362 results filtered with: Skin Care
- Ephemera
Dietro ai nostri prodotti c'e la tecnologia e la ricerca piu avanzata : Quella della natura / Centro Romano Erbe.
Date: [1994]- Ephemera
Pears's unscented transparent soap : victoria veritatis! / Pears.
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [between 1880 and 1889]- Ephemera
It's time to change... : to new lynx systeme / Lynx.
Date: [1994]- Ephemera
Oversize ephemera. EPH+16.
- Ephemera
Simply Nature order form : jurlique / Simply Nature.
Date: [between 1980 and 2000?]- Ephemera
Plantol soap : the hostess / Lever Brothers Limited.
Date: [between 1890 and 1909]- Ephemera
Grateful mothers and Lifebuoy Soap : Lifebuoy Royal Disinfectant Soap / Lever Brothers Limited.
Date: [between 1900 and 1919]- Ephemera
Worth untold gold : Pears' soap, matchless for the complexion / Pears.
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [between 1890 and 1899]- Ephemera
Pears transparent soap : new size now 125g / Pears.
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [1994]- Ephemera
Private : J. Evans Esq., or Married Occupier.
Date: 1952- Books
The world of skin care : a scientific companion / John Gray.
Gray, John, 1947-Date: 1999- Ephemera
Under royal patronage : white hands.-Australian chrysitis; or golden fluid ... at the laboratory, 37, Fetter-lane; no. 50, Amwell-street, near the New River Head; and of most respectable perfumers.
Date: [1830?]- Ephemera
Natural face & body treatments : facial treatments / The Green Room.
Date: [between 1980 and 2000?]- Ephemera
Sarg's toilette seifen : verschönern den teint / F. A. Sarg Fils & Cie.
Date: [between 1880 and 1899]- Ephemera
Beauty Without Cruelty Limited : finest quality vegeterian cosmetics / Beauty Without Cruelty Limited.
Date: [1992]- Ephemera
Cosmos Blumen-Clycerin-Seifen / T. Louis Guthmann.
Date: [between 1900 and 1919]- Ephemera
John Knight's Family Health Soap : a sure defence throughout the year / John Knight Limited.
Date: 1929- Ephemera
"Vaseline" Soaps : the cheapest, best & purest toilet soap in the world / Chesebrough Manufacturing Co.
Date: [1893]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : in use over 100 years : matchless for the complexion.
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [1900]- Ephemera
Reuter's Healing Soap : medicinal and toilet / [Murray and Lanman].
Date: [between 1880 and 1899]- Ephemera
Victoria veritatis! : Pears' transparent soap : pure, fragrant, and durable. / A. & F. Pears.
Date: [1908?]- Ephemera
For a more natural life : hair treatment shampoo / NaturVita.
Date: [between 1980 and 2000?]- Books
Caring for your baby's skin / by the Royal London Trust Department of Dermatology (Whitechapel).
Date: [1992?]- Ephemera
It's a great experience : facial treatments / Steiner.
Date: [1992]- Ephemera
Wright's Traditional Soap with coal tar fragrance / Wright, Layman & Umney Ltd.
Date: [2000]