2,431 results filtered with: Astrology - Early works to 1800
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Balles, 1631 : A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God and finall redemption 1631. Being the third after the bissextile or leape yeere. / Written according to the rules of lawfull art, for the meridian and latitude of the ancient and famous city of Norwich, where the pole is lifted aboue the horizon 52. grades 45. minutes: and may well and fitly serue for all parts of these kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By Thomas Balles, well-wisher to the arts mathematicall, &c. practitioner in physicke.
Balles, Thomas.Date: [1631]- Books
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The boke of knowledge : whether a sycke person beynge in perylle, shall lyue, or dye. &c.
Date: [1556?]]- Books
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A brief dclaration [sic] against judicial astrologie or, the diabolical art of astrologie opened, arraigned, and condemned : Wherein is handled these following particulars, viz. 1 The deluded astrologer. 2 The delusion of the astrologer. 3 Diabolical divination. 4 Horary questions. 5 The events of astrology. 6. The 12. houses. 7 The 7. planets. 8 The 7. planitary angels. 9 Calculation by mans nativity. 10 Predictions by stars, to the alteration of a kingdom to war or peace. Or to the good or ill success of any particular man. / By John Raunce, sometime a practitioner of the said art.
Raunce, John, active 17th centuryDate: 1650- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemerius, or, Astrological judgments for the year 1683 / by William Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1683- Books
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Gresham 1606 : A new almanacke and prognostication for the yere of our Lord God 1606 Calculated and argued from the orbicall position of the other sixe prime-naturaall, ud moueable bodies, to & with this, wheron we inhabit, but more naturally to the plaine of this iland. Fitting in generall the whole: more especially the north partes thereof, and most particularly the scituation of the honorable cittie of Yorke. / By Edward Gresham.
Gresham, EdwardDate: [1606]- Books
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Riders (1678.) British Merlin : bedeckt with many delightful varieties, and useful verities, fitting the longitude and latitude of all capacities within the islands of Great Britain's monarchy; and chronological observations of principal note to this year 1678. Being the 2d after bissextile, or leap-year with notes of husbandry, physick, fayrs & marts directions and tables to all necessary uses. Made and compiled for the benefitof his country, by Cardanus Riders.
Rider, CardanusDate: 1678- Books
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Animal cornutum, or The horn'd beast : wherein is contained, 1 a brief method of the grounds of astrology, 2 a description of each planet and sign, 3 the way to erect a figure of heaven, 4 a narrative of what visible eclipses (both of sun and moon) will appear in our horizon, for these 15 years yet to come, with the month, day, and hour when they happen. Whereunto is annexed, an examination of a spurious pamphlet (intituled, Astrology proved to be the doctrine of dæmons) laying open the antagonist's malice, and folly; with a refutation of his errors, by an astrological example, in figure, and judgement. / Composed for the benefit of all those that are desirous to exercise themselves herein, by J. Gadbury, a lover of the celestial sciences.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704Date: 1654- Books
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An ephemeris, or, Almanack for the year of our Lord 1668 : being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation at the spring 5671 years compleat ... : calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome / by John Swan.
Swan, John, -1671Date: 1667- Books
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Ephemeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of our Lord, 1677 : being the first after leap-year : with experiments & observations astrological, also something touching the noble country of Jamaica, and how to make this ephemeris serviceable to the West-Indies / by John Gadbury.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704Date: 1677- Books
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Mene mene, tekel upharsin : The second part of Mene tekel, treating of the year MDCLXXXIX. : And modestly shewing what may probably be conjectured to succeed in the affairs of Europe in general, and of England, Holland, Scotland, and France in particular; with something also about the affairs of Ireland, and the French King's forces there. : To which is added a treasonable paper dispersed among the papists, by J. Gadbury, with some reflections thereon, and also on his almanack for 1689. / By John Partridge.
Partridge, John, 1644-1715Date: MDCLXXXIX [1689]- Books
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Mathew, 1602 : an almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord, MDCII : being the second from the leap yeare / made and set forth according to arte, by William Mathew of Reigate in the county of Surry ... ; rectified for the meridian of Reigate, seruing most directly for the south parts, and generally for all England.
Mathew, William, active 1602-1614Date: [1602]- Books
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Speculum anni à partu virginis or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1643 : Being the third after bissextile, or leap-yeare: and for the worlds creation 5658, calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min.
Dove, JonathanDate: [1643]- Books
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Merlinus anglicus junior, or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1694, and from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5643, being the second after bissextile or leap year : wherein is contained, 1. Astronomical and meteorological observations, 2. The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets, 3. The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars, also her southing : together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work, accomodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain : to which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. : also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant.
