156 results filtered with: Typhus, Epidemic Louse-Borne
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A letter to John Haygarth, M.D. F.R.S., London and Edinburgh, &c / from Colin Chisholm ... ; exhibiting farther evidence of the infectious nature of this fatal distemper in Granada, during 1793, 4, 5, and 6 ; and in the United States of America, from 1793 to 1805, in order to correct the pernicious doctrine promulgated by Edward Miller and other American physicians relative to the destructive pestilence.
Chisholm, Colin, 1755-1825.Date: 1809- Books
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Dissertatio inauguralis medico-practica de typho generatim, et in specie de typho cerebrali ... / publicae eruditorum disquisitioni submittit Philippus Hercz'l = Orvosi értekezés a hagymázról általánosan és különösen az agyhagymázról ; irta Hercz'l Fülöp.
Hercz'l, Fülöp.Date: 1847- Books
Researches on tropical typhus : a study of the bacteriology, serology and epidemiology of the disease / by Ludwik Anigstein.
Anigstein, Ludwik.Date: 1933- Books
Lectures on the distinctive characters, pathology, and treatment of continued fevers : delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London / by Alexander Tweedie.
Tweedie, Alexander, 1794-1884.Date: 1862- Books
Tifus exantemático : etiología, epidemiología y profilaxis / por Primitivo de la Quintana, Andrés Díaz de Rada.
Quintana López, Primitivo de la.Date: 1942- Books
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Della febbre petecchiale che ha dominato negli anni 1802 e 1803. In varj luoghi del Piceno e dell' Umbria.
Rossi, Giosafat.Date: MDCCCIV. [1804]- Books
Typhus et psuedo-typhus : recueil des rapports, communications et conferences.
Congrès de la Fédération des sociétés des sciences médicales de l'Afrique du nord 1937 : Algiers, Algeria)Date: 1937- Books
Ludwik Hirszfeld : the story of one life / translated and edited by Marta A. Balińska ; edited by William H. Schneider.
Hirszfeld, Ludwik, 1884-1954.Date: 2010- Archives and manuscripts
Dutton, Joseph Everett (1877-1905), and Todd, John Lancelot (1876-1949), tropical medicine specialists
Dutton, Joseph Everett, 1874-1905.Date: 1901-1949Reference: MSS.2248-2268, 4790-4807 & 5690-5691- Books
The story of a Red Cross unit in Serbia / by James Berry ... F. May Dickinson Berry ... W. Lyon Blease.
Berry, James, Sir, 1860-1946.Date: 1916- Books
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Notes and observations upon the contagion of typhous fever, and contagion generally / by William Fergusson.
Date: [1832?]- Books
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Observations on the cure and prevention of the contagious fever now prevalent in the City of Edinburgh and its environs; with an inquiry in the nature and origin of the specific poison producing the various forms of this disease ... / [John Yule].
Yule, John.Date: 1818- Books
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Morbus Hungaricus : eine medico-historische Quellenstudie : zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Türkenherrschaft in Ungarn / von Tiberius von Gyory.
Györy, Tibor, 1869-1938.Date: 1901- Books
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On the identity or non-identity of the specific cause of typhoid, typhus, and relapsing fever / by William Jenner.
Date: 1850- Books
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Observations on the simple dysentery, and its combinations : containing a review of the most celebrated authors who have written on this subject, and also an investigation into the source of contagion in that, and some other diseases / by William Harty.
Date: [1805]- Archives and manuscripts
Cowan, Major S. T. RAMC: Wartime journal, edited by Tony Cowan
Major S T Cowan, Tony CowanDate: 1941-1943Reference: MS.8346- Books
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Disputatio medica inauguralis, de typho ... / Eruditorum examini subjicit Carolus Minor.
Minor, Carolus.Date: 1793- Books
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, quaedam de scorbuto, typho, variola, et podagra proponens ... / Eruditorum examini subjicit Martinus Lynch ... Hibernus.
Lynch, Martin, M.D.Date: 1790- Books
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Disputatio medica inauguralis, de typhi flavi symptomatis et causis ... / Eruditorum examini subjicit Thomas MacFarquhar, Britannus.
MacFarquhar, Thomas.Date: 1777- Books
A case of fever resembling Brill's disease / by J.W.D. Megaw.
Megaw, John W. D. (John Wallace Dick), 1874-Date: [1917]- Books
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Morbus hungaricus : eine medico-historische Quellenstudie, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Türkenherrschaft in Ungarn / von Dr. Tiberius von Györy.
Györy, Tibor, 1869-1938.Date: 1901- Books
- Online
Cause and effect cure : cause, philosophy, and cure of typhoid and typhus fever, including typhoid enteritis, & other complications : also the philosophy of fevers in general, and how to break any fever in 1 to 5 days, including common continued fever, scarlet fever, measles, & small-pox, including, also, the ready cure of malignant diphtheria and dysentery / by Ephraim Lapham.
Lapham, Ephraim.Date: 1863- Books
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Das Fieber an sich und das typhöse Fieber : physiologische, pathologische und therapeutische Untersuchungen / von Heinrich Heidenhain.
Heidenhain, Heinrich Jacob, 1808-1868.Date: 1845- Archives and manuscripts
Chirurgo-Physical Society's Dissertations
Date: C.1778Reference: MS.MSL.87- Books
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Typhus syncopalis, sinking typhus, or the spotted-fever of New-England : as it appeared in the epidemic of 1823, in Middletown, Connecticut / by Thomas Miner.
Miner, Thomas, 1777-1841.Date: 1825