168 results filtered with: Scurvy
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De scorbuto liber singularis / autore Gualtero Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1672- Books
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Observations on the effects of sea water in the scurvy and scrophula : in which a new theory of those diseases is attempted; with some reasons why bathing in fresh water must be much superior to that of the sea / By William Logan.
Logan, William, 1747-1772.Date: 1771- Books
De scorbuto tractatus / Danielis Sennerti ... cui accesserunt ejusdem argumenti tractatus & epistolae Balduini Ronssei, Johannis Echthii, Johannis Wieri, Johannis Langii, Salomonis Alberti, Matthaei Martini.
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.Date: 1624- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0002830: Nude man from front showing symptoms of Scurvy
Date: 03 March 1932Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/23/91Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
Opera omnia / Cum elenchis rerum et rerum et indicibus necessariis, ut & multis figuris aneis.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675.Date: 1681- Archives and manuscripts
M0002836: Illustration of scurvy in jaw bone and roof of mouth
Date: 03 March 1932Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/23/97Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
An historical account of a new method of treating the scurvy at sea : containing ten cases, which shew that this destructive disease may be easily and effectually cured without the aid of fresh vegetable diet / By David MacBride.
Macbride, David, 1726-1778.Date: 1767- Books
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Die Bluterkrankheit in ihren Varianten : Scorbut, Purpura simplex, Purpura (Peliosis) rheumatica, Purpura hämorrhagica, Erythema nodosum, Hämophilie, Nabelbluten, Blutschwitzen und Fettentartung der Neugeborenen / dargestellt von Wilhelm Koch.
Koch, Wilhelm.Date: 1889- Archives and manuscripts
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M0002835: Illustration of scurvy in gums and lower jaw
Date: 03 March 1932Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/23/96Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Remarks on the scurvy as it appeared among the English prisoners in France, in the year 1795 : with an account of the effects of opium in that disease, and of the methods proper to render its use more extensive and easy; (written during his confinement in the Tower) / by R.T. Crosfeild.
Crosfeild, Robert Thomas, 1759-1802.Date: 1797- Books
Treatise on scurvy : a bicentenary volume containing a reprint of the first edition of A treatise of the scurvy / by James Lind ; with additional notes ; edited by C.P. Stewart and Douglas Guthrie.
Lind, James, 1716-1794.Date: 1953- Archives and manuscripts
Bona, Giovanni dalla (1712-1788) (& others)
Bona, Giovanni dalla, 1712-1788.Date: c. 1745Reference: MS.1292- Books
- Online
Observations on the causes, symptoms, and nature of scrofula or king's evil, scurvy, and cancer : with cases illustrative of a peculiar mode of treatment / by J. Kent.
Kent, J.Date: 1833- Books
Studies on scurvy / by Arthur W. Meyer and Lewis M. McCormick.
Meyer, Arthur William, 1873-Date: 1928- Books
- Online
Dissertatio inauguralis, de scorbuto ... / Eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus Home, Britannus.
Home, James, 1758-1842.Date: 1781- Archives and manuscripts
Petit, Antoine (1718-1794)
Petit, Antoine, 1718-1794Date: c. 1775Reference: MS.3848- Books
Dissertatio medica inauguralis de scorbuto / Eruditorum examini subjicit Georgius Goodman, Anglus.
Goodman, George, M.D.Date: 1792- Books
- Online
On the new theories and experiences of scurvy : read before the Bombay Medical and Physical Society, with additions from the author's contributions to the Lancet &c. / by Cameron Macdowall.
Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart, 1832-Date: [1884?]- Archives and manuscripts
Miscellany: English, 19th-20th centuries
Date: 1807-1952Reference: MS.7471- Books
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Considérations générales sur le scorbut de mer, ou influence du moral sur le physique ... : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 3 août 1838 / par Martin (Louis-Aimé).
Martin, Louis Aimé.Date: 1838- Books
Dissertatio medica inauguralis de scorbuto / Eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Anderson, Britannus.
Anderson, John, approximately 1730-1804.Date: 1772- Books
- Online
Scelera aquarum: or, a supplement to Mr. Graunt on the bills of mortality. Shewing as well the causes, as encrease of the London, Parisian, and Amsterdam scorbute ... / By J.H. M.D.
J. H. (James Harvey)Date: 1701- Books
- Online
Observations on the scurvy : with a review of the opinions lately advanced on that disease, and a new theory defended, on the approved method of cure, and the induction of pneumatic chemistry : being an attempt to investigate that principle in recent vegetable matter, which, alone, has been found effectual in the treatment of this singular disease : and from thence to deduce more certain means of prevention than have been adopted hitherto / by Thomas Trotter, M.D.
Trotter, Thomas, 1760-1832.Date: MDCCXCII [1792]- Books
- Online
Tentamen medicum, inaugurale, de scorbuto : quod annuente summo numine : ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti : nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto : pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis / eruditorum examini subjicit Richardus Kiernan, Hibernus, Societ. Reg. Med. Edin. Sodal. uet et Soc. Phys. Chir. Soc. Hon. et Praes. Ann.
Kiernan, Richard.Date: 1783- Archives and manuscripts
Nelson, Viscount Horatio (1758-1805)
Date: 1780-1805Reference: MSS.3667-3681