163 results filtered with: Auscultation
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Traité pratique d'auscultation, ou exposé méthodique des diverses applications de ce mode d'examen à l'état physiologique et morbide de l'économie / suivi d'un précis de percussion.
Barth, Jean Baptiste Philippe (Jean Baptiste Philippe), M., 1806-1877.Date: 1844- Pictures
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Night calls by doctors: sixteen vignettes. Wood engraving by M. Marais, 1897.
Marais, Maurice, 1852-Date: 23 January 1897Reference: 16999i- Books
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Traité pratique d'auscultation : ou, Exposé méthodique des diverses applications de ce mode d'examen à l'état physiologique et morbide de l'économie; suivi d'un précis de percussion / par M. Barth ... et M. Henri Roger.
Barth, Jean-Baptiste-Philippe, 1806-1877.Date: 1850- Books
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Die Erkenntniss der Krankheiten der Brustorgane aus physikalischen Zeichen oder Auscultation, Percussion und Spirometrie. Nach Heribert [sic] Davies' Vorlesungen und eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet / Von J.F.H. Albers.
Albers, J. F. H. (Johann Friedrich Hermann)Date: 1850- Books
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Lehrbuch der Auscultation und Percussion : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Inspection, Betastung und Messung der Brust und des Unterleibes zu diagnostischen Zwecken / von C. Gerhardt.
Date: 1871- Books
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Practical observations on diseases of the lungs and heart / By Archibald Billing.
Billing, Archibald, 1791-1881.Date: MDCCCLII. [1852]- Books
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Original cases with dissections and observations illustrating the use of the stethoscope and percussion in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest; also commentaries on the same subjects selected and translated from Auenbrugger, Corvisart, Laënnec and others / by John Forbes.
Forbes, John, Sir, 1787-1861.Date: 1824- Books
A clinical introduction to the practice of auscultation, and other modes of physical diagnosis : intended to simplify the study of the diseases of the lungs and heart / By H.M. Hughes.
Hughes, Henry Marshall, 1805-1858.Date: 1845- Books
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Ueber die Anwendung der Percussion und Auscultation in der chirurgischen Diagnostik : Einladungsprogramm zu der an der hiesigen Königlichen medicinisch-chirurgischen Lehranstalt den 9. September 1843, Vormittags 10 Uhr in der Aula Leopoldina stattfindenden öffentlichen Prüfung / von C. Kuh.
Kuh, Johann Karl Christian, 1804-1872.Date: 1843- Books
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Mémoire sur l'auscultation appliquée à l'étude de la grossesse, ou, Recherches sur deux nouveaux signes propres à faire reconnaître plusieurs circonstances de l'état de gestation / par J.-A. Lejumeau de Kergaradec.
Kergaradec, M. de (Jean Alexandre), 1787-1877.Date: 1822- Books
Laënnec : Notice historiques.
Lallour, Emmanuel.Date: 1892- Books
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An introduction to the use of the stethoscope : with its application to the diagnosis in diseases of the thoracic viscera ; including the pathology of these various affections / by William Stokes.
Stokes, William, 1804-1878.Date: 1825- Books
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Notes upon the physical examination of the respiratory and circulatory systems / by John Wyllie.
Date: [1900]- Books
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Traité de l'auscultation médiate : et des maladies des poumons et du coeur / par R.-T.-H. Laennec.
Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826.Date: 1831- Books
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La technique de l'auscultation pulmonaire : à l'usage des étudiants en médecine / par Ch. Lasègue.
Lasègue, Charles, 1816-1883.Date: 1881- Books
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A treatise on the diseases of the chest and on mediate auscultation / by R. T. H. Laennec. Translated from the latest French edition / with notes and a sketch of the author's life / by John Forbes.
Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826.Date: 1829- Books
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A treatise on auscultation, illustrated by cases and dissections / by Robert Spittal.
Date: 1830- Books
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A treatise on the diseases of the chest and on mediate auscultation / by R.T.H. Laennec ; tr. from the latest French edition, with notes and a sketch of the author's life, by John Forbes ; with plates.
Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826.Date: 1839- Books
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Manual of auscultation and percussion : embracing the physical diagnosis of diseases of the lungs and heart, and of thoracic aneurism.
Flint, Austin, 1812-1886.Date: 1883- Books
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Quelques recherches sur les bruits vasculaires anormaux qui suivent les hemorrhagies : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 21 janvier 1853 / par P.-Carl-Édouard Potain.
Potain, Pierre Carl Édouard, 1825-1901.Date: 1853- Books
Des diverses méthodes d'exploration de la poitrine et de leur application au diagnostic de ses maladies / Par V. Collin.
Collin, V. (Victor)Date: 1824- Books
A treatise on mediate auscultation, and on diseases of the lungs and heart. ... / With notes and additions of M.M. Laënnec and of M. Andral. Translated from the latest edition by a member of College of Physicians. Edited by Theophilus Herbert, M.D. [i.e. F.H. Ramadge?] with ... notes ... from the lectures of F.H. Ramadge.).
Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826.Date: 1846- Books
Trairé pratique d'ausculation suivi d'un précis de percussion / par M. Barth et M. Henri Roger.
Barth, H. (Henri), 1853-Date: 1880- Books
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A clinical introduction to the practice of auscultation : and other modes of physical diagnosis: intended to simplify the study of the diseases of the lungs and heart / by H.M. Hughes.
Hughes, Henry Marshall, 1805-1858.Date: 1846- Books
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Auscultation and percussion / by Frederick C. Shattuck.
Shattuck Frederick C. (Frederick Cheever), 1847-1929.Date: 1890