226 results filtered with: Medicine - History - 16th century
- Books
Medicine in the New World : New Spain, New France, and New England / edited by Ronald L. Numbers.
Date: [1987], ©1987- Books
Medicyns, vroedwyfs en chirugyns : schets van de gezondheidszorg in Delft en beschrijving van het Theatrum Anatomicum aldaar in de 16e en 17e eeuw / H.L. Houtzager.
Houtzager, H. L., 1935-Date: 1979- Books
Health, medicine, and mortality in the sixteenth century / edited by Charles Webster.
Date: 1979- Books
The 'methodus medendi' as an index of change in the philosophy of medical science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Jeffrey Boss.
Boss, Jeffrey M. N.Date: 1979- Student dissertations
Reporting on the New World : how do medical writings from New Spain in the sixteenth century indicate Spanish perceptions of indigenous knowledge and culture in the New World? / Suparna Banerjee.
Banerjee, Suparna.Date: 2002- Books
El Diario de Félix Platter, estudiante de medicina en Montpellier (1552-1557) / edición, traducción e introducción, Juan E. Tazón.
Date: [2003], ©2003- Books
Disease, diagnosis, and cure on the early modern stage / edited by Stephanie Moss and Kaara L. Peterson.
Date: [2004], ©2004- Books
Influencia indígena en la medicina hipocrática, en la Nueva España del siglo XVI / [Juan Comas].
Comas, Juan, 1900-1979.Date: 1954- Books
Notizie sulla vita e sulle opere di Marcello Donati da Mantova (1538-1602) : medico, umanista, uomo di stato / [Attilio Zanca].
Zanca, Attilio.Date: 1964- Books
Humanistas médicos en el Renacimiento vallisoletano / José Ignacio Blanco Pérez.
Blanco Pérez, José Ignacio.Date: 1999- Books
Basler Mediziner der Barockzeit / Heinrich Buess.
Buess, Heinrich, 1911-Date: 1959- Books
Il medico, l'arte, la scienza, la virtù : materiali per una ricerca bibliografica e iconografica su Paracelso nella Biblioteca casanatense / [redazione e cura del catalogo: Alfio Bangrazi, Filomena Petti].
Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
Medizin und Pharmazie am Hofe Herzog Albrechts von Preussen : (1490-1568) / von Thomas Anselmino.
Anselmino, Thomas.Date: [2003], ©2003- Books
Shifting perceptions : healing and "superstition" in Counter-Reformation Lombardy / Wietse de Boer.
Boer, Wietse de.Date: 1994- Books
"Seyfer refues" by Emmanuel fun Selnik : a Yiddish manuscript in the Erlangen Library / Hermann Süss.
Süss, Hermann.Date: 1982- Books
Reading the book of nature : the other side of the Scientific Revolution / Allen G. Debus and Michael T. Walton, editors.
Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Ambroise Paré : une vive mémoire / études réunies par Evelyne Berriot-Salvadore.
Date: 2012- Books
Primeros médicos de la ciudad de Santiago del Estero, siglo XVI / Vicente Oddo.
Oddo, Vicente, 1932-Date: 1981- Books
Der Zürcher Stadtarzt Dr. Christoph Clauser und seine Stellung zur Reformation der Heilkunde im XVI. Jahrhundert : nebst Faksimileausgabe seiner Harnschrift und seiner Kalender / von Dr. G.A. Wehrli.
Wehrli, G. A.Date: 1924- Books
La peste en la Barcelona de los Austrias / José Luis Betrán ; prólogo de Ricardo García Cárcel.
Betrán, José Luis.Date: 1996- Books
The French language in Renaissance medicine / Howard Stone.
Stone, Howard W.Date: [1953]- Books
The medical man and the witch towards the close of the sixteenth century / Gregory Zilboorg.
Zilboorg, Gregory, 1890-1959.Date: 1935- Books
Gu'en Büchlin : durch was mittel und ordnung ein yeder vor dem Gries oder Nierenstein mög gesichert werden oder so er solchen hette oder überkäme wie jm möge geholffen werden / Alhie fürgeschriben dem g'meinen zů nutz ; durch D. Georgium Pictorium ; mit angehenckter tafel zů end was disz Büchlin innhalte.
Pictorius, Georg, approximately 1500-1569.Date: 1925- Books
Juan Huarte au XXIe siècle : actes de colloque / textes réunis par Véronique Duché-Gavet ; préface Gabriel-André Pérouse.
Date: 2003- Books
The physician's books opened / Hugh Petrie.
Petrie, Hugh.Date: 1995