1,538 results filtered with: 18th-19th centuries
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Bombay in the days of George IV : memoirs of Sir Edward West, chief justice of the King's court during its conflict with the East India company, with hitherto unpublished documents / by F. Dawtrey Drewitt.
Drewitt, F. Dawtrey (Frederic Dawtrey), 1848-1942.Date: 1907- Books
Climbing boys : a study of sweeps' apprentices, 1773-1875 / K.H. Strange.
Strange, K. H. (Kathleen H.), 1904-Date: 1982- Books
Madness and the picturesque in the kingdom of Denmark / Christine Stevenson.
Stevenson, Christine.- Books
Die medizinische Versorgung der Stadt Waldheim (Sachsen) im 18. u. 19. Jahrhundert / Johannes W.E. Büttner ; mit einem statistischen Anhang.
Büttner, Johannes Walter Eberhart.Date: 1972- Books
Medizinische Beobachtungen während der Weltumsegelung des Adam Johann von Krusenstern / von Thomas Seidel.
Seidel, Thomas.Date: 1979- Books
John James de Roches, M.D. / [William Munk].
Munk, William, 1816-1898.Date: 1878- Books
Bedeutung der medizinischen Topographie für die Pharmaziegeschichte / Kurt Ganzinger.
Ganzinger, Kurt, 1913-Date: 1978- Books
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Capital punishment and the criminal corpse in Scotland, 1740-1834 / Rachel E. Bennett.
Bennett, Rachel E.Date: [2018]- Books
La introducción de la clínica en Valencia : Félix Miquel y Micó, 1754-1824 / Jorge Navarro Pérez.
Navarro, Jorge.Date: [1998]- Books
Elizabeth Williams : Maid of Honour / by H. D. Richards.
Richards, H. D.Date: [2004]- Books
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An account of the yellow fever, which occurred in the city of New-York, in the year 1822 : To which is prefixed a brief sketch of the different pestilential diseases, with which this city was afflicted, in the years 1798, 1799, 1803 & 1805, with the opinion of several of our most eminent physicians, respecting the origin of the disease, its prevention and cure. To which is added a correct list of all the deaths by yellow fever during the late season, taken from official documents / by James Hardie.
Hardie, James, 1758-1826.Date: 1822- Books
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Johann Wolfgang Goethes Beziehungen zur Heilkunde / von Wilhelm Haberling.
Haberling, W. (Wilhelm), 1871-1940.Date: 1932- Books
The civilising mission and the English middle class, 1792-1850 : the 'heathen' at home and overseas / Alison Twells.
Twells, Alison.Date: 2009- Books
The Industrial revolution and British society / edited by Patrick K. O'Brien and Roland Quinault.
Date: 1993- Books
Coventry apprentices and their masters, 1781-1806 / edited by Joan Lane.
Date: 1983- Books
Les boeufs malades de la peste : la peste bovine en France et en Europe, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle / François Vallat.
Vallat, François, 1947-Date: 2009- Books
Augenarzt und Staroperation in Bühnenwerken des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts / Zita Nüssgens.
Nüssgens, Zita.Date: 1986- Books
Johann Christian Reil (1759-1813) : das Problem des Übergangs von der Spätaufklärung zur Romantik in Biologie und Medizin in Deutschland / Reinhard Mocek.
Mocek, Reinhard.Date: 1995- Books
Larrey : surgeon to Napoleon's Imperial Guard / Robert G. Richardson.
Richardson, Robert G.Date: 2000- Books
The history of small-pox in Australia, 1788-1908 / [J.H.L. Cumpston].
Cumpston, J. H. L. (John Howard Lidgett), 1880-1954.Date: 1914- Books
Roman fever : influence, infection, and the image of Rome, 1700-1870 / Richard Wrigley.
Wrigley, Richard.Date: 2013- Books
Compassion and the art of possible : Dr Southwood Smith as social reformer and public health pioneer / by the Reverend Dr John R. Guy.
Guy, John R.Date: 1996- Books
Deutsche im Zarenreich und Russen in Deutschland : Naturforscher, Gelehrte, Ärzte und Wissenschaftler im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert : Voträge des Symposiums vom 26. und 27. August 2004 am Karl-Sudhoff-Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Leipzig / Ingrid Kästner, Regine Pfrepper (Hgg.).
Date: 2004- Books
Las juntas literarias del Real Colegio de Cirugía de Cádiz : catálogo de las "Observaciones" manuscritas (1742-1836) / Carlos Marquez Espinos.
Márquez Espinós, Carlos.Date: 1986- Books
Prints of Southeast Asia in the India Office Library : the East India Company in Malaysia and Indonesia, 1786-1824 / John Bastin and Pauline Rohatgi.
Bastin, John Sturgus, 1927-Date: 1979