135 results filtered with: Hunting
- Books
Le vinti giornate dell'agricoltura, et de' piaceri della villa / Di M. Agostino Gallo.
Gallo, Agostino, 1499-1570.Date: 1628- Ephemera
- Online
Urgent request to supporters of UFAW : cruel poisons ... the Deer (England and Wales ) bill ... / UFAW.
Date: 1963- Pictures
Double images: hunting scene, western allegorical female muse figure. Ink drawing.
Reference: 28069i- Books
Le vinti giornate dell'agricoltura, et de' piaceri della villa / Di M. Agostino Gallo.
Gallo, Agostino, 1499-1570.Date: 1628- Books
- Online
The wild sports of Southern Africa; being the narrative of an expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn / By Captain William Cornwallis Harris.
Harris, William Cornwallis, Sir, 1807-1848.Date: 1839- Books
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Sketches of the wild sports & natural history of the Highlands / [Charles William George St. John].
St. John, Charles, 1809-1856.Date: 1878- Books
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Tristia : histoire des miseres et des fléaux de la chasse de France.
Toussenel, A. (Alphonse), 1803-1885.Date: 1863- Books
Bibliothèque Marcel Jeanson / par le ministère de Me M.-Th. Escaut-Marquet, Huissier à Monaco ; Sotheby's Monaco.
Sotheby's Monaco S.A.Date: [1987]- Pictures
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Hunting: nets for catching ground birds. Engraving, c.1762.
Reference: 493418i- Books
Delle caccie ... libro quattro, aggiuntovi 'n questa nuova impressione il quinto libro della villa / [Eugenio Raimondi].
Raimondi, Eugenio, active 17th century.Date: [1626]- Pictures
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A huntsman sitting on a tree is about to shoot a lynx that has pounced upon a wild boar. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.
Ridinger, Johann Elias, 1698-1767.Date: 1745Reference: 39304i- Books
- Online
The gentleman's recreation : in four parts, viz. hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing ; wherein those ... exercises are largely treated of, and the terms of art for hunting and hawking more amply enlarged ... Also the method of breeding and managing a hunting-horse: unto which is now annex'd an appendix of choice [with] receipts for the cure of several maladies. Whereto is added [an abridgment of Manwood's Forest laws, and of all the acts ... made since; which relate to hunting, etc.] A perfect abstract of all the forest-laws, and of every particular act of Parliament since Magna charta ... to which is prefix'd a large sculpture, giving easy directions for blowing the horn and other sculptures proper to each recreation, / [Nicholas Cox].
Cox, Nicholas, active 1673-1721.Date: 1721- Pictures
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Two dwarfs with hunting gear; representing the easy life of game hunting. Coloured etching by M. Engelbrecht, after 1715.
Date: 1715Reference: 26494i- Pictures
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Isaac fooled into blessing Jacob with Rebekah present, while Esau hunts venison. Woodcut attributed to C. van Sichem the elder.
Sichem, Christoffel van, approximately 1546-1624.Reference: 17193i- Ephemera
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Ask for Spratt's Patent meat fibrine vegetable dog cakes with beetroot.
Spratt's Patent Ltd.Date: [between 1900 and 1909?]- Pictures
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A hunter, with a gun under his arm, carrying a goose by the neck. Coloured lithograph.
Reference: 36022i- Books
The trapper's guide : a manual of instructions for capturing all kinds of fur-bearing animals, and curing their skins ; with observations on the fur-trade, hints on life in the woods, and narratives of trapping and hunting excursions / by S. Newhouse, and other trappers and sportsmen.
Newhouse, S. (Sewell)Date: 1869- Pictures
Two Pygmy men, wearing penis gourds and carrying large bags and bows and arrows.
Date: [approximately 1900]Reference: 535627iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Pictures
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A man stirring his broth contemplates his injured head which he holds with his hand. Mezzotint by A. Huffam, 1826, after M.W. Sharp.
Sharp, Michael William, -1840.Date: 31 August 1826Reference: 16972i- Books
Libro de la montéria que mando escrevir el mvy alto y mvy poderoso Rey Don Alonso de Castilla, y de Leon, vltimo deste nombre / Acrecentado por Gonçalo Argote de Molina. Dirigido a la s.c.r.m. del rey Don Philipe Sequndo. Nuestro señor.
Argote de Molina, Gonzalo, 1549-1596.Date: Año 1582- Books
- Online
Les délices de la campagne, ou les ruses de la chasse et de la pesche. Où l'on voit comment on prend toutes sortes d'oiseaux & de bêtes à quatre pieds. Avec les plus beaux secrets de la pêche, et la manière de faire les rets & les filets ... / [Anon].
Fortin, François, -1661.Date: 1700- Pictures
- Online
Singapore: a western hunter and native Malays with a background view of the Roman Catholic Mission Church at Bukit Timah. Photograph by J. Taylor, 1880.
Taylor, J. E. (John Edmund), active 1860-1885.Date: 1880Reference: 32685iPart of: Sketches in the Malay archipelago. Album of watercolours and photographs made and collected by J.E. Taylor.- Pictures
- Online
Birds attacking an owl resting upon a staff held by a naked woman; representing patience. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
Murer, Christoph, 1558-1614.Date: 1622Reference: 26699iPart of: XL Emblemata miscella nova- Books
- Online
Maison rustique, or, the countrey farme / compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault ... and translated into English by Richard Surflet ... Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French, Albyterio [i.e. the 'Libro de albeyteria' of F. de la Reyna] in Spanish, Grilli [i.e. Gallo?] in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandry of France, Italie, and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham.
Estienne, Charles, 1504-approximately 1564.Date: 1616- Pictures
Dr Franck's "Grains de santé" for the digestion: their role in ensuring "freedom of the belly", compared with other freedoms (of speech, of hunting, of marriage, and of labour). Colour lithograph.
Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]Reference: 537104i