93 results filtered with: Amulets and Charms
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A Coconut charm, New Ginuea
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Beaten gold lips, found in Cyprus, supposed to ba a Mycenean amulet.
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Yoruba Ibeji figures, representing twins
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Sioux Indian amulet in the form of a turtle, worn by girls to ward off illness. Said to contain the umbilical cord of the wearer. Decorated in beading. Northern Plains
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Graeco-Roman phallic amulet
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Vipern Schnurre.
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Chinese woodcut: Healing by invocation
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An artificially manufactured version of a goa stone
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A Coconut charm, New Ginuea
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An amuletic necklace worn to cure sore throats, London.
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An amuletic necklace worn to cure sore throats, London.
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Vipern Schnurre.
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Sudanese Amulet written in Arabic on wood with a wooden pen with verses from the Qur'an.
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The case of artificially manufactured version of a goa stone
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Vipern Schnurre.
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An artificially manufactured version of a goa stone found inside the stomachs of an animal (bezoar stones) and its case. Made in India from a paste of clay, crushed shell, amber, musk and resin and used for numerous complaints such as poisons and as a charm against plague
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Yoruba Ibeji figures, representing twins
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Beaten gold lips, found in Cyprus, supposed to ba a Mycenean amulet.