410 results filtered with: Ear Diseases
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Diseases of the ear / by George P. Field.
Field, George P.Date: 1882- Books
Office treatment of the nose, throat & ear / Abraham R. Hollender.
Hollender, Abraham R. (Abraham Risel), 1892-Date: 1943- Books
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On the pathology and treatment of suppurative diseases of the ear / by George P. Field.
Field, George P. (George Purdey), 1845-Date: 1893- Books
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The ear : its anatomy, physiology, and diseases : a practical treatise for the use of medical students and practitioners / by Charles H. Burnett.
Burnett Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1842-1902.Date: 1877- Books
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Die Erkenntniss und Heilung der Ohrenkrankheiten / von Wilhelm Kramer.
Kramer Wilhelm, 1801-1876.Date: 1836- Books
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A text-book of the diseases of the ear for students and practitioners / by Adam Politzer ; tr. at the personal request of the author and ed. by Milton J. Ballin and Clarence L. Heller.
Politzer, Adam, 1835-1920.Date: 1903- Books
Practical otology, rhinology and laryngology / by Adam Edward Schlanser.
Schlanser, Adam E. (Adam Edward), 1880-1964.Date: 1938- Books
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Diseases of the ear / A. Marmaduke Sheild.
Sheild, A. Marmaduke (Arthur Marmaduke)Date: 1895- Books
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The mechanism of the ossicles of the ear and the mebrana tympani / by H. Helmholtz ; translated from the German, with the author's permission, Albert H. Buck and Normand Smith.
Date: 1873- Books
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Traité pratique des maladies de l’oreille, ou, Leçons cliniques sur les affections de cet organe / par C. Miot.
Date: 1871- Books
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A treatise on the physiology and diseases of the ear : containing a comparative view of its structure and functions and of its various diseases arranged according to the anatomy of the organ, or as they affect the external, the intermediate, and the internal ear / by John Harrison Curtis.
Curtis, John Harrison, 1778-approximately 1860.Date: 1819- Books
A manual of diseases of the ear, for the use of students and practitioners of medicine.
Buck, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1842-1922.Date: 1889- Books
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Lectures on diseases and injuries of the ear : delivered at St. George's Hospital / by W.B. Dalby.
Dalby, William B. (William Bartlett), Sir, 1840-1918.Date: 1885- Books
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Ohrenkrankheiten und Ohrenärzte in England und Deutschland : ein Nachtrag zur Ohrenheilkunde der Gegenwart / von W. Kramer.
Date: 1865- Books
Diseases of the nose, throat and ear, medical and surgical / by William Lincoln Ballenger ; revised by Howard Charles Ballenger.
Ballenger, William Lincoln, 1861-1915.Date: 1930- Books
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Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde für Ärzte und Studierende : in 32 Vortragen / von Friedrich Bezold.
Bezold, Friedrich, 1842-1908.Date: 1906- Books
Die anatomische und histologische Zergliederung des menschlichen Gehorörgans im normalen und kranken Zustande : für Anatomen, Ohrenärzte und Studirende / von Adam Politzer.
Politzer, Adam, 1835-1920.Date: 1889- Books
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A manual of diseases of the ear, for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Albert H. Buck.
Buck, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1842-1922.Date: 1889- Books
Lectures on otorrhœa and its complications : delivered at the London Throat Hospital, in connection with the London Post-Graduate course / by W.R.H. Stewart.
Stewart, W. R. H. (William Robert Henry), 1852-1906.Date: 1891- Books
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The ear : its diseases and injuries and their treatment / By C. E. Shoemaker.
Shoemaker, C. E.Date: 1879- Books
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Illustrations of acoustic surgery / By Thomas Buchanan.
Buchanan, Thomas, 1782-1853.Date: 1825- Books
Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde : mit Einschluss der Anatomie des Ohres / von Dr. von Tröltsch.
Tröltsch, Anton Friedrich, Freiherr von, 1829-1890.Date: 1873- Books
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A text-book of the diseases of the ear / by Josef Gruber ; translated from the second German edition by special permission of the author, and edited by Edward Law and by Coleman Jewell.
Date: 1890- Books
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The diseases of the ear : their nature, diagnosis, and treatment / by Joseph Toynbee.
Toynbee, Joseph, 1815-1866.Date: 1860- Books
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Traité pratique des maladies de l'oreille.
Triquet, E. H. (Eugène Hippolyte), 1822-1867.Date: 1857