334 results filtered with: Medicine, Popular
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The penny lancet.
Date: 1832- Books
La médecine populaire / par Paul Hermant et Denis Boomans ; préface de Albert Marinus.
Hermant, P. (Paul)Date: 1929- Books
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Fermented liquors : a treatise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manufacturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors, including cider and vinegar. Also, hundreds of valuable directions in medicine, metallurgy, pyrotechny, and the arts in general / by Lewis Feuchtwanger.
Feuchtwanger, Lewis, 1805-1876.Date: 1858- Books
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Recueil des remedes faciles et domestiques, choisis, experimentez, & tres aprouvez pour toutes sortes de maladies, internes & externes, inveterées & difficiles à guerir. / Recueillis par les ordres charitables de l'illustre Mad. Fouquet, pour soulager les pauvres malades.
Fouquet, Marie de Maupeou, vicomtesse de Vaux, 1590-1681.Date: M. DCCIV. [1704]- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual remedies, and the plainest directions for preparing them readily / Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all the notes in the two former English editions, and a few additional ones by J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1768- Books
Die neue Heilwissenschaft : oder die Lehre von der Einheit aller Krankheiten und deren darauf begründete einheitliche, arzneilose und operationslose Heilung : ein Lehrbuch und Ratgeber für Gesunde und Kranke / von Louis Kuhne.
Kuhne, LouisDate: 1896- Books
Bastiement de receptes, nouuellement traduict de Italien en langue Francoyse, contenant troys petites parties de receptaires. : La premiere, traicte de diuerses vert[us] & proprietez des choses. La seco[n]de est de diuerses sortes dodeurs & compositions dicelles, La tierce comprend aulcuns secretz medicinaulx propres: a conseruer la sante, Oultre la precedente impression on este adioustez aulcu[n]s secretz pour les maladies des fe[m]mes, tant en trauail denfant que aultrement.
Date: Imprime nouuellement en lan 1552- Books
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The family physician; or, Domestic medical friend : containing plain and practical instructions for the prevention and cure of diseases, according to the newest improvements and discoveries; with a series of chapters on collateral subjects; comprising every thing relative to the theory and principles of the medical art, necessary to be known by the private practitioner; the whole adapted to the use of those heads of families who have not had a classical or medical education / by Alexander Thomson, M.D.
Thomson, Alexander, M.D.Date: 1801- Books
The body in question / Jonathan Miller.
Miller, Jonathan, 1934-2019.Date: 1978- Books
The queen-like closet: or, rich cabinet, stored with all manner of rare receipts for preserving, candying and cookery. Very pleasant and beneficial to all ingenious persons of the female sex. To which is added a supplement. Presented to all ingenious ladies and gentlewomen / By Hannah Woolley.
Woolley, Hannah, active 1670.Date: 1684- Books
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The family dictionary, or, Houshold [sic] companion : wherein are alphabetically laid down exact rules and choice physical receipts for the preservation of health ... directions for making oils, ointments, salves, ... chymical preparations, physical-wines, ales and other liquors and descriptions of the virtues of herbs, fruits, flowers ... and parts of living creatures used in medicinal potions, ... likewise directions for cookery, ... also the way of making all sorts of perfumes ... together with the art of making all sorts of English wines, ... the mystery of pickling and keeping all sorts of pickles ... : to which is added as an appendix the explanation of physical terms, bills of fare ... : with the art of carving and many other useful matters / by J.H.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713Date: 1695- Books
Personal health : a doctor book for discriminating people / by William Brady.
Brady, William, 1880-Date: [1916], ©1916- Books
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Autology (study thyself) and autopathy (cure thyself) / E.R. Moras.
Moras, E. R. (Edmond Raymond), 1865-Date: 1908, ©1905- Books
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The Queens closet opened : incomparable secrets in physick, chyrurgery, preserving, and candying &c. which were presented unto the queen / by the most experienced persons of the times, many whereof were had in esteem when she pleased to descend to private recreations.
Date: 1659- Books
The Harvard Medical School health letter book / edited by G. Timothy Johnson, Stephen E. Goldfinger.
Date: 1981- Books
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A guide to health, or, advice to both sexes in nervous and consumptive complaints : with an essay on the scurvy, leprosy, and scrofula; also on a certain disease, seminal weakness, and a destructive habit of a private nature, to which is added, an address to parents, tutors & guardians of youth, with observations on the use and abuse of cold bathing / by S. Solomon.
Solomon, Samuel, -approximately 1818.Date: 1801- Books
Opera nuova intitolata Dificio de ricette, nella quale si contengono tre utilissimi Ricettari. Nel primo si tratta di molte et diverse virtu. Nel secondo se insegna a comporre varie sorti de soavi et utili odori. Nel terzo ... si tratta di alcuni rimedi secreti medicinali.
Date: 1529- Books
Blood, the paramount humour / [Earle Hackett].
Hackett, Earle, 1921-Date: 1973- Books
Sailor's physician; containing medical advice, for seamen and other persons at sea, on the treatment of diseases, and on the preservation of health in sickly climates / [Usher Parsons].
Parsons, Usher, 1788-1868.Date: 1824- Books
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Handy book of medical information and advice : containing a brief account of the nature and treatment of common diseases, also, hints to be followed in emergencies : with suggestions as to the management of the sick-room, and the preservation of health : and an appendix, in which will be found a list of the medicines referred to in the work, with their proper doses and modes of administration / by a physician.
Begbie, James Warburton, 1826-1876.Date: [1859]- Books
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The family oracle of health, economy, medicine, and good living adapted to all ranks of society, from the palace to the cottage / By F. Crell ... and W. M. Wallace, Esq., assisted by a Committee of scientific gentlemen.
Crell, A. F.Date: 1824-1827- Books
Cooking recipes you will like.
Date: 1938- Books
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Domestic medicine; or, the family physician; being an attempt to render the medical art more generally useful, by shewing people what is in their own power both with respect to the prevention and cure of diseases. Chiefly calculated to recommend a proper attention to regimen and simple medicines / [William Buchan].
Buchan, William, 1729-1805.Date: 1769- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual remedies, and the plainest directions for preparing them readily / Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c., printed at Lyons; with all the notes in the former English editions, and a few additional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1771- Books
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The book to cure you (safely and effectually); or, the receipt book of efficacious medicines for the cure of external and internal diseases / re-arranged, corrected, and improved... by H. S. Lincon Hows.
Chase, Alvin Wood, active 1880.Date: [1880?]