1,263 results filtered with: Medicine - Early works to 1800
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Philosophical and astrological rare secrets brought to light for the good of mankind : whereby wonderful effects may be performed by simpathy in easng pains and aches and curing the most difficult and desperate diseases, distempers or wounds incident to the bodies of mankind ... : with directions for the best times to gather herbs for seven years beginning April 1693 and ending October 1700.
Axford, JohnDate: 1693- Books
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Physick refin'd, or, A little stream of medicinal marrow flowing from the bones of nature : wherein several signs, particular rules, and distinct symptoms whereby the most ordinary diseases may be distinctly known, and truly judged, are perspicuously delineated : and the most proper way, safe method, and simpathetical care, whereby nature may be helped, the sick eased, and languishing patients relieved (without the use of poysonous purging potions, and venomous medicaments) is succinctly demonstrated / by John Yarwood.
Yarwood, John, active 17th centuryDate: 1683- Books
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The vrinall of physick, composed by Maister Robert Recorde, Doctor of Physicke.
Recorde, Robert, 1510?-1558Date: Anno Domini M.D.LXVII. [1567]- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Londinensis Collegarum : hodie viventium studiis ac symbolis ornatior.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: 1668- Books
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Oratio anniversaria : in gratam commemorationem maximi & munificentissimi Harveii, summorʹumque benefactorum: habita Londini in Theatro Cutleriano, Sept. 13. An. Dom. 1683. A Nathanaele Hodges, M.D. Col. Reg. Med. socio & censore.
Hodges, Nathaniel, 1629-1688Date: M. DC. LXXX. IV. [1684]- Books
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The conclave of physicians : in two parts, detecting their intrigues, frauds, and plots, against their patients, and their destroying the faculty of physick : also a peculiar discourse of the Jesuits bark, the history thereof, with its true use and abuse : moreover an account of some eminent cases and new principles in physick, of greater use than any yet known / by Gideon Harvey.
Harvey, Gideon, 1640?-1700?Date: 1686- Books
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This is the myrrour or glass of healthe : necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that will kepe theyr bodye from the syckenesse of the pestylence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do reygne in euery houre of the day and night, with the natures and exposicions of the xii. sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedyes for dyuers iufyrmyties [sic] and diseases that hurtethe the bodye of man.
Moulton, ThomasDate: [1566]]- Books
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The hidden treasures of the art of physick : fully discovered, in four books. Containing 1. A physical description of man. 2. The causes, signs and cures of all diseases incident to the body. 3. The general cure of wounds, tumors and ulcers. 4. A general rule, for making all kind of medicines; with the use and nature of distilled waters, juyces, decoctions, conserves, powders, electuaries, plaisters, &c. To which is added three necessary tables, 1. Showeth the contents of the four books. 2. Explaineth all the terms of art which are used in physick and chirurgery. 3. Explaining the nature and use of simples what they are, and where they grow. A work whereby the diligent reader may, without the help of other authors, attain to the knowledge of the art above-named. / By John Tanner.
Tanner, John, approximately 1636-1715Date: 1667- Books
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The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, Jean.Date: [1560]- Books
Il tesoro della vita hvmana / Dell'eccell. dottore & caualiere M. Leonardo Fiorauanti, Bolognese. Diuiso in libri quattro. Nel primo, si tratta delle qualità e cause di diverse infermità ... Nel secondo, si descrivono molti esperimenti fatti da lui ... Nel terzo, vi sono diverse lettere dell'autore ... dove si discorre cosi in fisica, come in cirugia. Nel quarto ... sono rivelati i secreti ... di esso autore. Di nuouo posto in luce. Et con la sua tauola.
Fioravanti, Leonardo, 1517-Date: 1582- Books
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The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, JeanDate: [Anno Domini. 1553]- Books
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Select observations on English bodies of eminent persons in desperate diseases / first written in Latin by Mr. John Hall ... ; after Englished by James Cook ... ; to which is now added, an hundred like counsels and advices, for several honourable persons, by the sam.
