198 results filtered with: Detergents
- Ephemera
Sinclair's Soap : yes, this is the soap of wide renown, whose fame has spread from town to town ... / Sinclair's Soap.
Date: [between 1890 and 1899]- Ephemera
Gold Dust washing powder : best : purest : cleans everything / The N. K. Fairbank Company.
Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]- Ephemera
- Online
A nest egg is very convenient at times ... : save money in the wear and tear of costly fabric by using Swan White Floating Soap ... / Lever Brothers Ltd.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Ephemera
Hudson's Extract of Soap gained grand gold medal, Paris National Academy, 1877 ... : Hudson's Extract of Soap gained highest medal, Paris exhibition, for washing preparations 1878 : also the diploma of honour, Paris, 1879.
R.S. Hudson Limited.Date: [1880?]- Ephemera
Lux "won't shrink woollens" : "Our washing day" / Lever Brothers Ltd.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [1900?]- Ephemera
English refined Borax : soft as silk, prepared for daily use / The Patent Borax Co., Ltd.
Patent Borax Co.Date: [between 1900 and 1910?]- Ephemera
"Why don't they use Lux?" : Lux won't shrink woollens / Lever Brothers Limited.
Date: [between 1900 and 1919]- Ephemera
Use Lautz Bro's & Co's Cotton Oil Soap : the finest laundry soap in the market / Lautz Bros. & Co.
Date: [between 1880 and 1899]- Ephemera
- Online
"I shan't be long, mother's using Sunlight".
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1900 and 1909?]- Ephemera
- Online
Soapine : for washing and cleaning everything, no matter what, Soapine works quicker, easier, cheaper and better than soap or anything else : one trial will convince you / Kendall Manufacturing Company.
Kendall Manufacturing Company.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Ephemera
- Online
You need not open the door so frequently for the doctor if you would always use Sunlight Soap, Lifebuoy Soap ... / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]- Ephemera
- Online
"A child can use it!" : Sunlight Soap / Lever Brothers.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [1900?]- Ephemera
Vim : a child can use it / Lever Brothers Ltd. ; Will Owen [illustrator].
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: Between 1920 and 1929?]- Ephemera
Compliments of Fairchild & Shelton : washing made easy by using Ozone Soap / Fairchild & Shelton.
Date: [between 1890 and 1899]- Ephemera
Chivers' carpet soap : "it's effect is magical" : cleans, purifies & restores carpets like new : over 50 years success : prized in royal households.
Date: [1900?]- Ephemera
Monkey Brand : great and small, it shines for all / Lever Brothers Limited.
Date: [between 1890 and 1909]- Ephemera
Vim : the universal cleanser and polisher / Lever Brothers Ltd.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1920 and 1929?]- Ephemera
Brooke's Soap Monkey Brand : won't wash clothes ... for polishing meerschaum pipes / [Lever Brothers Limited].
Date: [between 1890 and 1909]- Books
Sunlight household hints : a useful book of reference and handy guide in domestic matters / presented with the compliments of Lever Brothers Limited.
Date: [between 1900 and 1909?]- Ephemera
Cook's pure soaps of every description for household & toilet purposes.
Edward Cook & Co.Date: [1890?]- Audio
Polio vaccines, eco brands, environment.
Date: 1994- Ephemera
Oxydol : granulated for instant suds ... the complete househld soap / [Thomas Hedley Co].
Date: [between 1914 and 1930]- Ephemera
Brooke's Soap "Monkey Brand" : in his lordship's chair / [Lever Brothers Limited].
Date: [between 1890 and 1909]- Ephemera
- Online
5 o'clock and not finished yet : nearly tired of life : a friend suggests "Sunlight" : result! Complete success / Lever Brothers Ltd.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [1888?]- Ephemera
The delight of all who use it : that's Lux / Lever Brothers Limited.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]