377 results filtered with: Medical Heritage Library.
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A manual of midwifery, or, Compendium of gynaecology and paidonosology : comprising a new nomenclature of obstetric medicine, with a concise account of the symptoms and treatment of the most important diseases of women and children, and the management of the various forms of parturition / by Michael Ryan.
Ryan, Michael, 1800-1841.Date: 1831- Books
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Traite de la coqueluche, d'apres les principes de la doctrine physiologique.
Desruelles, H. M. J. (Henri Marie Joseph), 1791-1858.Date: 1827- Books
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The physicians’ vade mecum; being a compendium of nosology and therapeutics, for the use of students / by the Rev. Joseph Townsend, Rector of Pewsey, Wilts.
Townsend, Joseph, 1739-1816.Date: 1799- Books
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Pure milk : a lecture delivered in the lecture room of the exhibition, July 30th, 1884 / by G. W. Wigner.
Wigner, George William.Date: 1884- Books
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Secours a donner aux personnes empoisonnees et asphyxiees; suivis des moyens propres a reconnaitre les poisons et les vins frelates, et a distinguer la mort reelle de la mort apparente / par M.-P. Orfila.
Orfila, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure, 1787-1853.Date: 1830- Books
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Observations on fevers and other diseases which occur on voyages to Africa and the West Indies / by Robert Robertson.
Robertson, Robert, 1742-1829.Date: 1792- Books
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Amputation at the hip-joint / by J. Fayrer.
Fayrer, Joseph, Sir, 1824-1907.Date: 1864- Books
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Homoeopathy : reasons for adopting the rational system of medicine : being a letter to the Governors of the Hull General Infirmary.
Horner, Fewster Robert, 1803-1862.Date: 1857- Books
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The new good samaritan, Or, Domestic practical physician; extracted chiefly from the medical essays of the learned academies in Europe. To which is prefixed a physiological account of pulses. Of the properties and virtues of milk, as an animal fluid, as food, and as a medicine. Of the recovery of persons supposed to be drowned. Likewise, for the use of married ladies is added the practical midwife, by question and answer. With an elegant engraving of the different positions of the infant in the womb. The whole made familiar to every capacity / by S. Freeman.
Freeman, Stephen, M.D.Date: 1780- Books
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Studien aus dem Institute für experimentelle pathologie in Wien aus dem jahre 1869 / herausgegeben von S. Stricker.
Date: 1870- Books
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Plan of the Royal Infirmary for the Diseases of the Eye, instituted 1804 : under the patronage of their majesties and of the royal family, for the relief of the poor ; and supported by voluntary contributions.
Royal Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, London.Date: 1811- Books
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General Medical Council 1863 : recommendations of the General Council of Medicinal Education & Registration of the United Kingdom in reference to general and professional education as amended in 1863 ; together with resolutions postponed for consideration to the next meeting of the Council.
General Medical Council.Date: 1863- Books
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Commentatio inauguralis de synocho tropica, vulgo febre flava dicta : quam, annuente summo numine : ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, SS.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti : necnon amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto : pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis / eruditorum examini subjicit Carolus Henricus Parry, Anglus.
Parry, Charles Henry, 1779-1860.Date: 1804- Books
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The rearing of hand-fed infants : a lecture delivered in the lecture room of the exhibition, August 1st, 1884 / by Edmund Owen ; with an introduction by Charles West.
Owen, Edmund.Date: 1884- Books
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Nuove idee sulla gotta e nuove metodo per radicalmente guarirla / del Dottor Gabriele D'Ambrosio.
D'Ambrosio, Gabriele.Date: 1827- Books
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Compte rendu de la session 1882-1883 / par M. Leudet.
Leudet, Lucien.Date: 1883- Books
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A discourse addressed to the gentlemen of the faculty; the officers; the clergy; and the trustees of the Infirmary at Liverpool on their respective hospital duties, being an anniversary sermon preached in May 1791, before the governors of the institution, for the benefit of the charity / by the Rev. Thomas Bassnet Percival.
Percival, Thomas, 1740-1804.Date: 1794- Books
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Della vaccina, sull'uomo in confronto del vajuolo umano : Della genesi dell'idrope : Dell'idrope con albuminuria: Memoire / del dottor Carlo Frua.
Frua, Carlo.Date: 1846- Books
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Artis medicinæ vera explanatio, or, a true explanation of the art of physic. Containing a plain and accurate account of all the diseases incident to the human body; ... To which are added, many ... remarks and observations, on anatomy, animal-magnetism, chymistry, the non-naturals, physiognomy, &c. The whole illustrated with elegant engravings, and notes critical and explanatory / by A. G. Sinclair, M.D.
Sinclair, A. G.Date: 1791- Books
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Medicinisch-psychologisches Gutachten über die Verurtheilung des Lieutenants Emile de La Roncière vor den Assisen in Paris im Jahre 1835 / Carl Christian Matthaei.
Matthaei, Carl Christian.Date: 1835- Books
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A treatise on the diseases of children / by the late Michael Underwood.
Underwood, Michael, 1736-1820.Date: 1827- Books
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The village-pastor's surgical and medical guide, in letters from an old physician to a young clergyman, his son.
Skrimshire, F. (Fenwick), 1774 or 1775-1855.Date: 1838- Books
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Observations on the nature and treatment of the variolous abscess with remarks on the modern practice of inoculation, and a review of the principal writers on that important subject / by Peter Clare.
Clare, Peter, 1738-1786.Date: 1781- Books
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First report of the Vaccine Institution with a view to the extermination of small-pox in the town of Nottingham.
Nottingham. Vaccine Institution.Date: 1806- Books
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Méthode nouvelle et facile de guérir la maladie vénérienne : suivie 1o. d'un traité pratique de la gonorrhée; 2o. d'observations sur les abcès & sur la chirurgie génerale & médicale; 3o. d'une lettre à M. Buchan, sur l'inoculation, sur la petite-vérole, & sur les abcès varioleux / par M. Clare, Chirurgien. ; Traduit de l'anglois, par J.D.D. M.H.D.M.C.D.A.
Clare, Peter, 1738-1786.Date: 1785