260 results filtered with: Medicine, Popular - Early works to 1800
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Here beginneth a good booke of medicines called, the treasure of pore men.
Date: 1575- Books
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At the angel and crown in Basing-lane, being the second turning in Bread-street, from Cheapside, on the left hand, lives John Pechey : of long standing in the Colledge of Physicians in London.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1700?]- Books
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Most dear and highly esteemed women, with truth and modesty, it may be averred, that I have cured many hundreds of your sex : and to prevent your languishing under several violent distempers: I do still continue the use of my most excellent art.
Draper, StephenDate: [1686]- Books
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By their Majesties special license and authority : From my house in Bridges-Street in Covent-Garden, over-against the play-house, or the Rose-Tavern, where the Kings-Armes hangs over the balconey. I Cornelius a Tilbourn, sworn chirurgeon to the late King Charles the second, and now priviledg'd by our our present Gracious Soveraign.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1689 and 1694]- Books
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Queen Elizabeths closset of physical secrets, with certain approved medicines taken out of a manuscript found at the dessolution of one of our English abbies : and supplied with the child-bearers cabinet, and preservative against the plague and small pox. Collected by the elaborate paines of four famons [sic] physitians, and presented to Queen Elizabeths own hands.
A. MDate: 1656- Books
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A true and succinct account of the venereal disease : shewing its nature, causes, various ways of infecting, the easiness of its cure, and the reasons why so many daily miss of cure; with some directions whereby the patients themselves may know when, and when not they are in safe and skilful hands for cure. Published for the use of all whom it may in any wise concern, but more especially for those that now have, or at any time may have the misfortune of that distemper. In order to prevent their being ruin'd by ignorant pretenders, whose fraudulent practices are plainly discover'd, their daily abuses detected, their fair promises prov'd fallacious, and their methods and medicines pernicious. The whole interspers'd with pertinent observations, by John Marten, practitioner in chyrurgery. To which is added, a few words concerning old gleets, which are generally procur'd by ill management, and by most deem'd incurable: the certain cure thereof by the grand stericton, a chymical preparation discover'd by the author, the like for safety and effect never before used in practice.
Marten, John, -1737Date: 1704- Books
Le medecin de soi-meme, ou l'art de se conserver la santé, par línstinct / [Jean Devaux]. [Anon].
Devaux, Jean, 1649-1729.Date: 1687- Books
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A short compendium of chirurgery : containing its grounds & principles : more particularly treating of imposthumes, wounds, ulcers, fractures & dislocations : also a discourse of the generation and birth of man, very necessary to be understood by all midwives and child-bearing women : with the several methods of curing the French pox, the cure of baldness, inflammation of the eyes, and toothach, and an account of blood-letting, cup-setting, and blooding with leeches / by J.S., M.D.
J. S. (John Shirley), M.DDate: 1678- Books
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The ladies delight: or, A rich closet of choice experiments & curiosities : containing the art of preserving & candying both fruits and flowers : together with The great cook; or, The art of dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish. / By Hannah Wooley. ; To which is added: The ladies physical closet: or, Excellent receipts, and rare waters for beautifying the face and body.
Woolley, Hannah, active 1670Date: 1672- Books
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Advertisement : J. Pechey physician that lodg'd at the angel and crown in King-street near Cheapside, is removed to the angel and crown in Basinglane, being the next turning beyond Watling-street in Bowlane from Cheapside, on the right hand, and the second turning in Bread-street from Chapside.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1685?]- Books
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Avis au peuple sur sa santé, ou, Traité des maladies les plus fréquentes / [S.A.D. Tissot].
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1763- Books
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David Perronet, surgeon, his universal dentifrice, or general remedies against all distempers afflicting the teeth and gums in old or young : which may be had at any time, with printed directions for the use of them, at my house in Buckeridge-street, between Dyot-street in Bloomsbury and St. Giles's-church, at the blue and white ball, the surgeons sign being likewise over my door.
Perronet, DavidDate: [1700?]- Books
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A choice manuall, or, Rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery : collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the vertue of Gascon powder, and lapis contra yarvam by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite waies of preserving, conserving, candying &c.
Kent, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of, 1581-1651Date: 1659- Books
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Nothing without God : Be it knowne unto all men that the professor hereof Salvator winter Moretto, a Neapolitane borne, having travelled through divers countries, aswell in Europe as in Asia and Africa, hath by the grace of God, learned divers secrets and arts to serve mankind therewith.
Winter, SalvatorDate: [1647?]- Books
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Treatise of the venereal disease : wherein its cause, nature, signs, dangerous effects; various ways of receiving, symptoms first discovering, and infallible method of preventing its infection; together with the best, most cheap, safe, speedy, easy, and private methods of cure, are set forth. The complication of the venereal disease, with the scurvy, itch, king's-evil, rheumatism, &c. is here particularly treated of. How mercury cures this disease; and by what method and medicines persons injur'd by mercury, may be reliev'd, is here discover'd. As also the cause and cure of old gleets in men, and the whites in women. / Authore J. Spinkle.
Spinke, JohnDate: 1710- Books
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The grand balsamic: or, The health-procuring and preserving pill.
Date: [between 1690 and 1699?]- Books
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Knowing the great abuses many have met with, languishing under this allamode disease, and for want of cure have been totally ruined : I have made it my business in my studies and practice, to find out a means more effectual than the common ways, which by God's assistance, with my endeavours, I have attained to a most expeditious, safe, and easie method, by which I infallibly cure the venereal pox or clap.
Date: [1685?]- Books
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By his Majesties authority : Salvator Winter, an Italian of the city of Naples, aged 98-years, yet by the blessing of God, finds himself in health, and as strong as any one of fifty, as to the sensitive part.
Winter, SalvatorDate: [1665]- Books
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J. Case, who succeeds in the room of Mr. Tho. Saffeld lately deceased, and who is an approved and licensed physician and student in astrology : now lives at the Black Ball and Lilly's Head, next door to the Feather-shops, that are within Black-Friers Gate-way, which is over against Ludgate Church, just by Ludgate in London, who resolves these questions followwing, viz. Whether any ones life may be happy or unhappy.
Date: [1690?]- Books
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Here begynneth a good boke of medycynes: called the treasure of poore men.
Date: [M.D.XXXiX.] [1539]- Books
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Hic est quem legis, ille quem requiris, tota notus in Urbe. By his Majesty's special license and authority : At my house, at the sign of the King's-arms in Bridges-street in Covent-Garden, at the corner of White-Hart-Yard, exactly over-against Exeter-street-end, at the two white twisted-posts, liveth Cornelius ʼa Tilburg, sworn chirurgeon to the late King Charles the II.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1695and 1700]- Books
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Delights for ladies : to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters.
Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1608?Date: 1635- Books
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A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen. Or, The art of preserving, conserving, and candying : With the manner how to make diverse kindes of syrupes: and all kinde of banquetting stuffes. Also divers soveraigne medicines and salues for sundry diseases.
Date: 1614- Books
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At the Blue-Ball, the upper-end of Cow-Lane, near the sheep-pens in west-Smithfield, are to be sold the following medicaments, viz.
Date: [1685?]- Books
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The countrymans friend, and no circumventing mountebanck : But a rare method of chyrurgery and physick, teaching the country people excellent cures, the likewas [sic] never laid open in any age before. Besides here are four arts, three, of them concerning horses, and the fourth an art to keep a field of corn from any manner of fowles, that devour grain, this art is only by anointing a few crow feathers, for neither pidgeon, sparrow, rook nor crow will endure the field where they stick. By Abraham Miles.
Miles, AbrahamDate: 1662