260 results filtered with: Medicine, Popular - Early works to 1800
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By his Majesties authority : Salvator Winter Junior, the exact and true operator of the most famous and miraculous elixir vitae, so well known and approved on for the cures of multitudes of this city of London and famous kingdom of England.
Winter, SalvatorDate: [1665]- Books
The Lady's Complete Guide; or Cookery and Confectionary in all their Branches...To which is added...The Complete Brewer...also The Family Physician By Mrs. Mary Cole, Cook to the Right Hon, the Earl of Drogheda.
Cole, MaryDate: 1789- Books
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Advertisement. At the Angel and crown in King-Street, near cheap-side, next door to the ally that leads into Ironmonger-lane, the sick may have advice for nothing. And approv'd medicines at reasonable rates : such as have been found by many years experience successful to admiration, in the cure of fevers, agues, of the cholic, griping in the guts, bloody flux, vomiting and loosness, of coughs, chin-coughs, worms, rickets, of the jaundice, scurvey.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1690?]- Books
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At the angel and crown in Basing-lane, being the second turning in Bread-street from Cheapside, dwells J. Pechey : a member of the College of Physicians in London, who has a pill that he has found by many years experience.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1685?]- Books
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By the King and Queens Authority : At the Angel and Ball, within three doors of St. Clements Church in the Strand, near Temple-Bar. These are to give notice, that here is lately arrived an experienced and most famous High-German doctor, who by his great study, and constant practice in several parts of the world, as well in princes courts as in hospitals, and war-like expeditions, hath obtained such a physical method, as to cure all external and internal distempers (if curable,).
Date: [1689]- Books
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A choice manuall, or, Rare secrets in physick and chyrurgery: collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the virtues of Gascon pouder, and lapis contra yarvam, by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite wayes of preserving, conserving, candying &c.
Kent, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of, 1581-1651Date: 1664- Books
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Advertisement : At the Crown and Golden-Ball, next door to Old King Charles's-Head, between great and little turn-stile, in High-Holbourn, liveth Doctor Peter Maris, an experienced and able physitian.
Maris, PeterDate: [1700?]- Books
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A closet for ladies and gentlewomen. Or, The art of preserving, conserving, and candying : With the manner how to make divers kinds of sirups, and all kind of banquetting stuffes. Also divers soveraigne medicines and salves for sundry diseases.
Date: 1635- Books
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Phylaxa medicinæ. The cabinet of physick : Containing, a set of the best medical preparations now used in the art of physick, as they are prepared, and daily prescribed in the continual practise of the author hereof, William Salmon, M.D. Living in the great house, near Black-Fryers Stairs, London.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713Date: 1700- Books
Domestic medicine : or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines. With an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners.
Buchan, William, 1729-1805.Date: 1797- Books
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The Accomplish'd lady's delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery : containing I. the art of preserving and candying fruits & flowers ..., II. the physical cabinet, or, excellent receipts in physick and chirurgery : together with some rare beautifying waters, to adorn and add loveliness to the face and body : and also some new and excellent secrets and experiments in the art of angling, 3. the compleat cooks guide, or, directions for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish, both in the English and French mode.
Date: 1675- Books
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A rich store-house or treasury for the diseased : Wherein, are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue been long hidden, and not come to light before this time. Now set foorth for the great benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people that are not of abilitie to go to the physitions. By A.T.
A. T., practitioner in physickeDate: Ann. 1596- Books
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Directions at large, and cautionary, touching the proper use of those famous pills called Dr. De-Laun's head-pills : many years composed, and sold in Black-Friers, London: also the nature of them, and the occasion of this their publication. Set forth by Michael Belke, physician.
Belke, MichaelDate: 1667- Books
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That famous friendly pill, electuary, and balsam of balsams of Dr. George Jones of Hatton Garden is now sold by Eliz. Russel : that was Dr. Jones's widow, who is removed from Hatton-Garden, to the two blew posts against Grayes-Inn in Holbourn.
Date: [1680]- Books
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The urinal of physick : By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious treatise concerning physitians, apothecaries, and chyrurgians, set forth by a Dr. in Queen Elizabeths dayes. VVith a translation of Papius Ahalossa concerning apothecaries confecting their medicines; worthy perusing and following.
Recorde, Robert, 1510?-1558Date: 1665- Books
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The widowes treasure : plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approved secrets in physick and chirurgery, for the health and pleasure of mankind. Hereunto are adjoyned sundry pretty practises and conclusions of cookery, with many profitable and wholesome medicines for sundry diseases in cattell.
Partridge, John, active 1566-1573Date: 1639- Books
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Removed from the Golden Ball in St. Christopher's Church-yard, to the Golden Ball in Princes-Street, near Stocks-market : Where you may have a certain safe and private cure for any venereal pox or clap.
Date: [1685?]- Books
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The treasurie of commodious conceits, & hidden secrets : and may be called, the huswiues closet, of healthfull prouision. Mete and necessarie for the profitable vse of all estates both men and women: and also pleasaunt for recreation, with a necessary table of all things herein contayned. Gathered out of sundrye experiments lately practised by men of great knowledge. By I. Par.
Partridge, John, active 1566-1573Date: 1573- Books
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The compleat servant-maid; or, The young maidens tutor : Directing them how they may fit, and qualifie themselves for any of these employments. Viz. Waiting-woman, house-keeper, chamber-maid, cook-maid, under cook-maid, nursery-maid, dairy-maid, laundry-maid, house-maid, scullery-maid. Whereunto is added a supplement containing the choicest receipts, and rarest secrets in physick and chyrurgery. Composed for the great benefit and advantage of all young maidens.
Woolley, Hannah, active 1670Date: 1683- Books
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Advertisement. The book of directions for the taking those most famous medicines intituled Pulvis Benedictus, &c. is now printed, with an historical account of worms : collected from the best authors, as well ancient as modern, and experiments proved by that admirable invention of the microscope.
R. CDate: [1661?]- Books
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Daffy's original and famous elixir salutis : the choice drink of health: or, health-bringing drink. Being a famous cordial drink, found out by the providence of the Almighty, and (for above twenty years) experienced by himself, and divers persons (whose names are at most of their desires here inserted) a most excellent preservative of man-kind. A secret far beyond any medicament yet known, and is found so agreeable to nature, that it effects all its operations, as nature would have it, and as a virtual expedient proposed by her, for reducing all her extreams unto an equal temper; the same being fitted unto all ages, sexes, complexions, and constitutions, and highly fortifying nature against any noxious humour, invading or offending the noble parts. Never published by any but by Anthony Daffy, student in physick, and since continued by his widow Elleanor Daffy.
Daffy, AnthonyDate: 1693- Books
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Delights for ladies : to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories; with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. Reade, practise, and censure.
Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1608?Date: 1628- Books
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A most excellent and rare drink, pleasant and profitable for young and old people, that may be administered at all times.
J. HDate: [1650]- Books
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By Doctor James Tilborgh, famous through Germany, and Holland, and Brabant, France and Italy, for curing the French pox, and all venereal distempers : Living at present at the Black-Swan in St. Giles's in the Fields, over against Drury-Lane End.
Date: [between 1690 and 1699?]- Books
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A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased : VVherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue beene long hidden and not come to light before this time. First set foorth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of ability to goe to the phisitions. By G.W.
A. T., practitioner in physickeDate: 1616