786 results filtered with: Greece
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Observations upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians: in which is shewn the peculiarity of those judgments, and their correspondence with the rites and idolatry of that people. To these is prefixed, a prefatory discourse concerning the Grecian colonies from Egypt / By Jacob Bryant.
Bryant, Jacob, 1715-1804.Date: 1794- Books
Hippocratic writings / edited with an introduction by G.E.R. Lloyd ; translated [from the Greek] by J. Chadwick and W.N. Mann [and others].
Hippocrates.Date: [1983]- Books
Les conditions médicales et sociales dans les Iles Ioniennes et la politique adoptée par les français (1798-1812) / J.G. Lascaratos, Ar. C. Stavropoulos.
Laskaratos, Iōannēs G.Date: 1989- Books
Aladdin's lamp : how Greek science came to Europe through the Islamic world / John Freely.
Freely, John.Date: 2009- Books
Mental disorders in the classical world / edited by W.V. Harris.
Date: 2013- Books
Hippocampus minor and man's place in nature : a case study in the social construction of neuroanatomy / C.G. Gross.
Gross, Charles G.Date: 1993- Journals
Ars medica. 2. Abt, Griechisch-lateinische Medizin.
Date: 1968-- Books
Notes on the history of the transmission of Aristotle's writings / by Ingemar Düring.
Düring, Ingemar, 1903-1984.Date: [1950]- Books
Die Antiken der Sammlung Meyer-Steineg in Jena. 2, Instrumente verschiedener Fundorter, Kästchen, Statuetten und Votive / Ernst Künzl, Susanne Zimmermann.
Künzl, Ernst.Date: 1994- Books
Minoans and Mycenaeans : flavours of their time : Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery, 13 July 2002-5 January 2003 / [general editors, Yannis Tzedakis, Holley Martlew].
Date: 2002- Books
Indices chemicorum graecorum / Robert Halleux.
Halleux, Robert.Date: ©1983-- Books
Desde Lesbos con amor : homosexualidad femenina en la Antigüedad / Juan Francisco Martos Montiel.
Martos Montiel, Juan Francisco.Date: 1996- Books
- Online
Die Physiognomik der Griechen : Rede zur Feier des Geburtstages Sr. Maj. des Deutschen Kaisers Königs von Preussen Wilhelm I., gehalten an der Christian-Albrechts Universität am 22. März 1884 / von Richard Foerster.
Foerster, Richard, 1843-1922.Date: 1884- Books
Archimede : mito, tradizione, scienza Siracusa-Catania, 9-12 ottobre 1989 / a cura di Corrado Dollo.
Date: [1992]- Books
The Cambridge ancient history. Vol. V, Athens 478-401 B.C. / edited by J.B. Bury, S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock.
Date: 1927- Books
Istoria tēs ellēnikēs ktēniatrikēs. Tomos protos, A. Archaiologia tēs arrostias kai genesē tēs ktēniatrikh̄s, B. Ē ktēniatrikh̄ stēn archaia Ellada (mechri to 324 m.Ch.) / Anast. Ath. Tsaknakēs.
Tsaknakēs, Anast. Ath.Date: 1994- Books
- Online
Pausanias' Description of Greece / translated into English with notes and index by Arthur Richard Shilleto.
Pausânias.Date: 1900- Books
- Online
Les médecins grecs : depuis la mort de Galien jusqu'à la chute de l'empire d'Orient, 210-1453 / par A. Corlieu.
Corlieu, A. (Auguste), 1825-1907.Date: 1885- Books
Ancient law : its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas / by Sir Henry Sumner Maine.
Maine, Henry Sumner, 1822-1888.Date: 1894- Books
Sport and society in ancient Greece / Mark Golden.
Golden, Mark, 1948-Date: 1998- Books
Pandora : women in classical Greece / Ellen D. Reeder ; with essays by Sally C. Humphreys [and others].
Reeder, Ellen D.Date: 1995- Books
The therapy of desire : theory and practice in Hellenistic ethics / Martha C. Nussbaum.
Nussbaum, Martha C. (Martha Craven), 1947-Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
Water management in ancient Greek cities / Dora P. Crouch.
Crouch, Dora P.Date: 1993- Books
Firewalking and religious healing : the Anastenaria of Greece and the American firewalking movement / Loring M. Danforth.
Danforth, Loring M., 1949-Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
Miasma : pollution and purification in early Greek religion / Robert Parker.
Parker, Robert, 1950-Date: 1983