85 results filtered with: Surgical Instruments - history
- Books
Diccionari històric d'instruments i tècniques mèdiques. I, Cirurgia / Felip Cid ; amb la col·laboració de Núria Gorina, Margarida Moragas i Josep Sanchez-Aldeguer.
Cid, Felip.Date: 1990- Ephemera
Iz slovenske zdravstvene tradicije = From Slovenian health tradition / text: Zvonka Zupanič Slavec ; foto: Dragan Arrigler.
Zupanič-Slavec, Zvonka.Date: [1998]- Books
Minor instruments in the Sushrutasamhita / R.C. Chakravorty.
Chakravorty, Ranes C.Date: 1988- Books
The evolution of surgical instruments : an illustrated history from ancient times to the twentieth century / John Kirkup ; with a foreword by James M. Edmonson.
Kirkup, John.Date: 2006- Books
- Online
Guide to the surgical instruments and objects in the historical series with their history and development / by C.J.S. Thompson ; with a foreword by the Conservator Sir Arthur Keith.
Royal College of Surgeons of England. Museum.Date: 1929- Books
Museología médica : aspectos teóricos y cuestiones prácticas / Felip Cid.
Cid, Felip.Date: 2007- Books
Mostra storica del libro e dello strumento di chirurgia : 14-17 ottobre 1973, Milano / [Luigi Belloni e Bruno Zanobio].
Belloni, Luigi, 1914-1989.Date: [1973?]- Books
Medizinische Instrumente aus Sepulkralfunden der römischen Kaiserzeit / Ernst Künzl ; unter Mitarbeit von Franz Josef Hassel und Susanna Künzl.
Künzl, Ernst.Date: 1983- Books
The tools of Asclepius : surgical instruments in Greek and Roman times / by Lawrence J. Bliquez.
Bliquez, Lawrence J.Date: [2015]- Books
Surgical and obstetrical instruments in the Netherlands (1750-1870) / W.J. Mulder.
Mulder, Wim J.Date: 1989- Books
Historia del instrumental quirurgico : la contribucion Argentina / Jorge L. Curutchet.
Curutchet, Jorge L.Date: 1985- Books
Surgical instruments in Greek and Roman times / John Stewart Milne.
Milne, John Stewart, 1871-Date: 1907- Books
- Online
Chirurgie antique. Étude sur la trousse d'une chirurgien gallo-romain du IIIe siècle / [Victor Deneffe].
Deneffe, Victor, 1835-1908.Date: 1893- Books
Deaver retractor / Brendan Devlin.
Devlin, Brendan.Date: 1984- Books
The history and evolution of surgical instruments / by Dr. C.J.S. Thompson ; with a foreword by Dr. Chauncey D. Leake.
Thompson, C. J. S. (Charles John Samuel), 1862-1943.Date: 1942- Books
- Online
Histoire des instruments de chirurgie trouvés à Herculanum et à Pompéi / [Henri Scoutetten].
Scoutetten, H. (Henri), 1799-1871.Date: 1867- Books
Instrumentum medici : Der Arzt u.s. Gerät im Spiegelbild der Zeiten / von Geerto Snyder.
Snijder, G. A. S. (Geerto Aeilko Sebo), 1896-1992.Date: [1972]- Books
The obstetrician's armamentarium : historical obstetric instruments and their inventors / by Bryan Hibbard.
Hibbard, Bryan M.Date: 1999- Books
- Online
Chirurgie journalière des hopitaux de Paris : répertoire de thérapeutique chirurgicale / par P. Gillette.
Gillette, Paulin Eugène, 1838-1886.Date: 1878- Books
- Online
Speculi chirurgici scavati dalle rovine delle città dissepolte, Pompei ed Ercolano.
Jacobelli, Alfonso.Date: 1883- Books
The origin, evolution and modification of surgical instruments / [Pedro D Curutchet].
Curutchet, Pedro D.Date: 1964- Books
A list of the anatomical instruments which the very learned Johannes Jacobus Rau bequeathed to the Batavian Academy at Leiden : made at the request of the ... curators of the said university and aldermen of the city / by Bernhardus Siegfried Albinus, who added a biography of the testator, a description of the cure he performed on sufferers from stone, and pictures of the instruments ; translated into modern English.
Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 1697-1770.Date: 1725- Books
Les Instruments de chirurgie urinaire en France : d'aprés les documents originaux du XVI au XX siècle 30 planches hors text de reproductions d'instruments et de portraits accompagnées d'une description des planches et précédées d'une introduction / par Octave Pasteau.
Pasteau, Octave, 1870-Date: 1914- Books
Uno sguardo al passato: viaggio tra i ferri chirurgici dello spedale del Ceppo di Pistoia / [L. Brancolini, G. Niccolai].
Brancolini, Luigi.Date: 1979- Books
Nineteenth century surgical instruments : a catalogue of the Gustav Weber Collection at the Howard Dittrick Museum of Historical Medicine / James M. Edmonson.
Edmonson, James M.Date: 1986