Coley, Henry, 1633-1704?Date: 1694- Books
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Rose, 1673 : a new almanack for the year ... 1673 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of the Kingdom / by George Rose.
Rose, George (Mathematician)Date: 1673- Books
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Allestree 1621 : a new almanack and prognostication for this yeere of our Lord God 1621, being first from bissextile yeere : calculated, and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Articke of the famous towne of Derby & may serue generally, for the most part of Great-Brittaine / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1621]- Books
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Perkins : A new almanack, for the year of our Lord God, 1681. Being the first after the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to sacred writ, 5630 years. Composed and chiefly referred to the famous city of London; but (without sensible error) may serve for any other place in Great Britain. Adorned with a compendious chronology of things worth remembrance, since the creation to this present year; as also, the weather, the moons rising and setting, with the high-wayes, &c. and many other useful things, proper for such a work. / Made, and set forth by F. Perkins.
Perkins, F. (Francis)Date: 1681- Books
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An almanach for the yere M. D. LXII : made by maister Michael Nostradamus Doctour in Phisicke, of Salon of Craux in Prouance.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566Date: 1562- Books
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Neve 1647 : a new almanack and prognostication,with the forraigne computation, serving for the yeare of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ 1647 : being the third after the bissextile or leap-yeare : in which you may behold the state of this year, 1647 : rectified for the elevation of the pole artick and meridian of the ancient and famous city of Norwich ... and will serve generally without sensible error for the Kingdome of Great Britttain [sic] / practised, penned, and published by John Neve.
Neve, John, active 17th century.Date: [1647]- Books
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An ephemeris, or, Almanack for the yeare of our Lord 1657 : being the first after leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5661 ... : calculated properly for the meridian of Ickelton (that ancient town) in Cambridgeshire ... / by John Swan.
Swan, John, -1671Date: 1656- Books
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Merlini Anglici errata : Or, The errors, mistakes, and mis-applications of Master Lilly's new ephemeris for the yeare 1647. Discovered, refuted, and corrected. By C. George Wharton, student in astronomy.
Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681Date: Printed in the yeare 1647. [i.e. 1646]- Books
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The Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ, 1684, our deliverence from popery by Queen Eliz. 125 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... : with the change of the moon, the rising and setting of the sun, some observable fairs, and the eclipses, together with the moons place in the zodiac, throughout each month of the year, calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon, where the Pope is elevated a hundred and fifty degrees above all reason, right, and religion, above kings, canons, councils, conscience, and every thing therein called God, 2 Thes. 2, and may without sensible error, indifferently serve the whole papacy / by Philoprotest, a well-wisher to the Mathematicks.
Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698Date: 1684- Books
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Judiciall astrologie, judicially condemned : Upon a survey and examination of Sr. Christopher Heydons apology for it, in answer to Mr. Chambers. And of Will. Ramsey's morologie in his pretended reply (called Lux veritatis) to Doctour Nathanael Homes his Demonologie. Together with the testimonies of Mr. W. Perkins Resolution to the countrey-man; Mr. John Miltons Figure-caster; and Dr. Homes his demonologie, all here exhibited against it, seconded and backed by 1. evident Scripture. 2. Apparent reason. 3. Authority of councils. 4. Justice of laws. 5. Arguments of fathers, school-men, and modern learned men. 6. Concessions of Ptolomy, &c. friends of astrology. 7. And the wicked practises of astrologers themselves.
Rowland, WilliamDate: 1652. [i.e. 1651]- Books
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Dade 1627 : a new almanacke and prognostication with the forraigne computation, in which you may behold the state of this yeere 1627, being the third after the leape yeere / by William Dade.
Dade, WilliamDate: [1627]- Books
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Pond : an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1663: being the third after Leap year, and from the worlds creation according to the best account 5666 : amplified with many good things, both for pleasure and profit : and fitted for the meridian of Saffron-Walden in Essex, where the pole is elevated 52 degrees and six minutes above the horizon : whereunto are added the several fairs held in England each moneth this year.
Pond, Edward, -1629Date: 1663- Books
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Gilden, 1631 : A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord. God 1631. Being the third from the bi[ssex?]tile, or leape yeere . Calculated and composed according to art, for the meridian and latitude of the towne of Shipston vpon Stowre in the county of Worcester. And may very well serve for all the south parts of Great Britaine. / By G. Gilden.
Gilden, G., active 1615-1632Date: [1631]