Hall, John, 1575-1635Date: 1679- Books
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Martini Lister Sex exercitationes medicinales de quibusdam morbis chronicis : quarum prima est, de hydrope, secunda, de diabete, tertia, de hydrophobia, quarta, de lue venerea, quinta, de scorbuto, sexta, de arthritide : in quibus singulis non solùm morbi rati.
Lister, Martin, 1638?-1712Date: 1694- Books
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A newe boke of phisicke called ye gouernment of health : wherin be vttred many notable rules for ma[n]s preseruacio[n], with sondry simples [et] other matters, no lesse fruitfull then profitable: collect out of many approued authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of thunlearned. Wherunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence. By VVilliam Bullein.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [1559]- Books
Opera omnia, sive ars medicinalis. In qua cuncta quae ad humani corporis valetudinem praesentem tuendam, et absentem reuocandam pertinent, methodo exactissima explicantur / Quae per Vidum Vidium iuniorem diligentissime recognita, ac multis, quae ad eam perficiendam desiderabantur, partibus aucta, diuque expetita, nunc primum in Germaniâ tota simul luci data, tribusque tomis, quorum contenta altera exhibet pagina, comprehensa ; cum indicibus selectiorum accuratissimis.
Guidi, Guido, approximately 1500-1569.Date: 1626- Books
Nova institutionum medicarum idea : ristampa dell'edizione padovana del 1712 nel terzo centenario della nascita di G.B. Morgagni (1682-1982), versione italiana e introduzione / a cura di Loris Premuda.
Morgagni, Giambattista, 1682-1771.Date: 1982- Books
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Solamen ægrorum, sive, Ternarius medicamentorum chymicorum : ad omnes fere morbos curandum ... / authore Everardo Maynwaringo.
Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699?Date: 1665- Books
Marcelli Malpighii, et Jo. Mariae Lancisii Consultationum medicarum : nonnullarumque dissertationum collectio, ante hac plurimum desiderata, nunc denique in lucem edita, & publicae utilitati donata.
Malpighi, Marcello, 1628-1694.Date: 1747- Books
Medica decas / eiusdem authoris in singula librorum capita commentariis illustrata. Opus scitu facillimum ob metrum & ad praxin utilissimum.
Du Port, François, -1624.Date: 1613- Books
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The antidotharius : in the whiche thou mayst lerne howe thou shalt make many, and dyuers noble playsters, salues oyntementes, powders, bawmes oyles, and wounde drynkes, the whiche be verye necessarye, and behouefull, vtyle and profytable for euerye surgyan, therin to be exepert, and redy at all tymes of nede.
Date: [1552?]]- Books
Saint-Simon et la médecine : illustrations documentaires / [Pierre Astruc].
Astruc, Pierre.Date: 1949- Books
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Arcana philosophia, or, Chymical secrets : containing the noted and useful chymical medicines of Dr. Wil. and Rich. Russel chymists, viz. I. Species vitæ, alias universalis, II. Tinctura regalis, call'd scorbutick, &c., III. Species coroborativa, alias pleuretica, IV. Species proprietatis, V. Species minor, VI. A pestilential cordial, call'd his white cordial : as also several curious chymical processes and spagerick preparations of natural things for the use of medicin, and many other things of great use and vertue in eradicating the most stubborn diseases, likewise four curious small treatises, viz. the I. Of fevers, the II. Of the jaundies, the III. Of madness, and the IV. Of diarrhæas, lientries &c., by the renowned and most aproved Dr. Aurelius Philipus Theophrastus Paracelsus, of Hoheneim / publish'd by John Headrich.
Headrich, JohnDate: 1697- Books
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The antidotharius : in the whiche thou mayst lerne howe thou shalte make many, and dyuers noble playsters, salues, oyntementes, powders, bawmes, oyles, and wounde drynkes, the whiche be verye necessarye, and behouefull, vtyle and profytable for euerye surgyan, therin to be experte, and redy all tymes of nede.
Date: [1554?]]- Books
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Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physiciae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam / authore, Ioanne Baptista van Helmont. Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1648- Pictures
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Ancient anatomists in discussion around a cadaver. Engraving by G. Appelmans, 1674.
Date: 1674Reference: 25162i