99 results filtered with: Tuberculosis, Pulmonary - prevention & control
- Books
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Consumption, why so fatal? : What are the means by which it can be prevented in those predisposed to, and its progress arrested in those already affected with it? The above queries solved in a manner intelligible to every reader, experience and common sense furnishing the solutions. / By John Tyrrell.
Tyrrell, John.Date: 1835- Ephemera
- Online
Byno-Haemoglobin : valuable in anaemia, incipient phthisis, and in convalescence, especially of children : September 1908.
Date: 1908- Ephemera
Postage stamps ephemera. Box 1.
- Books
Tuberculosis among industrial workers ; report of an investigation made in Cincinnati, with special reference to predisposing causes / by D.E. Robinson and J.G. Wilson.
Robinson, D. E.Date: 1916- Ephemera
- Online
"Spiromol" solutions.
Date: [1925]- Ephemera
- Online
Voici 2 moyens d'arrêter le SIDA / L'un a fait ses preuves, l'autre devra les faire en 2012 ... votez pour celui qui aura le courage d'agir : [François Hollande] / AIDES.
Date: [2012?]- Books
Victoire en tuberculose / André Bernay, [Juliette Bernay ; préfacé par Charles Fouqué].
Bernay, André.Date: 1946- Books
The causes and prevention of phthisis / by Arthur Ransome.
Ransome, Arthur, 1834-1922.Date: 1890- Ephemera
Some NAPT publications / The National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis.
National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis (Great Britain)Date: [1950?]- Books
Regolamenti approvati dalla Sagra Consulta magistrato supremo di sanità per la disinfezione delle robbe, e camere dei tisici.
Date: MDCCCXXV. [1825]- Books
Infectious disease : U.S. response / Elizabeth M. Bradley, editor.
Date: 2012- Books
Tuberculosis (TB) and the BCG vaccination / TB Alert, NHS.
Date: [2009?]- Books
- Online
The actual position of the tuberculosis problem to-day : being address delivered by request at the conference of the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis at Birmingham, July, 1923 / by Sir Robert Philip, M.D., LL.D., President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Professor of Tuberculosis in the University of Edinburgh.
Philip, Robert William, Sir, 1857-1939Date: [1924?]- Ephemera
- Online
'Byno' Haemoglobin : a blood forming digestive tonic nutrient : September 1911.
Date: 1911- Books
Tuberculosis : TB : the disease, its treatment and prevention / Department of Health.
Date: 2006- Books
Tuberculosis : nourishing food, cleanliness, sunlight, rest / Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
Date: [between 1920 and 1929?]- Ephemera
- Online
Byno-Haemoglobin : valuable in anaemia, incipient phthisis, and in convalescence, especially of children : January 1905.
Date: 1905- Ephemera
- Online
Bynol The "Allenburys" malt & oil : an ideal combination of Cod Liver Oil and Malt for children : December 1908.
Date: 1908- Books
Yiphelise iTB kuba unakho / Khomanani, Soul City.
Date: [2002]- Books
Grupo de Estudio sobre Programas de Vacunación BCG en América Latina : México, D.F., 14-17 de septiembre de 1975.
Grupo de Estudio sobre Programas de Vacunación BCG en América Latina (1975 : México, Mexico)Date: 1976- Books
The prevention of phthisis / by J. Edward Squire.
Squire, J. Edward.Date: 1889- Ephemera
Practical observations on the differences which exist in the nature of consumption, according to the difference in the causes which give rise to it... / George Henning.
Henning, George.Date: 1844- Books
Making tuberculosis history : community based solutions for millions : BRAC Health Program / Md. Akramul Islam, Maria A. May, Faruque Ahmed, Richard A. Cash, Jalaluddin Ahmed.
Islam, AkramulDate: 2011- Books
La tuberculose pulmonaire chez les sujets apparemment sains et la vaccination anti-tuberculeuse / par L. Sayé.
Sayé Sampere, Luis G.Date: 1938- Ephemera
Postage stamps ephemera. Box 4A.