283 results filtered with: Demography
- Books
Grundriss der Naturgeschichte der Menschenspecies / für akademische Vorlesungen entworfen von Christian Friedrich Ludwig.
Ludwig, Christ. Frid. (Christian Friedrich), 1751-1823.Date: 1796- Books
Compte rendu / pub. par le secrétariat général du congrès.
International Congress of Hygiene and Demography 1900 : Paris, France)Date: [1901]- Books
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in the Dominican Republic / Davidson R. Gwatkin [and others] for the HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of the World Bank.
Date: 2000- Ephemera
- Online
In reversible airways obstruction Entair rapidly absorbed lastingly effective : holidays and the British.
Date: 1969- Books
- Online
Census 1951, Great Britain : one per cent sample tables.
Great Britain. General Register Office.Date: 1952- Books
Addendum to Demography : developments during 1949-54 / by Peter R. Cox.
Cox, Peter R.Date: 1955- Books
- Online
Jelentés az 1894. szeptember hó 1-töl 9-ig Budapesten tartott VIII-ik Nemzetközi közegészségi és demografia congressusról és annak tudományos munkálatairól... Tome 1 / Szerkesztette dr Gerlóczy Zsigmond ... Huitième Congrès international d'hygiène et de démographie, tenu à Budapest du 1 au 9 septembre 1894. Comptes-rendus et mémoires. Pub. par le Dr Sigismond de Gerlóczy.
International Congress of Hygiene and Demography 1894 : Budapest, Hungary)Date: 1895-1896- Archives and manuscripts
Abortion Law Reform Association
Abortion Law Reform AssociationDate: 1930s-2000sReference: SA/ALR- Books
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in the Central African Republic / Davidson R. Gwatkin [and others] for the HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of the World Bank.
Date: 2000- Books
- Online
Census of England and Wales for the year 1861 : population tables / [issued by the Census Office].
Great Britain. Census Office.Date: 1862- Books
- Online
Annals of the Demographic Research Institute of the Central Statistical Office, 1963-1968.
Hungary. Központi Statisztikai Hivatal. Népességtudományi Kutató Intézet.Date: 1968- Books
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in Vietnam / Davidson R. Gwatkin [and others] for the HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of the World Bank.
Date: 2000- E-journals
- Online
Date: 1964-- Books
- Online
Census of the British Empire: compiled from official returns for the year 1861, with its colonies and foreign possessions ... Arranged alphabetically, numerically, and comparatively as an analysis of the census returns. Part I, England and Wales.
Coke, Charles Anthony.Date: 1863- Books
Actas y memorias del IX Congreso internacional de higiene y demografía celebrado en Madrid en los días 10 al 17 de abril de 1898 / ... Publicación dirigida y redactada por el Dr. Enrique Salcedo y Ginestal, secretario.
International Congress of Hygiene and Demography 1898 : Madrid, Spain)Date: 1900- Books
Census 1951, England and Wales : general report.
Great Britain. General Register Office.Date: 1958- Books
International Population Conference : Ottawa 1963, August 21-26 = Congrès international de la population : Ottawa 1963, 21-26 août.
International Population Conference (1963 : Ottawa, Ont.)Date: 1964- Books
Expectations of life : a study in the demography, statistics, and history of world mortality / H.O. Lancaster.
Lancaster, H. O. (Henry Oliver), 1913-2001.Date: [1990], ©1990- Books
Ageing & technology : state of the art : prepared for the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies / by Niilo Saranummi.
Saranummi, Niilo.Date: [1997]- Books
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in Cameroon / Davidson R. Gwatkin [and others] for the HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of the World Bank.
Date: 2000- Books
- Online
Census 1961, England and Wales : Greater London tables.
Great Britain. General Register Office.Date: 1966- Books
Social theories of fertility and the Malthusian debate.
Eversley, D. E. C. (David Edward Charles)Date: 1959- Books
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in Nicaragua / Davidson R. Gwatkin [and others] for the HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of the World Bank.
Date: 2000- Books
Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in Mali / Davidson R. Gwatkin [and others] for the HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of the World Bank.
Date: 2000- Books
Fuentes para la demografía histórica de Nueva Granada / Julian Bautista Ruiz Rivera.
Ruiz Rivera, Julián Bautista.Date: 1972