351 results filtered with: Red
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Euonymus americanus L. Celastraceae North America. Millspaugh (1974 ) reports that E. atropurpureus or Wahoo used by Native Americans as a laxative, for stomach upsets and secondary syphilis, coughs, colds and asthma
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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HIV attachment, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
David S. Goodsell, The Scripps Research Institute- Digital Images
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Fuchsia magellanica Lam. Onagraceae. Hardy fuchsia. Semi-hardy shrub. Distribution: Mountainous regions of Chile and Argentina where they are called 'Chilco' by the indigenous people, the Mapuche. The genus was discovered by Charles Plumier in Hispaniola in 1696/7, and named by him for Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1566), German Professor of Medicine, whose illustrated herbal, De Historia Stirpium (1542) attempted the identification of the plants in the Classical herbals. It also contained the first accounts of maize, Zea mays, and chilli peppers, Capsicum annuum, then recently introduced from Latin America. He was also the first person to publish an account and woodcuts of foxgloves, Digitalis purpurea and D. lutea. The book contains 500 descriptions and woodcuts of medicinal plants, arranged in alphabetical order, and relied heavily on the De Materia Medica (c. AD 70) of Dioscorides. He was a powerful influence on the herbals of Dodoens, and thence to Gerard, L’Escluse and Henry Lyte. A small quarto edition appeared in 1551, and a two volume facsimile of the 1542 edition with commentary and selected translations from the Latin was published by Stanford Press in 1999. The original woodcuts were passed from printer to printer and continued in use for 232 years (Schinz, 1774). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Neurotransmitter in limbic areas of a human brain, PET
Dr Jim Myers, Imperial College London- Digital Images
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French fry (chip)
Karen Gustafson- Digital Images
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Acer japonicum Thunb. Sapindaceae. Japanese maple. Small tree. Distribution: Japan, North Korea. Can be tapped in early spring for its sugar-rich sap although it is not as abundant as in Acer saccharum. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Kidney stone
Sergio Bertazzo, Imperial College London; Dominique Bazin, UPMC; Chantal Jouanneau, INSERM.- Digital Images
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Hesperantha coccinea 'Major' syn Schizostylis coccinea
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Mutant Muscle Sarcomere, Drosophila larva
Hermann Aberle, University of Munster- Digital Images
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Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels (string-like structures). A network of lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures) is also present. In this image, human skin lymphatic vessels (stained for LYVE-1; blue) and white blood cells comprised of dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and T cells (stained for CD3; red) can be seen. Some macrophages also express the protein LYVE-1 similar to lymphatic vessel cells which can be appreciated as blue cells within and in between the sheaths of white blood cells. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
Dr. Xiao-nong Wang, Human Dendritic Cell Laboratory, Newcastle University- Digital Images
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Thermal image of hot liquid being poured into a cold flask
Dr. Caroline Pope and William Parish, University of Bristol- Digital Images
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Human saliva
Macroscopic Solutions- Digital Images
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Asarum caudatum Lindl. Aristolochiaceae. British Columbia wild ginger. Asarum is the Latin name for wild ginger
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Cellular architecture of human skin lymphoma imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Normal human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In diseased skin, such as in skin lymphoma as seen here, this normal architecture becomes distorted. In this image, lots of T cells (stained for CD3; red), dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) have infiltrated the skin. X20 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 100 micrometres.
Dr. Xiao-nong Wang, Human Dendritic Cell Laboratory, Newcastle University- Digital Images
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Nandina domestica Thunb. Berberidaceae. Heavenly bamboo. Distribution: Asia. It contains cyanogenic glycosides which liberate hydrogen cyanide when damaged. Nothing eats it. Pharmacists have also found a chemical in the sap, called nantenine, which is a potential antidote to poisoning by ecstasy with which it shares the same molecular shape. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Annie Cavanagh- Digital Images
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Varicose Veins, Legs. Female. Illustrated with thermography
Thermal Vision Research, Wellcome Collection- Digital Images
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Ruscus aculeatus L. Ruscaceae Butchers Broom., Box holly, Knee Holly, Jew’s myrtle. Distribution: Mediterranean to Britain. Aculeatus means 'prickly' which describes the plant well. Dioscorides in 70 AD (Gunther, 1959) says of this plant ‘... ye leaves and berries drunk in wine have ye force to move urine, expel the menstrua, and to break ye stones in ye bladder ...’ and adds also ‘ ... it cures also ye Icterus and ye strangurie and ye headache.' Its use did not change for a millennium and a half
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Foot and mouth disease virus particle
RCSB Protein Data Bank- Digital Images
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Neurones connecting, artwork
Stephen Magrath- Digital Images
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Prostate cancer cells treated with nano sized drug carriers
Khuloud T. Al-Jamal & Houmam Kafa- Digital Images
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Rosa rugosa 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup'
Dr Henry Oakeley- Digital Images
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Glycinergic neurons in a zebrafish embryo
Kate Turner, Dr Steve Wilson- Digital Images
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Healthy adult human brain viewed face on, tractography
Henrietta Howells, NatBrainLab- Digital Images
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Human femoral bone, AFM
Dr. Justyna Miszkiewicz and Dr. Wei-Feng Xue