical Heritage Library.
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The case of the medical officers of the Guernsey Royal Militia.
Hoskins, Samuel Elliott.Date: 1861- Books
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Disputatio medica inauguralis, de dentium formatione et structura in homine et in variis animalibus; quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, S. S. T. P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti, necnon amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu, et nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae decreto; pro gradu doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit / Robertus Blake, hibernus; Soc. Hib. Med. Edin. Soc. Extr. atque Praes. Ann. necnon Sod. Corres. Soc. Chirurg. Med. Dubliniensis. An Diem 12 Septembris, [h]ora locoque solitis.
Blake, Robert, 1772-1822.Date: 1798- Books
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Om torsk hos barn.
Berg, Fredrik Theodor, 1806-1887.Date: 1846- Books
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An essay upon pestilential diseases, such as the putrid, malignant, and yellow fevers, and the plague; with an account of an infectious fever, or plague, which broke out and raged with great mortality on board His Majesty's Ship Surprise, in the year 1776, on the Banks of Newfoundland; ... and upon the most effectual means of destroying contagion or infection, by quick-lime, and the fumes of the sulphuric acid.
Rymer, James, active 1770-1833.Date: 1805- Books
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What is psychology? / by J. Stevenson Bushnan.
Bushnan, J. Stevenson (John Stevenson), 1808?-1884.Date: 1859- Books
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The nerves : their influence and importance in health and disease, a contribution to popular physiology / by Sir George Lefevre.
Lefevre, George, Sir, 1798-1846.Date: 1844- Books
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Practical observations concerning sea bathing : to which are added, remarks on the use of the warm bath / by A.P. Buchan.
Buchan, A. P. (Alexander Peter), 1764-1824.Date: 1804- Books
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A letter to Lord Viscount Melville on the subject of his motions respecting troop-ships and upon the general state of the navy, with an appendix of official and authentic documents.
Date: 1810- Books
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An inquiry into the laws of epidemics : with remarks on the plans lately proposed for exterminating the small-pox / by Joseph Adams.
Adams, Joseph, 1756-1818.Date: 1809- Books
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A complete treatise on the origin, theory, and cure of the lues venerea and obstructions in the urethra illustrated by a great variety of cases : being a course of twenty-three lectures, read in Dean-Street, Soho, in the years 1790 and 1791 / By Jesse Foot, surgeon.
Foot, Jesse, 1744-1826.Date: 1792- Books
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The Dugong oil : its valuable medicinal properties for consumption & various diseases.
Croft, John McGrigor.Date: 1860- Books
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Supplemento alla memoria per servire alla facile e perfetta estinzione del vajuolo, e di tutti gli altri morbi contagiosi si acuti, che cronici, eccettuata la Lue venerea, in tutta l'Europa, e nelle altre nazioni, presso le quali non nascono endemici, del sacerdote e dottore in filosofia e medicina / d. Francesco Maria Scuderi di Viagrande presso Catania, oggi, per real ordine, emanato dal suo graziosissimo sovrano Ferdinando 4. nel di 21 settembre 1787. Protomedico dell'universita de' regj generali studj della suddetta chiarissima e fedelissima citta di Catania, ed in tutto il regno di Sicilia, e sue isole adjacenti. A cui si aggiunge apparatus institutionum pathologico.practicarum, a magni Hippocratis doctrina majori ex parte sumptarum &c.
Scuderi, Francesco Maria 1733-1819.Date: 1788- Books
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Polizia di sanità per evitare i contagi, e distruggerli, conservare la vita, la salute e gl'interessi dei popoli e delle Nazioni / di Giacomo Barzellotti.
Barzelloti, Giacomo.Date: 1806- Books
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Remarks relative to Dr. Paine's commentaries upon the writings of M. Louis / by H. I. B.
Bowditch, Henry I. (Henry Ingersoll), 1808-1892.Date: 1840- Books
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Vaccination vindicated, or an address to the people of England, upon the important subject of vaccine inoculation : with remarks on the necessity, in its behalf, of legislative and clerical interference, written with a view to remove some prejudices inimical to its progress, and to guide the public to a right consideration of its great and real merits / by James Cooper.
Cooper, James.Date: 1811- Books
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Observations sur la nature et le traitement de l'epilepsie.
Portal, Antoine, 1742-1832.Date: 1827- Books
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Can physical science obtain a home in an English university? : an inquiry, suggested by some remarks contained in a late number of the Quarterly Review / by Charles Daubeny.
Daubeny, Charles, 1795-1867.Date: 1853- Books
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Observations on the formation and uses of the natural frog of the horse : with a description of a patent artificial frog, to prevent and cure contracted hoofs, thrushes, cankers, and sand cracks / by Edward Coleman.
Coleman, Edward.Date: 1800- Books
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Th. Sydenhami Opera universa medica.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1827- Books
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Die Epilepsie und deren Heilung. / von C. Seiffert.
Seiffert, C.Date: 1864- Books
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The English physician enlarged. With three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. An astrologo-physicial discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete method of physic, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself being sick, for three-pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies ... / By Nich. Culpepper.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.Date: 1799- Books
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Practical information on St. Anthony's fire, or erysipelas : and on erythematous affections in general; as also on the measles; in which new modes of treatment are communicated / by E. Peart.
Peart, E. (Edward), 1756?-1824.Date: 1802- Books
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An effectual and simple remedy for scarlet fever and measles : with an appendix of cases.
Witt, Charles.Date: 1865- Books
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Franci Nichollsii, M.D. Georgii Secundi Magnae Britanniae Regis medici ordinarii, vita : cum conjecturis ejusdem de natura et usu partium humani corporis similarium / scriptore Thoma Lawrence, M.D. ...
Lawrence, Thomas, 1711-1783.Date: 1780- Books
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The year-boke of the odd volumes : an annual record of the transactions of the Sette. Eleventh year - 1888-89. President- Brother T.C. Venables, antiquary to the Sette / Written and compiled by Brother W.M. Thompson, Historiographer to the Sette, and printed for private circulation only.
Sette of Odd Volumes (Book club)Date: 1890