226 results filtered with: Medicine - History - 16th century
- Books
Der kranke Mensch in Mittelalter und Renaissance / herausgegeben von Peter Wunderli.
Date: 1986- Books
Between text and patient : the medical enterprise in medieval & early modern Europe / edited by Florence Eliza Glaze and Brian K. Nance.
Date: 2011- Books
Die pseudoparacelsischen "Secreta secretorum" : Untersuchungen und Texte zur frühneuzeitlichen Chemiatrie / Stephanie Büttner.
Büttner, Stephanie.Date: 2001- Books
From Democedes to Harvey : studies in the history of medicine from the Greeks to the Renaissance / Vivian Nutton.
Nutton, Vivian.Date: 1988- Books
Probleme einer Paracelsus-Biographie : sein Leben im Spiegel seiner Werke / von Helga Naber.
Naber, Helga.Date: 1998- Books
El fenomeno de fusión cultural y su trascendencia médica / Germán Somolinos d'Ardois.
Somolinos d'Ardois, Germán, 1911-1973.Date: [1979], ©1979- Books
Dat Batement van recepten : een secreetboek uit de zestiende eeuw / ingeleid en uitgegeven door W.L Braekman.
Date: 1990- Books
Die Entienlehre des Paracelsus : Aufbau und Umriss seiner theoretischen Pathologie / Heinrich Schipperges.
Schipperges, Heinrich.Date: [1988], ©1988- Books
Hipócrates en España (Siglo XVI) / [María Teresa Santander Rodríguez].
Santander Rodriquez, María Teresa.Date: 1971- Books
Grundzüge einer Geschichte der Preussischen Medizinalverwaltung bis Ende 1907 / nach amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet von Moriz Pistor.
Pistor, Mortiz, 1835-Date: 1909- Books
Hipocratismo en México, siglo XVI / Germán Viveros.
Viveros, Germán.Date: 1994- Books
Gerolamo Cardano nel quinto centenario della nascita.
Date: 2001- Books
Andreas Vesalius / Gerhard Wolf-Heidegger.
Wolf-Heidegger, G. (Gerhard)Date: 1959- Books
Spiritual physic, providence and English medicine, 1560-1640 / David Harley.
Harley, David (David Nicholas)Date: 1993- Books
Laegeraadene i vore aeldste salmebøger / udgivet af Poul Hauberg.
Date: 1959- Books
The Harveian oration on medicine in the Century before Harvey : delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London on Oct. 18th, 1922 / by Arnold Chaplin.
Chaplin, Arnold (Thomas Hancock Arnold), 1864-1944.Date: [1922]- Books
Doctors and disease in Tudor times / [W.S.C. Copeman].
Copeman, W. S. C. (William Sydney Charles), 1900-1970.Date: 1960- Books
Gesundheit und Krankheit bei Paracelsus : Vorträge 2000.
Date: 2000- Books
Le souffle et le sang / Jean Cabotse.
Cabotse, Jean.Date: 2001- Books
A little treatise on the teeth : the first authoritative book on dentistry (1563) / Bartholomaeus Eustachius ; edited and introduced by David A. Chernin and Gerald Shklar ; and published in facsimile with a translation from the Latin by Joan H. Thomas.
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, -1574.Date: 1999- Books
Per una storia dell'arte medica in Vicenza alla fine del secolo XVI / [Giovanni Mantesa] ; con un dizionarietto di antichi farmaci, a cura di Franco Brunello.
Mantese, Giovanni.Date: [1969]- Books
Médecins, malades et maladies de la Renaissance / par H. Brabant.
Brabant, Hyacinthe.Date: [1966]- Books
Curiosidades médicas, precedidas de un discurso sobre el florecimiento de la medicina española en el siglo XVI, y su posterior decadencia / [Luis Comenge y Ferrer].
Comenge y Ferrer, Luis.Date: 1886- Books
Medizinisches und Pharmazeutisches in Bernal Diaz del Castillos "Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva-España", Madrid, 1632 / vorgelegt von Alexander Paul Friedrich Ehlers.
Ehlers, Alexander Paul Friedrich.Date: 1980- Books
Lo studio e il collegio medico di Salerno attraverso i protocolli notarili, 1514-1785 / Bartolomeo Olivieri.
Olivieri, Bartolomeo.Date: 1999